Spent the last few days sorting out boxes with my roommate in the back of a closet we share. This stuff was jammed into one of them; we have no idea how it got there. Got a vague idea what most of it is, but I've been unable to ID that patch. Can anyone help?
Appears to be all German WW2 items...not sure about the patch(it's in english...so...?) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afrika_Korps EDIT> Here it is...the patch> http://www.geocities.com/pentagon/bunker/7316/greenlizard.html http://www.geocities.com/pentagon/bunker/7316/nielsen.jpg
I know that's not what it means but I keep wanting to read the first item as "Border Troops of Dance Dance Revolution"
DDR is short for Deutsche Democratische Republic, the official name of East Germany before the Berlin Wall went bye-bye.
According to this site: The German Afrikakorps item is a cuff title. Once the soldier was out of Africa they wore a different title that just said "AFRIKA" on it. The "AFRIKA" one was awarded to veterans of North Africa, replacing the one you have. That is probably why it is not on a tunic. It could be worth quite a bit on ebay.