Yeah, another one.

Discussion in 'Transformers Fan Fiction' started by peteynorth, Oct 17, 2005.

  1. peteynorth

    peteynorth TFW2005 Supporter

    Jul 2, 2002
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    Seems that everyone, well everyone other than the guys being paid to do it, is writing a script for the live action movie. I didn't want to, but I started dicking around at work again, and I've got it started. Doubt I'll finish it, script format is a pain in the ass. But it opens things up and makes it fairly clear where the story is going. So, without further ado...

    Written by Roy Harris​

    FADE IN:


    Small Oregon town with smoking volcano a few miles behind it. Various news and emergency helicoptors are flying around the town. Dozens of cars and trucks are in gridlock traffic trying to get out of the town.



    ZOOM TO: An empty lot where three TWELVE-YEAR OLD BOYS are beating up an overweight classmate, CHIP CHASE. Their dirt bikes are on the ground a few feet away.

    CUT: Twelve-year old SPIKE WITWICKY speeds toward them on his dirt bike and hits the brakes, screeching to a halt. Without stopping, Spike lets his bike fall and marches toward the closest BULLY, who has turned to face Spike.

    "What are you going to do, Witwi..."

    Spike shoves him without slowing down. The boy stumbles back, loses his balance and falls to the ground. Spike continues toward MITCH, the largest boy and apparent leader of the group.

    "Back off, Mitch!"

    "Up yours, Spike. What are you going to do, bruise my knuckles up with your face again?"

    "What can I say, I'm persistent, just like your mom's herpes."

    (Taken aback for a moment, but then cruely smiles)​
    "At least I didn't kill my mom. Yours took one look at your ugly ass and dropped dead."

    Spike clocks Mitch in the jaw and then charges him, tackling him to the ground. The two wrestle on the ground for awhile as the other boys cheer. Chip climbs to his feet and encourages Spike. Mitch manages to roll over so that he's on top of Spike, but before he can take advantage of the new position, the hand of a POLICE OFFICER reaches down, grabs the back of his colar, and pulls the boys apart.

    "Enough. I said enough you two!"

    After calming the boys down, the officer crouches down so that he's roughly eye level with the two boys.

    "Are you guys crazy? You should be evacuating, not picking fights with your friends!"

    Spike jerks his arm free of the officer's grasp.

    "These buttholes aren't my friends."

    "Yeah, the fat-ass is his only friend. The rest of us hate these fags."

    "That's enough. Now get home to your families and clear out of town. They're saying Hillary's ready to burst any time now."

    O.S. a traffic accident occurs.


    The officer looks up and starts heading O.S. toward the accident.

    "Get home boys!"

    The boys watch the officer running away and Mitch turns toward Spike.

    "You got lucky, Witwicky. Next time it'll take more than a cop and a fake volcano to save your ass."

    "Actually, there's a very good chance that Mt. Saint Hillary is going to erupt. The techtonic..."

    "Shut up, Spaz!"

    "No, wait. I've got an idea. I'll make you dorks a deal. Witwicky, you take that piece of crap Huffy up to Look-out Point, and I'll never bother Chase again."

    "Yeah right. Spike charging up an erupting volcano just so that I don't have to deal with your girl punches? Take a hike Mitch."

    Spike remains staring at Mitch, seemingly oblivious to Chip's words.

    "I just ride up to Look-out Point, and you'll never touch Chip again?"

    "Spike, you can't be taking this seriously!"

    "You have my word."

    "Spike, you're not going!"

    "How are we going to know he's actually up there?"

    Mitch smiles and walks over to his bike, where a backpack is resting on it. He opens the backpack and pulls out a pair of binoculars.

    "I bought these to check out Mrs. McCormmack's bedroom, but I think they'll work for this situation just as well."

    Spike walks back, picks up his bike and mounts it.

    "Just look to the point in forty-five minutes, Bitch."

    CUT to Spike getting ready to take off, but Chip grabs his handle bars.

    "You're not going up there, Spike!"

    "Get off Chip. I'll be there and back in an hour and a half."

    "I'm not letting you ride up an erupting volcano!"

    (rolls his eyes)​
    "It's not erupting, that thing has been smoking for weeks."

    With that Spike pulls away and starts pedaling away from Chip, who is futilely chasing behind him.

    ZOOM OUT from the boys to slowly reveal the town and mountain in the distance.

    (trailing off)​
    "That's what they said about Pompei!"
  2. peteynorth

    peteynorth TFW2005 Supporter

    Jul 2, 2002
    Trophy Points:

    Spike is pedaling up the hill over a dirt road. He is winded, but does not appear to be that tired.

    CUT TO view through the trees overlooking the town.

    CUT TO view of Spike's determined and sweat-streaked face as he pedals up the hill, his heavy breathing heard over the light rumbling of the mountain.

    CUT TO view of Spike rounding a corner and jumping off of his bike, letting it drop to the dirt road. A smile comes over his face.

    CUT TO view from over and behind Spike as he trots a couple dozen feet to a large wooden deck overlooking the entire valley.

    CUT TO front view of Spike walking onto the deck and to the very edge of it, the smoking summit of the mountain clearly displayed behind him. He smiles down at the town below, extends both arms, and flicks off presumably Mitch. At that moment the peak of the mountain explodes.

    CUT TO view from behind Spike's head as he turns to look over his right shoulder and up the mountain. He watches as...

    CUT TO a massive boulder tumbles down the mountain several hundred feet to Spike's right, the impact with each fall sending rock, trees and earth flying everywhere.

    CUT TO Spike's head turning slowly to follow the progress as the boulder hits a mid-sized outcropping of stone and bounces high into the air, coming down with awesome force onto a larger outcropping of rock. The impact shatters both the boulder and the outcropping, revealing the rear edge of a large, golden structure.

    CUT TO view of Spike's front, and an oncoming rock slide on its way toward him. The boy snaps his gaze away from the revealed structure and turns toward the rush of rock and earth coming at the deck he's standing on. He jumps to the far right side of the structure just as the landside impacts the other side, tearing it apart.

    CUT TO Spike clinging to the hand rail, the last remaining piece of the deck, his feet dangling and trying to step onto anything on the post holding the remnants of the deck up.

    CUT TO pick up truck speeding up the dirt road through the forest, and screeching to a halt right before Spike's bike.


    The door of the truck is flung open, and SPARKPLUG WITWICKY bounds out of it.


    CUT TO Spike looking up at the sound of his father's voice as he desperately clutches the hand rail.


    CUT TO Sparkplug charging over the rocks and dirt toward his son.

    "Hold tight, Spike, I'm coming!"

    CUT TO front view of Sparkplug reaching the handrail. He grips it tightly and begins climbing it out over the drop-off to his son at the end of the handrail.

    "Just hold on, son."

    "Dad, I'm sorry."

    Sparkplug extends his arm out, and Spike releases his left handed grip on the rail to reach for his father. They grip each other's hands, but the post beneath Spike starts to give out.

    CUT TO view of post snapping and remnants of deck twisting to the left. Sparkplug releases his grip of the rail and reaches up for a branch he's falling toward. He grips it and the two swing and hit the rocky side fairly hard, but they both maintain their grip of each other, and Sparkplug is still holding onto the branch.

    CUT TO shot of Sparkplug and Spike hanging from a branch against a rock face.

    "Spike, I need you to climb up this branch. Can you do it?"

    "I'm not letting you go, Dad."

    (chuckling over his grunts)​
    "I don't plan on letting go once you're up there, son. But I can't do anything until you're on solid ground. As soon as you're clear, I'll follow you up."

    CUT TO view over the pair as Spike nods and starts twisting and kicking against the rocks to climb up, over his dad, and then gripping the branch. He climbs that up to a ledge, and Sparkplug quickly follows him up.

    CUT TO shot of the pair emerging over the ledge and clumsily getting to their feet and running to the truck.

    CUT TO Sparkplug and Spike getting into the still-running truck. Sparkplug throws it into reverse, looks back as he directs the truck and manuevers it so that it's facing downward on the dirt road, and then throws it into drive and intently speeds down the mountain.

    "What in the hell could have possessed you to do something so stupid, Spike?"

    "I did it to get Mitch Hamen off Chip's back."

    "Yeah, Chip told me everything. You're too smart to be doing something this dumb!"

    The truck hits a bump as more rock slides can be seen through the windows behind them.

    "If we make it out of here alive, I'm going to teach you a few things I learned in the Special Forces. I want you to use them on Mitch. Then you're to come right home so I can use the rest of what I know on you."

    Sparkplug looks to his son and smiles, trying to let the boy know that everything is OK.

    CUT TO the truck coming out of the woods and turning onto a paved road.

  3. peteynorth

    peteynorth TFW2005 Supporter

    Jul 2, 2002
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    View of same town, a couple of weeks later. Cars and trucks are slowly making their way back into the ash-coated town. In the background the mountain has been ravaged by the effects of the volcano. The once lush forests surrounding Mt. Saint Hillary are almost all gone and burned away, but aside from the layers of volcanic ash, the town seems to have been left untouched.



    The sounds of a key twisting the bolt and then the knob turning preface the entrance of Spike and Sparkplug into their house. They walk into the dark room and Sparkplug switches on the light. Sparkplug is carrying a bag and appears tired, and Spike appears frustrated.

    "Looks like the electricity works."

    "We're not changing the subject, Dad."

    CUT TO Sparkplug dropping the bag in front of his chair, and then slumps into it exhausted.

    "Look Spike, I'm not going through this again. I'm not calling you a liar, but there's no way you could have seen what you think you saw. You had millions of tons of rock dropping all around you, the ground beneath you was shaking like crazy, and the ash was obscuring vision to the point where you couldn't see a hundred feet ahead of you."

    "Dad, the ash wasn't obscuring anything; you were there."

    "Yeah, I was there! I was scared out of my mind, and were I not focusing on you I'm sure my mind would have played all sorts of tricks on me."

    CLOSE UP of Sparkplug as he rubs his face, looks to his son with a hint of annoyance on his face, and then looks down.

    CUT TO view of Sparkplug reaching into the bag he brought in. He pulls out a newspaper and tosses it onto a coffee table.

    CLOSE UP of the newspaper, the front page prominently displaying a picture of Spike displaying the bird with either hand as the top of the mountain is exploding behind him.

    "And it's obvious that your mind wasn't quite where it should have been that day."

    CUT TO Spike looking down and then away in disgust.

    "Jeez Dad, are you going to pull that out everytime you want me to shut up?"

    "Don't be a smart-ass, boy. You made us both look like jerks that day, so don't you dare make light of this!"

    (looks down, genuinely sorry for what happened)​
    "I'm sorry Dad."

    CUT TO Spike sitting down on a sofa running against the wall, perpendicular to Sparkplug's chair.

    "I know I used poor judgement that day."

    "You didn't use any judgement that day."

    "I know. Believe me I know. But I promise you that I saw what I saw."

    (shakes his head, exasperated)​
    "El Dorado? A lost city of gold buried in our mountain? That's crazy Spike."

    (excitedly leaning forward)​
    "No, it was called Manoa, El Dorado was the king that ruled over it, and just open you mind to the possibility, Dad. A golden temple built into Hillary thousands of years ago could have given rise to this, and other golden city legends of the New World."

    (shakes his head, exasperated)​
    "Spike, you're talking about legends from an area thousands of miles to the south of here. And don't tell me that Incan fishermen got blown off course and not only landed on the Oregon coast, but managed to get back home to tell the tale."

    "Go ahead and laugh at the idea, Dad, but remember the idea of Vikings beating Columbus to this continent by five centuries was pretty funny for awhile too."

    (still exasperated)​
    "Enough of this. I've indulged this nonsense for too long. The answer's not going to change Spike, you're not going back up that mountain, and you're sure as hell not taking my jackhammer! Now leave me alone."

    CUT TO wide view of room. Spike gets out of his chair angrily and marches out of the room. Sparkplug slumps back into his chair and wearily looks over to a picture of a smiling woman that's resting on a table next to the couch.

    (to the picture)​

    "He gets these wild ideas from you."


    Spike and Chip are parking their bikes on what is left of the trail. An old 'Radio Flier' wagon is tied to the back of Spike's dirt bike, and in the wagon is his father's jackhammer. The mountainside is charred and desolate as Spike lifts the jackhammer out of the wagon and the boys start out over the mountain.

    "Of all the bad ideas you've had, this is the worst. I'm sure they'll call home, I mean, this is our first day back at school."

    "Just shut up Chip."

    CUT TO Sparkplug walking out the front door of his house and heading toward his truck. He pauses as he reaches for the door and looks to the front of the detached garage.

    "He wouldn't dare."

    Sparkplug groans and starts toward the garage.

    CUT TO view from inside of garage as light pours in when Sparkplug pulls the door open. Sparkplug looks to one side and immediately gets angry.

    "Son of a bitch!"

    CUT TO mountainside with Spike and Chip. Spike has goggles on and is lining up the jackhammer against the ground in the same general area where he had seen the portion of the golden structure. Chip is a few dozen yards away.

    ZOOM IN on Spike as he gets ready to start hammering.

    (calling out loudly from a distance)​
    "There's no way this is safe."

    "Shut up."

    Spike starts hammering, and smiles as the bit cuts through the rock below him with relative ease. But several seconds later he hears a loud rumbling that forces him to look up.

    CUT TO large rock several hundred feet above Spike on the mountain becoming dislodged and starting to roll his way.

    CUT TO Spike nervously looking up at this.

    "Oh shit."

    WIDE OUT as Spike drops the jackhammer and starts scrambling back toward the bikes. Spike trips and looks up.

    CUT TO view of boulder rolling down toward Spike at an increasing rate. The boulder hits a large bump and bounces into the air. Shot follows the boulder as it continues upward, reaches the summit of the bounce, and starts downward directly over Spike. The boulder plummets downward.

    CUT TO a terrified Spike peering up.

    CUT TO same view of boulder plummeting, but a pair of black hands attached to white forearms reaches out and stops the boulder before it crushes the boy.

    CUT TO close up of Spike's face, eyes still fixed on the bounder hovering just ten feet over him. Slowly his gaze shifts toward his saviour.

    CUT TO view of arms, and view then runs toward the body, eventually fixing on JAZZ in his original, 1984 Porsche incarnation. Jazz gives the boy a nervous grin.

    "What's shakin'?"

    CUT TO close up of Chip's face, staring in disbelief.

    "No way."

    Sparkplug's truck speeds and grinds to a halt several hundred yards behind the shot of Chip's head.

    CUT TO Chip turning around and looking up to view Sparkplug, the hovering boulder is seen behind him, obscuring the view of Spike and Jazz from Sparkplug. He only stares silently.

    "Chip, where in the hell is Spike?"

    Chip slowly turns back toward the boulder, which is slowly lifted away to reveal Spike, and then Jazz.

    "Uh, hey Dad."

    CLOSE UP Sparkplug's face as it attempts to register what he's seeing.

  4. peteynorth

    peteynorth TFW2005 Supporter

    Jul 2, 2002
    Trophy Points:
    FADE IN:


    The outdoor loading area of The Chase Petro-Chemicals Inc. (signs prominently displayed) headquarters is abuzz with activity. Over a dozen trucks are being loaded or unloaded, most with pallets of 55 gallon drums.

    WRITTEN: 2007

    CUT TO a black sedan driving into the loading area.

    CUT TO car parking and out steps CARLY DANIELS, an attractive woman in a business suit. She's carrying a file and marching toward the MANAGER, a middle-aged man that seems to be calling the shots.

    (calling out to loaders)​
    "What the hell's takin' so long, ladies?"

    "Excuse me, may I speak with you?"

    (mildly, and pleasantly surprised)​
    "Sure thing Honey."

    CLOSE UP of Carly and Manager

    "I'm looking for an Irving Witwicky."

    "Oh, you mean Spike. He's loading up over there."

    The Manager points away, and Carly smiles at him as she heads in that direction.

    CUT TO thirty-five year old Spike Witwicky as he watching pallets being loaded int the back of a gray trailer. Carly approaches him from behind.

    "Irving Witwicky?"

    Spike turns and faces her.

    "Please call me Spike."

    "Aren't you a little old for such a nickname?"

    "I'd have dropped it long ago if I had any name other than Irving. What can I do for you?"

    CLOSE UP of Carly and Spike shaking hands.

    "Carly Daniels, Securities and Exchange Commission."

    (nervous, but trying to act amused)​
    "What, is there a problem with my 401K?"

    Carly opens up the file she's been carrying.

    "No Mr. Witwicky, I've no interest in you, I'm here to discuss you boss, and according to my records, best friend."

    Carly hands Spike a series of photographs.

    "And being that the two of you are so close, you should be able to tell me a little about these photos."

    CLOSE UP of pictures. The first one show's CHIP in his late teens or early twenties stepping out of a racing-modified yellow Lamborghini Countach in front of Caesar's Palace in Vegas. Spike flips to the next photo, this time of Chip stepping out of a white Lancia Stratos Turbo. Another flip displays a Chip exiting a red Lamborghini Countach.

    CUT TO Spike handing the stack of photos back to Carly.

    "What's to tell, the guy likes hot cars."

    "Still? According to reports it was a hot car that took the use of his legs. A Ferrari F50 if I remember correctly."

    CUT TO Spike shaking his head and walking toward the cab of the truck, a COE dual axle truck (the alt mode for the original 1984 Optimus Prime toy).

    "He drove that car like it of his others. Anyway, that was a tragic mistake, and I no longer wish to talk about Chip behind his back."

    (following after him)​
    "Sorry to dredge up painful memories, but I'm really interested in discussing his unrivalled successes at the casinos in the early and mid nineties, and then his amazing on-line stock picks from then until now."

    Spike opens the door and climbs into the rig.

    "Look Ms. Daniels, you're really going to have to ask Chip about that. I'm only interested in hearing about the supermodels he dates."

    "You expect me to believe you know nothing about his finances? Perhaps you can explain how he was seen driving around in Lamborghini's and Porsche's after only a few lucky weekends in Vegas, having only won several thousand dollars at that point?"

    "As I said, you'll have to ask Chip about that."

    Spike shuts the door, starts the engine, and slowly pulls away, leaving Carly alone with all the other activity happening dozens of yards behind her. After several seconds she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a tiny cell phone. She dials a number and raises it to her face.

    (into the phone)​
    "This is Agent Daniels, the subject is on the move."

    CUT TO overhead view of the red truck with the light gray trailer driving on a road cutting through a thick Oregon forest, not far from Chase Petro-Chemicals.

    CUT TO INT. of cab where Spike is driving. He pulls a cell phone out of his pocket with minimal difficulty and flips it open. His eyes shifting from the road to the key pad, he manages to type in a memory code for a phone number and raises the phone to his ear.

    "Yeah, it's me. Some lady from the S.E.C. was asking me questions about you at the loading dock."

    A few seconds of quiet as Chip, on the other end of the phone call, responds.

    "Jesus, Chip, you really need to take this stuff seriously. But yeah, she was hot."

    A few seconds of quiet as Chip, on the other end of the phone call, responds.

    "No buddy, this time was different. She actually had pictures of you from years ago driving around in Wheeljack and the boys. Something just didn't seem quite as run of the mill with this broad. She definitely wasn't like the other S.E.C. or I.R.S. shmoes you've dealt with. Hold on, I'm coming up on Hillary."

    CUT TO EXT. overhead view of the truck approaching a turn in the road heading away from a rock face. The truck comes to a stop before making the turn, so that it is still facing the rock face.

    CUT TO INT. truck cab looking out through the windshield. The rock face starts to open.

    "Look, I'll talk to you about this later. Tough to maintain a signal under billions of tons of rock."

    Spike drives the truck into the cave revealed by the opening and lights go on to illuminate the area directly in front of him as he enters.

    CUT TO shot looking over and behind the truck of the cave entrance sealing shut behind it.

    CUT TO large doorway leading from the tunnel into a well-lit room. A moment later the red truck and the attached trailer emerge from the tunnel.

    PAN as the truck drives toward the center of the room, where a Freightliner Argosy, OPTIMUS PRIME in disguise, is being worked on by sixty-year old Sparkplug. Sparkplug looks up at the older truck coming to a stop and shakes his head in a combination of amusement and annoyance.

    CUT TO drivers side of older truck as the door swings open and Spike steps out of it. He hops to the ground and walks around the front toward his approaching father. Spike starts chuckling.

    "So how do you like the new truck, Dad?"

    "Is this Chip's idea of a joke?"

    "Come on Dad, it's a classic."

    "Where the hell did he find this thing?"

    CUT TO Spike and Sparkplug walking away from the older truck toward the red Argosy.

    "It took him awhile to find it, but once he saw it he just had to have it. A little body work and some fresh paint, and it's the spitting image of what our boy here used to look like. Wouldn't you agree Optimus Prime?"

    Spike gently slaps his hand against the side of the Argosy.

    "It certainly does bring back a lot of memories."

    WIDE OUT of the room as the Argosy transforms into Optimus Prime, who stands roughly five times taller than the men. Optimus Prime walks toward the truck, bends over and examines it closely.

    "This was a nice form, I truly enjoyed the fifteen years I had it."

    "By the twelfth year you were really pushing it looking like that old hunk of junk. Most cops would have pulled you over, issued your holographic driver a ticket for driving a relic, and then escorted you to the nearest scrapyard."

    Optimus Prime straightens up and looks at the trailer.

    "Even the trailer is the spitting image of my battle platforms former alt mode."

    "Minus the Autobrands."

    "Of course."

    Prime turns toward the battle platform that he had just mentioned. Resting on it is ROLLER, who instinctively knows that Prime wants him to perform a task and rolls off the battle platform, onto the ground and toward the back of the trailer.

    CUT TO Spike walking to the back of the trailer and opening it up. Roller arrives next to him, its hood opening and forks rising from its front section. The forks extend out and slide beneath the first pallet. Spike watches for a moment before walking away.

    "You guys can take it from here. Where's RATCHET?"

    "Down in the brig."

    Roller drives the first pallet of oil drums to a machine that immediately begins drawing the petroleum out and converting it to glowing energon.

    CUT TO RATCHET in a large room surrounded by alien machinery. He is working at a computer console. Behind him WHEELJACK walks into and then out of the shot.

    PAN TO the door where Spike is entering.

    "Hey guys."

    CUT TO Wheeljack and Ratchet turning to greet Spike. Behind Wheeljack is a row of eight metal tubes ranging from three that are twelve feet in height to three that are thirty feet in height and finally two that are thirty-three feet in height, and each with a glass-like window several feet from the top.

    "Hey Spike."

    "What's the good word, buddy?"

    CUT TO Spike trotting toward Wheeljack and jogging up some stairs leading to a long platform in front of the eight tubes.

    "No good words today, Wheeljack."

    Spike manipulates a control panel at the far end of the platform, an uses it to raise the platform to the level of the windows of the highest tubes. Spike then walks to the tube near the middle and peers into the window.

    "So how many Cybertronians did this guy kill?"

    CUT TO shot of MEGATRON'S dormant face behind the glass inside the tube.

    "By his own hand, well into the thousands. But if you're referring to those killed by Decepticons following his orders, well, let's just say that Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot all fall far short of Megatron."

    CLOSE UP of Spike staring intently on Megatron's face.

    "Why don't you guys just kill him?"

    CUT TO Spike turning toward Wheeljack, who is standing several yards a way and several feet below.

    "If he's such a villain, and a continuing threat, wouldn't it make sense just to wipe him out of existence?"

    "Hey, I'm with ya' pal, but you know Optimus Prime, too honorable to kill a helpless enemy and whatnot."

    CUT TO Ratchet looking up from his work.

    "There's no whatnot about it, Wheeljack. Prime's reverence for sentient life is beyond commendable, and when we get back to Cybertron, Megatron will be judged by a tribunal of the elders and a sentence will be issued and carried out in accordance with Cybertronian law."

    CUT TO Spike scrambling down the stairs.

    "So tell me Ratchet, what sentence do you think is appropriate for the likes of Megatron?"

    CUT TO Ratchet and Wheeljack turning to each other and shrugging.

    "Oh, he's gonna die."

    CUT TO Spike walking toward them.

    "I'd have thought highly logical machines would have eliminated the need for pointless formalities like a fair trial for this monster long ago."

    "Justice is never pointless, Spike. But I can't argue that in Megatron's case, a trial by tribunal does seem a bit of a formality."

    CLOSE UP of Spike.

    "You know what I consider to be pointless? The risk you're putting our planet in by keeping those things alive."

    CUT TO Ratchet

    "Believe me, nobody's more aware of the threat the Decepticons pose than us. But they're powered down and switched off, and there's no way that they're getting switched back on until they're chained to a post before the Elders."

    CUT TO Spike walking between Ratchet and Wheeljack.

    "You'd better be right."

    Spike looks back at Wheeljack for a moment before returning his attention to Ratchet and continuing in a quiet, confidential tone.

    "Any progress on that other issue we've been discussing?"

    CUT TO Ratchet sending Wheeljack a look to give them a little privacy. Wheeljack nods and walks to the far end of the room.

    CUT TO shot of Ratchet looking down at Spike.

    "I'm sorry Spike, but I haven't been able to come up with anything, and neither has the Ark's computer."

    (becoming angry)​
    "Let me get this straight; the greatest physician on an ancient and highly advanced planet, with the assistance of the legendary Teletran One can't figure out to rid an old man of some cancerous growth? Wow, combine this with the fact that Chip's still in a goddamn chair, and my opinion of Cybertronian medical science drops straight into the shitter!"

    "I'm trying Spike, but ultimately we're really no more intelligent than your species. And as our experiences with human anatomy only goes back twenty-three years, I'm afraid I'm no further along than the doctors of this planet with helping your father and Chip."

    (a little angrier than before)​
    "Bullshit, Ratchet! I accepted you guys back-burnering Chip because his injuries weren't life threatening and he was taking it well, but that's not the situation with my Dad! Sparkplug and I have been your personal caterers, gophers and spies for over two decades, and unlike Chip, we haven't asked for a goddamn thing in return! Now quit fixing your fucking ship for a few days and save my father's life!"

    "That's enough son."

    CUT TO Sparkplug walking into the room

    (gently chuckly to lighten the mood)​
    "The last thing I need is for Ratchet to give me a prostate exam with one of those canoes he calls fingers."

    CUT TO Spike turning and taking a few steps toward Sparkplug.

    "Come on Dad, you know what the Autobots are capable of. We're standing in a four million year old spaceship for Christ's sake! You're telling me that don't think they can take out a little prostate cancer?"

    "And you're telling me that Ratchet, or Wheeljack, or Optimus Prime, or any of these guys would let me die if they could prevent it? They've been your best friends since before you had hair on your pits."

    Sparkplug stares intently at Spike for a moment, forcing Spike to look down in shame.

    "I know Dad."

    Spike looks back up at his father, turns to Ratchet, and then looks back at his father.

    "It just seems so...inconceivable that they'd be as helpless as your doctors with this."

    "I swear to you Spike, we're doing everything we can."

    "I know."

    "Alright, that's enough of this morbidity. Spike, Sunstreaker say's Chip will be heading on over here in a few and wants to discuss something with you."

    "Yeah, we need to get our ducks in a row. Some woman from the S.E.C. was asking questions and flashing photos of him from years ago."

    Spike turns and looks to Wheeljack.

    "You were in one, back before you got yourself modified into an S7."

    CUT TO Wheeljack and Ratchet shooting each other a look.

    "I don't like the sound of this."
  5. peteynorth

    peteynorth TFW2005 Supporter

    Jul 2, 2002
    Trophy Points:

    SUNSTREAKER in Lamborghini Murcielago mode sits as Chip Chase rolls over to him in his wheelchair. As Chip draws near the driver-side door opens by itself.

    "Not to beat a dead horse or anything, but don't any of your co-workers consider it to be, oh, I don't know, IMPOSSIBLE for a paraplegic to be driving a Lamborghini?"

    "I can always count on you to be sensitive to my condition, Sunstreaker."

    "Yeah, I could give a slag about hurting your precious feelings over something you did to yourself."

    Chip looks around to verify nobody is watching before turning back to the yellow car.

    "Alright, nobody's watching us, you vain asshole."

    The seatbeld extends out of the car, the shoulder harness separates from the waist harness, each strap wraps gently around Chip, lifts him from his chair and places him in the driver seat. The opposite door then lifts open and the straps from the passenger side come out and over the car, collapse the wheelchair and carry it back over the car and into the passenger side. Both doors then shut.

    "So I'm an asshole for telling you the truth. It's bad enough when you forsake me to take those bulbous clowns Jazz and Wheeljack, or my classless turd brother, out for spins. But when you bought that hunk of slag made by fleshbags, and drove it like a maniac, let's just say that what happened was probably just what you humans refer to as karma."

    CUT TO INT. of Sunstreaker.

    "God you're a dick! Why the hell do I keep driving around with you?"

    "Because I'm the most glorious thing on your primitive roads. Hell, I was the most glorious thing on Cybertronian roads as well, but you wouldn't care about that. No trampy bimbos there for me to pick up for you."

    "I pick up my own bimbos, thank you very much. You're just the shiny trinket I use to get their attention."

    "Sure thing Chippy, whatever you've got to tell yourself."

    CUT TO shot of U-2 Dragon Lady soaring through the clouds.

    CUT TO INT cockpit of plane, shot of the PILOT.

    "Looks like your intel checks out, the subject is heading for the volcano."

    CUT TO INT mobile command station. Carly is standing in front of a communications console with AGENT WILCOX and AGENT STANTON.

    O.S. (through speaker)​
    "Hey, how in the hell did a paraplegic get into that car anyway?"

    "We'll be sure to ask him once we have him in custody."

    Carly turns to her colleagues.

    "Well boys, I'm satisfied. I'd say it's a go."

    Agent Wilcox picks up a phone connected to the console.

    (into the phone)​
    "Get ready."


    Sunstreaker enters the control room still in car mode, comes to a stop, opens both doors, and utilizing the seatbelt straps as before, withdraws the collapsed wheelchair and reassembles it on the driver's side, and then places Chip into it. Sunstreaker then transforms to robot mode.

    WIDE OUT to reveal PROWL, SIDESWIPE, BUMBLEBEE, IRONHIDE, Optimus Prime, Jazz, Spike and Sparkplug. While the previous view of Jazz had him in his original 1984 toy form, but he now transforms into a 2005 Porsche Carrera GT (or the 2007 equivalent). Sideswipe bears features of a Lamborghini Diablo, Bumblebee bears features of a modern era VW bug, Prowl bears features of a standard police interceptor (Crown Victoria or whatever is most common in 2007), and Ironhide bears features of a GMC Savana Cargo Van (or whatever's more appropriate in 2007).

    "What a homely collection of mutts."

    Sunstreaker looks up and smiles at Prime.

    "All except you Prime. Nobody pulls off the crate with limbs look quite the way you do."

    CUT TO shot of Optimus Prime

    "That's enough Sunstreaker."

    CUT TO Chip rolling toward Spike.

    "Alright Spike, tell me about this woman."

    CUT TO shot of Prowl, his hand goes to where his right ear would be if he had an ear, and his left raises in an indication for everyone else to be quiet.

    "Hold up guys, my systems flagged something off of the Police scanner."

    Prowl listens quietly for a moment.

    "Chip, your office building is on fire."

    "What? How bad is it Prowl?"

    "They're not saying. We should go find out."

    CUT TO Chip turning toward Sideswipe.

    "Hey Sideswipe, can I ride with you? I can't take another second with your brother."

    "How'd you get through M.I.T. being such a dumbass? You have to take Ironhide, he's the only one other than Ratchet equipped with something that even remotely resembles a wheelchair lift."

    "Ah crap."

    CUT TO Ironhide as he transforms into van mode.

    "Ya' really know how to make a bot feel special, dontcha Chip?"

    CUT TO Chip rolling to the red van.

    "Nothing personal Ironhide, but you just lack the pizzaz that I'm accustomed to."

    "Ah, think nuthin' of it."

    CUT TO Optimus Prime as he transforms.

    "Sparkplug, it would look much better if Ironhide was driven by an actual human as opposed to a hologram. I'll be accompanying you, as will Jazz, Prowl and Bumblebee. We might need Jazz's experpertise on human culture, Prowl will present us with a human authority figure should we need one, and Bumblebee...well Bumblebee just needs to get out."

    CUT TO Sideswipe and Sunstreaker looking at each other.

    "Which of us is in charge while you're gone?"

    "I've sent a message to Ratchet to return to the control room. Do as he says until I get back. If he's unavailable for whatever reason, listen to Wheeljack. And if Wheeljack isn't available, listen to Spike."

    "A fleshbag? We're outranked by a fleshbag?"

    CUT TO Optimus Prime and the other Autobots pulling out of the control room.

    "Just do as I say. And if I get word of you two brawling again, I'll be installing two more stasis chambers next to the Decepticons. Now Autobots, let's roll out!"
  6. Rotorstorm

    Rotorstorm Wreck n’ rule

    Oct 29, 2004
    News Credits:
    Trophy Points:
    East Midlands, UK
    very good, i'd quite like to see some more twin characterisation in your g1 v.2 fic, possibly when the targetmasters arrive, pointblank and sureshot reminded me of the lambo brothers quite alot.
  7. peteynorth

    peteynorth TFW2005 Supporter

    Jul 2, 2002
    Trophy Points:
    Alright, here's a couple more minutes:


    Ironhide drives into the parking lot of the building, flames and smoke coming out the windows of the building. The other vehicular Autobots are hanging back. The fire department is already fighting the fire. JOHNSON, an executive that works for Chip, notices the van parking, the doors opening and Chip getting on the ramp to be lowered.

    (trotting toward Chip)​
    "Sir, they won't say anything official yet, but I overheard one of the firefighters mention arson."

    (ignoring the comment)​
    "Did everyone get out alright?"

    "Yes sir."

    "Thank God."

    Sparkplug enters the frame.

    "You said something about arson?"


    Wheeljack is diligently working at a console when a light on the console starts flashing.

    O.S. (through speaker)​
    "Wheeljack, you'd better get to the control room!"

    Wheeljack leans back in his chair in an annoyed manner.

    "What is it now, Spike?"

    CUT TO control room where Sideswipe and Sunstreaker are fighting each other. Sideswipe is the stronger, more gifted athlete, but Sunstreaker is the more skilled combatant, and using his skills and utilizing joints that humans don't have, he maintains the upper hand. Despite this, Sideswipe is a highly skilled fighter and does inflict some very brutal shots, keeping the brawl neck and neck. Ratchet is several yards away, picking himself off the floor. Spike is in the foreground yelling into the speaker.

    (screaming at Sunstreaker)​
    "Foppish hitch-polisher!"

    "They're at it again!"

    (yelling back at Sideswipe)​
    "Filthy cannon-slag!"

    CUT TO brig. Wheeljack gets up from his seat, visibly angry. Just as he gets to his feet the ship's alarms start wailing.


    "Those slagging idiots."

    CUT TO dark hallway leading from the brig to the main hallway. Shot is of Wheeljack's front as he walks closer to the viewer. He's looking down and muttering to himself.

    (quietly to himself)​
    "I expect this from Sunstreaker, but Sideswipe really is too smart for this. And how in the pit did they set off the..."

    Wheeljack's head has been raising as he was speaking, and the shot slowly pans down to show the tip of a tank cannon. Before Wheeljack can react, a round is shot out of the cannon and impacts Wheeljack on his left, upper chest area.

    CUT TO view from behind Wheeljack and he is thrown back from the impact and the explosion and sent bouncing off the floor and once off the wall. He comes to a stop right before the viewer, his optics go black and the wound in his chest clearly visible. In the back ground you see the M1 tank that fired on him and various SOLDIERS all around it.

    CUT TO Carly walking out in front of the tank and then turning to address the other commandos. Utilizing hand signals, she sends half the force down in the direction of the brig, and then trots back up toward the main hallway and starts leading the rest of the team (consisting of two more tanks and a couple of jeeps) in the direction of the control room.

    CUT TO view of the tank rolling forward, Carly's team going in their direction in the background behind it, and after the soldiers and combat vehicles, two flatbeds pull up and stop at the intersection of the hallways, waiting there until instructed to head toward a destination.

    CUT TO control room, where Sideswipe has Sunstreaker pinned up against a control panel. Sideswipe is holding down Sunstreaker's left arm, but Sunstreaker bends his elbow in the reverse direction, and then rotates his shoulder backward so that his hand comes down over Sideswipe's head. Sideswipe looks up just in time to have two of Sunstreaker's fingers plunge into his left optic.

    WIDE OUT as Sideswipe backs away, bumping into Ratchet who is once again futiley attempting to break the fight up. Sunstreaker grips the console he's resting upon and hoists himself off and at Sideswipe, planting his feet into his brother's chest and knocking both Sideswipe and Ratchet to the ground.

    Sideswipe then grips the ground and hoists himself up at Sunstreaker, retracking his lower legs over his thighs and then shooting them out and into Sunstreaker's chest. Both robots fall to their backs and square off against each other.

    CUT TO Spike standing on the far side of the room, the large door to the main hallway in view behind him. The human invaders start coming into view behind him.

    CUT TO Spike turning around, annoyance on his face.

    "What took so f..."

    Spike's eyes grow wide and shock comes over his face.

    CUT TO shot of Carly approaching Spike and leveling her rifle in his face.

    (firmly, but quietly)​
    "Don't move."

    "I knew there was a problem with my 401K."

    CUT TO view of Sunstreaker's face just beyond the back of Sideswipe's head. He's initially staring furiously at his brother, but he catches sight of the intruders and his optics grow wide and it becomes obvious he's no longer focusing on Sideswipe.

    "You really expect me to buy that sh.."

    WIDE OUT of Sideswipe's back as tank fires on him and shell impacts the center of his back. He's thrown into Sunstreaker and both slam against the main console, cracking the large view-screen on the wall.

    Ratchet turns and stares at the humans.

    "What? Wait!"

    Ratchet raises his hand to stop the attack, but hundreds of bullets are already bouncing against his metal hide.

    CUT TO Carly turning her rifle away from Spike and firing at Ratchet as well. Spike turns and sprints toward Bumblebee's workstation, which is low enough for him to jump and hit a button.

    "Prime, the Ark's under attack!"

    CUT TO Spike turning his head back toward Carly, only to see the butt of her rifle bearing down on his face.

    CUT TO Sunstreaker jumping off the console, but just as he lands he twists to catch Sideswipe and gently lower him to the ground.

    "Are you OK, bro?"

    (trying to downplay obvious pain)​
    "I'm fine. Get them the hell out of here."

    Sunstreaker looks up at the humans, his optics flaring in rage as he ignores the barrage of bullets and starts toward the humans.

    (calling out after Sunstreaker)​
    "No killing! Prime said that under no circumstances are we to take a human life!"

    WIDE OUT as Sunstreaker transforms to car mode, speeds out at a jeep, breaks his front tires so that his rear spins around and slams into the front right corner of the jeep, knocking it around and throwing the human manning the mounted machine gun out of the back of the jeep and to the ground.

    Sunstreaker transforms and grabs Ratchet by the shoulder, pulling him toward him.

    "See to Swipe!"

    Ratchet stares at Sunstreaker for a moment, but then nods and turns back and runs toward the injured red Autobot.

    CUT TO side view as Sunstreaker leaps on top of the M1, grabs and pushes the barrel of the cannon away, and then punches down into and through the front of it. He then plants his foot into the center of the cannon barrel, and using his foot as a fulcrum, pulls and bends the cannon, all the while being harmlessly pelted by bullets. Sunstreaker then savagely begins beating apart the tank, another tank and a jeep, but is careful not to injure or kill any humans.

    CUT TO Carly as she receives a message from Agent Wilcox in the brig.

    "Agent Daniels, we've secured items that can all but fill the flatbeds. Unless you've discovered something of value, I'd suggest letting me utilize the trucks."

    "Take them, Wilcox. We're really not in a position here to be removing anything."

    Carly then looks down at the unconscious Spike.

    "Well, maybe something."


    Shot of bend in the road, either side covered in trees. Engine noises are heard and getting closer impossibly fast. Jazz in car mode cuts around the bend, going unbelieveably fast, he is followed by Prowl, also in car mode and traveling at the same rate of speed. Both cars exit the screen as quickly as they appeared when suddenly Prime, also in vehicle mode, bursts through the trees inside the curve of the road, wood, leaves, dirt and rock spraying everywhere as he falls in behind Jazz and Prowl. Bumblebee is zipping along the road behind him, and following several seconds behind is Ironhide.

    CUT TO exterior of cave that leads into the Ark, the stones that had served as a door having been blown apart. In the distance, driving away are the flatbeds with the stasis chambers and other equipment loaded onto them. In the foreground soldiers are fighting their way back out of the cave, firing in frantically. The soldiers separated as a jeep carrying Carly and the unconscious Spike speed out. The jeep turns to follow the flatbeds, narrowly avoiding a chunk of another jeep being hurled out after it.

    The soldiers return to their positions and continue firing into the cave, but are forced to immediately jump away again as a yellow Lamborghini bursts through, brakes and spins around to face them.

    CUT TO Carly, twisting around in her seat in the jeep to look back. She raises a grenade launcher and fires.

    CUT TO Sunstreaker completing his transformation and twisting his head toward the departing jeep just as the grenade impacts the right side of his face and head.

    (angrily reaching for his optic)​
    "Slag it!"

    CUT TO view of the soldiers still at the mouth of the cave firing up at Sunstreaker. Sunstreaker glares down at them, fury in his one good optic. Suddenly headlights shine on the soldiers and from the opposite direction that Carly and the flatbeds fled in two speeding cars leap to the air, transform to Jazz and Prowl, and land on the mountain several yards above the humans and Sunstreaker, each with their weapons pointed at the soldiers.

    One set of headlights remains shining on the soldiers, and a moment later Prime in truck mode screeches to a halt and transforms, standing on the road above the soldiers. The soldiers all drop their weapons to the ground at the sight of the massive Autobot leader.
  8. Rotorstorm

    Rotorstorm Wreck n’ rule

    Oct 29, 2004
    News Credits:
    Trophy Points:
    East Midlands, UK
    you really do have a talent petey, the words just spring of the page and create the image, i'll be disapointed but the movie probably won't be as good as this
  9. Hakudoushi

    Hakudoushi Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2004
    Trophy Points:
    This is cool!

    I hope you can update soon.
  10. peteynorth

    peteynorth TFW2005 Supporter

    Jul 2, 2002
    Trophy Points:

    Several platoons of soldiers and accompanying military ground vehicles are gathering around the side of the mountain housing the Autobots. As the military personnel gets themselves into position, GENERAL CLAYTON is walking through them speaking into a satellite phone.

    (into the phone)​
    "Could you be more specific? Giant battle suits could mean just about anything."

    A moment passes as Clayton listens to the response.

    (into the phone)​
    "What do you mean, transforms? Transforms into what?"

    A moment passes as Clayton listens to the response.

    (into the phone)​
    "Oh, no shit? Well put me on the waiting list for one that turns into a '69 Vette once you guys have reverse-engineered these suckers."

    Clayton turns his head and notices something off-frame.

    (into the phone)​
    "Hold on, something's up."

    Clayton lowers the phone to his side and starts walking in the direction of the mountain.

    CUT TO the troops that had surrendered to Optimus Prime marching away from the mountain toward the rest of the troops. Clayton jogs up to LIEUTENANT ALVAREZ who is the highest ranking officer returning from the Ark.

    "Alvarez, how'd you guys escape?"

    "We didn't, they let us go. They wish to negotiate the safe return of some Witwicky guy they think we took, as well as the immediate return of eight stasis containers that I know we did take."

    Clayton nods as both he and Alvarez turn and start walking back toward the other troops.

    "Well at least we've got you out of there. Wouldn't want to have to worry about the safety of some of our own when blasting away at these battle suits."

    CLOSE UP Alvarez. A look of confusion on his face.

    "I'm not entirely certain that we're dealing with men in suits, sir."


    The Autobots are taking stock of the damage. Ratchet is working on Sideswipe on the floor, Prowl and Prime are manning the large computer terminal in the front of the control room, and Wheeljack's inert frame is being carried into the control room by Ironhide and Jazz. Chip and Sparkplug are behind Prime and Prowl, impatiently waiting. On the large screen in front of Prime and Prowl is a display of the military forces lining up against them at the base of the mountain.

    "Well sir?"

    CUT TO Prime leaning in over the terminal and extending his wrist. A small wire extends from his wrist and jacks into the terminal.

    CUT TO view of screen as it zooms in on General Clayton talking with Alvarez.


    "Teletran One, establish a connection with subject's satellite phone."

    The computer terminal immediately begins lightly humming and the sound of outgoing ringing is heard through several speakers mounted on the terminal. On the screen Clayton reaches for his phone, switches it on and raises it to his ears.

    (voice through speaker)​
    "Clayton here."

    CUT TO Optimus Prime looking down to Sparkplug.

    "He's a General."

    CUT TO View of Prime nodding and turning back to look at Clayton on the screen.

    "Hello General Clayton, my name is Optimus Prime, and I am the commanding officer of the mechanoids within Mt. Saint Hillary."

    (startled but quickly recovers)​
    "Is that so? Am I to assume from your name that you herald the return of the Roman Empire?"

    (mildly amused)​
    "No, on my world my name comes from an ancient dialect of our language. When adopting human languages, Latin was chosen as a substitute for ancient Cybertronian."

    (sceptically amused)​
    "Your world, huh? So you're claiming that it's little green men operating those contraptions in there and not some crazy Commies unwilling to admit Cold War defeat?"

    "No, there are no little green men involved here. We are living mechanisms from an alien world."

    "Wow, that's even less believable than the little green men scenario."

    "I'd be more than willing to do whatever it takes to convince you of my sincerity, but first it is imperitive that the equipment taken by your forces be returned to the mountain at once."

    CUT TO Sparkplug yelling up at the screen.

    "And bring me back my boy!"

    CUT TO screen with Clayton displayed on it, a look of mild confusion coming over his face.

    "And who may I ask is this?"

    CUT TO Sparkplug

    "Sergeant William Witwicky, United States Marine Corp, retired."

    CUT TO Screen displaying Clayton.

    "Well hello there Sergeant. Nice to see one of the few and proud consorting with alien invaders."

    CUT TO Sparkplug.

    "Believe me General, if the Autobots wanted to invade, they'd have taken the White House with ease years ago. Now tell where my son is!"

    CLOSE UP of Clayton's face on the screen.

    "From what I understand, your boy's in good hands."


    CLOSE UP of Spike's unconscious and bruised face a moment before it's slapped hard by a feminine hand.

    "Wake up!"

    Spike winces and blinks as he comes to, and then looks up and displays a look of anger which is replaced by annoyance.

    "Oh, you."

    CUT TO view of spike sitting in a chair with his hands cuffed together behind the back of the chair. Carly is standing over him while two soldiers stand guard on either side of the closed door.

    "I usually wait until the third date before letting a woman beat the shit out of me. Four if she works for the Securities and Exchange Commission."

    "Well, I think we both know now that I'm not with the S.E.C., and you're not in a position to be cracking jokes, Irving. From where I sit, you've been caught conspiring with a foreign power operating on American soil. I suggest you drop the playful attitude and start coming clean."

    CUT TO front view of Spike.

    "Alright, what do you want to know?"

    CUT TO side view of Spike and Carly. Carly grabs another chair, twirls it around so that the back is facing Spike, and then sits in it, her legs straddling the back of the chair.

    "Oh, so you've got nothing to hide and I can expect full cooperation from you, is that it?"


    "Forgive me for having a little doubt regarding your honesty."

    "Look, Prime always said that the ideal situation would be for them to repair their ship and head home with no other humans finding out about their existence. But should their existence become known, they would then be completely forthcoming and cooperative. As the cat's out of the bag, I'm free to tell you anything you wish to know."

    CUT TO Carly, whose expression makes it clear that she doesn't believe Spike.

    "O.K., why don't you start by telling me who or what this 'Prime' is?"

    CUT TO shot of Spike and Carly

    "Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots."


    "Yeah, Autobots. I was twelve when I gave them that name, so cut me some slack."

    "You named them?"

    "Well no, they chose their individual names, except Prime, who was given the Latin translation of his Cybertronian name. I just called them Autobots when I first saw them transform into cars, and the name stuck."

    Carly gets up from her chair.

    "Optimus Prime is a Latin translation from what language?"

    CLOSE UP of Spike smiling.

    "Cybertronian, actually ancient Cybertronian, which I guess isn't spoken much any more. Hell, the dialect they currently use probably isn't spoken much on Cybertron anymore. It's been some time since they've been there."

    CUT TO Carly, a mixture of confusion and annoyance on her face.

    "Enough. I've humored you with this crap longer than I should have. I want to know who built those things, what their purpose is, how long they've existed, and anything else pertinent. And the next time I hear you mention Cybertron or any other ridiculous crap, I'm really going to beat the shit out of you."

    CUT TO Spike

    (exhaling loudly)​
    "I think this is where I ask to see my lawyer."

    CUT TO view of both Carly and Spike. Carly slams her fist down on a table.

    "Lawyer? I don't think you have a good grasp of your situation, Mr. Witwicky. You're not under arrest, we're not interested in trying you, and no lawyer is ever going to know that you're here."

    "O.K., then I'll wait for you to watch the news."

    "Excuse me?"

    "I can't tell you the truth without mentioning Cybertron, and I can't mention Cybertron without taking a beating. So I figure I'll wait until you're once again willing to humor me with this crap, and I figure that'll happen shortly after you've seen Prime on TV addressing the planet."

    Carly groans in exasperation before turning her chair back around so that it's facing Spike and then sitting in it.

    "Alright, I'll play crazy a little longer. Which one of those things was Prime? The yellow Lamborghini?"

    "No, he's definitely not Prime. Prime wasn't at home when you guys came barging in."

    "So there are more than what were present at the facility in the mountain?"

    "Yeah, there are a total of nine Autobots here on Earth."

    Carly shakes here head as she sighs and stands up.

    "And here I was genuinely beginning to think you were being honest with me."

    "What are you talking about?"

    "You tell me that there are nine of these Autobots on Earth, and that at least one was away from home when we arrived, yet we encountered twelve of these mechanisms at the facility. So how am I now supposed to believe you now?"

    Spike peers at her intently, a look of confusion on his face.

    "What do you mean twelve? There were only four Autobots at the base with me when you showed up. The rest went to check out a fire at Chip's building."

    A knowing look comes over Spike's face.

    "I suppose you were behind that."

    "Let's just stay with the topic at hand. There were four there that were functioning, but you're trying to keep quiet about the eight that we found and took possession of in a lower level."

    CLOSE UP of Spike's face, a look of terror coming over it.

    "What do you mean took possession of?"

    CUT TO view of both Carly and Spike.

    "Yes, Mr. Witwicky, we have eight of your Autobots in our possession."

    Spike jerks up from his chair, but his bound hands jerk him back down to his seat. The guards in the background immediately move into action, but are sent back to their unmoving stance by a wave from Carly.

    "You stupid bith, those aren't Autobots!"

    Carly smiles smuggly as she sits back down in her chair.

    "Well then, Spike, if they're not Autobots..."


    Shot pans upward from behind pre-Earth modified STARSCREAM following TWO SCIENTISTS on a platform rising in front of Starscream. Starscream's body blocks the view from time to time, but the scientists come clearly into view as the shot finally rises above Starscream's left shoulder.

    "What pray tell are they?"

    CUT TO view of front of Starscream, his mouth, chin and upper torso are in view as the two scientist meet up with a THIRD SCIENTIST who is trying to cut through Starscream's armor with a large, futuristic-looking blowtorch, but is having no luck.


    The third scientist looks up from his blowtorching and lifts his safety mask. He angrily lifts and displays the insufficient blowtorch.

    "Nothing. I have no idea what this thing is made of, but whatever it is, it can withstand more that this piece of crap is capable of."

    (pointing off frame)​
    "Well then, maybe we should try our luck with that one."

    CUT TO pre-Earth modified SOUNDWAVE inertly standing several yards to Starscream's right.

    "Its chest has some material on it that appears almost transparent. It's likely less durable than the solid metal these things are made of."


    Agents Wilcox and Stanton are observing the interrogation of Spike through the other side of a one-way mirror. Through the mirror Spike is extremely agitated and jerking against his hand-cuffs. His verbal objections can be heard through a speaker in the observation room.

    (through speaker)​
    "Please, just keep them in their confinement pods and return them to the Autobots. You have no idea of what you're dealing with!"

    "I love it when the cocky little pricks are reduced to begging."

    "Boy, he's really got a bug up there about us playing with his toys."

    CUT TO Spike and Carly in the interrogation room. Carly smiles and tries to calm Spike down.

    "That's enough Spike. Now, tell me why these..."


    "Are so dangerous."

    "Look, I realize you think I'm crazy. That despite seeing what you've seen there's no way my assertions that these are living robots can possibly be true. And before I was OK with that, as once the Autobots went public they'd be able to convince you as they did me. But with you possessing the Decepticons, things are very different. Please do not mess with them, and for the love of God, do not remove them from their pods!"

    (mildly amused)​
    "Trust me, we won't be hitting the on button without taking adequate precautions."

    "There are no adequate precautions!"

    Suddenly an alarm is heard throughout the complex.


    Carly looks to the mirror and then looks to Spike.

    "Wait here!"

    Carly bounds to the door and exits through it.

    "Damn it! Call Prime!"


    Ground level view as first and second scientist hit the pavement, the impact killing them. Sounds of machine guns erupting all around.


    CUT TO third scientist screaming as he's being held in Soundwave's giant right hand, the rest of Soundwave being off frame. The scientist is still holding the blowtorch, but the thumb and forefinger of Soundwave's left hand enters the frame and plucks it from him.

    CUT TO wide view of the back of Soundwave as he hurls the third scientist across the hangar. Soldiers all around him firing on him futilely.

    CUT TO scientist slamming against the wall, a sickening sound is emitted as all of his bones and organs are pulverized.

    CUT TO overhead view of Soundwave as he looks down at the tiny blowtorch in his fingers. He brings it close to his chest and sucks the remaining electricity from the device into his chest.

    CUT TO front view of Soundwave taking a wobbly step forward and looking all around the inside of the hangar, still being fired upon by the soldiers. Looking up and seeing a row of lights a dozen feet above his head, he weakly reaches up, grabs the lights, and yanks them down, pulling exposed wires to his chest.

    CLOSE UP of Soundwave's chest as he draws the electricity in. A lavender glow begins eminating in his chest.

    CUT TO shot from behind two Hummvees speeding toward the thirty-foot Soundwave.

    WIDE OUT of Soundwave turning toward the vehicles, taking a step toward them and kicking one right in the grill.

    CUT TO EXT. of hangar as the vehicle blasts through the wall and comes down on some of the many soldiers charging toward the hangar.

    CUT TO INT. of hangar as Soundwave reaches down, grabs and tears the other vehicle into two pieces.

    CUT TO shot of Soundwave looking up and seeing Starscream. Soundwave approaches Starscream and stands before him.

    CUT TO shot of Soundwave's glowing chest channeling energon into Starscream.

    CLOSE UP Starscream's face. His optics glow brightly and a smile spreads as he comes on line.
  11. Hakudoushi

    Hakudoushi Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2004
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  12. Rotorstorm

    Rotorstorm Wreck n’ rule

    Oct 29, 2004
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    East Midlands, UK
    awesome. prime is going to be pissed when he finds out what happened.
  13. peteynorth

    peteynorth TFW2005 Supporter

    Jul 2, 2002
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    Spike is sitting silently at his chair and the two guards are standing silently on either side of the door, the alarm is still going off, and explosions can be heard from the outside. Carly suddenly bursts into the room, clearly anxious and confused.

    (to the guards, but nodding at Spike)​
    "Report to Hangar 13. I've got him."

    The guards look at each other before obeying her order and exiting the room.

    "Please tell me you didn't wake them out of stasis."

    SHOT OF Carly leaning in toward Spike

    "What in the hell are we dealing with here?"

    CUT TO shot of Spike leaning back in a display of disgust.

    "Damn it! I knew you jackasses would wake them up. You have no idea the shit-storm you just unleashed!"

    WIDE OUT of both Carly and Spike

    "Tell me what..."

    A jeep tears through the ceiling and wall into the room, narrowly missing the two humans. Debris from the ceiling falls on Carly and Spike, but not enough to cause any injury, just enough to startle and annoy them.



    CUT TO Carly standing back up through the debris and looking around. Spike lifts his head and the ceiling panel that had been on it slides off and to the floor.

    "Get these damn cuffs off of me, now!"

    Carly looks around a little more before looking down at Spike. She ponders his order for a moment before deciding that it's the right course of action. She pushes some of the debris away from the side and back of Spike's chair and unlocks his handcuffs. Spike immediately stands up and turns to Carly.

    "Now tell me what you've done."

    Carly draws a Walther P-38 and points it at Spike.

    "I'm the one asking the questions. Now move!"

    Carly pushes Spike and directs him through the gaping hole in the wall into the heavily damaged hallway.


    Though it is night, numerous light sources are directed on the battle, keeping it well-illuminated. Starscream is casually standing his ground, marvelling at the futility of the human attacks on him and occasionally firing or kicking at them. He taunts them in Cybertronian.

    (smiling and clearly amused)​
    "(foreign language, one mixed with occasional mechanical and digital sounds)"

    CUT TO different angle of Starscream. A tank sails through the air right in front of him. He turns to where it came from.

    CUT TO side view of Starscream and reveal Soundwave emerging from the hangar and marching out toward him. Walking behind and to either side of him are pre-Earth modified RAVAGE and RUMBLE. Mounted on Soundwave's shoulder is pre-Earth modified LASERBEAK. Starscream says something to them in their Cybertronian tongue.

    "(foreign language, one mixed with occasional mechanical and digital sounds)"

    Soundwave refrains from responding verbally, but raises his arm toward Starscream.

    CLOSE UP Soundwave's wrist and Starscream's head. A cord shoots out from Soundwave's wrist and jacks into the side of Starscream's head. Some digital noises are emitted and various forms of data lightly scroll across Starscream's optics. Starscream slowly resumes smiling after a few moments and the cord disconnects and retracts into Soundwave's wrist.

    "What a jumbled mess of a language these pathetic organics have strewn together."

    WIDE OUT of the Decepticons.

    (patting Soundwave)​
    "No kidding Starshriek. Soundwave here scanned their computer system a few times just to be sure he got it right. Slaggin' squishies don't do anything right."

    "Hmmm, I couldn't agree more, Rumble, but I prefer being called Starscream. Either one is an accurate translation, but Starscream just sounds better."

    "Whatever you want, flyboy."

    "Discussion...pointless. Locating our commander...critical."

    CUT TO different shot of Decepticons, but one that still prominantly displays Starscream.

    "Of course, Soundwave, of course. I saw THUNDERCRACKER and SKYWARP in confinement pods toward the rear of that hangar we awoke in. You, Laserbeak, Ravage and Rumble wake them up and bring them up to speed. I will find our mightly leader myself, no matter what it takes."

    Starscream turns toward a throng of humans attacking them.

    CUT TO shot from Starscream looking down at the humans.

    ZOOM TO GENERAL directing the attack.

    "He must be some sort of chieftain to these flesh-sacks. He'll certainly know the location of our great commander."

    WIDE OUT of Starscream marching away from the Decepticons toward the human General.

    CUT TO Soundwave looking down at Ravage. Soundwave's optic flashes, and Ravage nods his understanding and then sets out after Starscream in a stealthy manner.


    Most of the equipment is destroyed and the personnel is all dead. A gaping hole in the ceiling and wall is there, and outside the battle on the tarmac wages. Carly leads Spike into the room and turns away as she witnesses the carnage and into Spike. Spike holds her in an impromptu embrace to comfort her, but she immediately regains her composure and pushes him away, resuming her covering of him with her pistol.

    Spike ignores the threatening posture and walks into the room, fruitlessly trying to operate various pieces of damaged equipment.

    "It's all slagged. I hope they managed to get word out before it hit the fan."

    "Word got out. Help is on its way."

    CUT TO different angle as Spike turns to look at Carly.

    "More Army guys for the slaughter, or did you actually contact Prime?"

    Carly aggressively steps toward Spike, but despite her attempt to hide it, her nervousness is clear.

    "Shut up about this Prime and tell me..."

    Spike snatches the pistol from her grasp and reaches out and grips her throat with his other hand.

    "No, you shut up Daniels, or whatever the hell your name is."

    Spike releases his grip of her, they stare at each other uneasily for a moment, and he then tosses the pistol to the ground.

    "Everything I've told you is true."

    CUT TO shot from broken wall as Spike, and then Carly, approach it.

    "If you still can't see that, then I give up."

    CUT TO view over Carly and Spike of tarmac where Rumble and Laserbeak and laying waste to the humans that are trying to oppose them.

    "What are these things?"


    Optimus Prime is speaking with General Clayton on the viewscreen.

    "This impasse is going to lead to carnage on a scale unprecedented on this planet. The widespread extinctions of sixty-five million years ago will pale in comparrison to what will befall the Earth if the Decepticons are awakened! Please, General, for the sake of those not just on this planet, but throughout the universe, return the confinement pods at once!"

    Before the General can respond to this request, one that he's heard countless times in the last several hours, a flashing light on the console accompanied by a frantic beeping erupts. Prowl, who is sitting at the console, studies some information being brought up on the screen in front of him before turning to Prime.

    "Found them. Just outside Groom Lake, Nevada."

    "Are they...?"

    Prowl nods.

    "Those stupid bastards!"

    "Let's go! I haven't been in a decent scrap in far too long."

    Optimus Prime looks over his troops, and slowly nods.

    "Prep the shuttle for launch."


    Spike and Carly are making their way through the hall, just trying to avoid being detected by the Decepticons rampaging outside and perhaps find any surviving personnel or equipment they can use.

    "It all started millions of years ago. To hear the Autobots tell it Cybertron must have been like a paradise."




    A beautiful, shimmering mechanical city is displayed, with countless AUTOBOTS moving about, going about their business. Suddenly various explosions erupt and weapons fire cuts through many of the Autobots.

    CUT TO Megatron marching through the ruins of the city, Starscream and SHOCKWAVE to either side of him.

    "But then Megatron and his Decepticons emerged from seemingly nowhere and began conquering one city-state after another, slaughtering or enslaving everyone they encountered."

    CUT TO Aerial view of Decepticon legions advancing on a besieged city.

    "The Autobots were nearly driven to extinction, but a new leader emerged through the ranks to effectively counter Megatron."

    CUT TO shot of pre-Earth modified Optimus Prime leading troops into battle.

    "Not only did Optimus Prime stop the Decepticon advance, but he rallied the dispersed and demoralized Autobots into an effective army that slowly began reclaiming their lost territory."

    CUT TO shot of the Ark launching.

    "But war had all but drained the planet of its energy resources, resources that these beings relied upon for sustenance. A long-range probe returned findings of a planet on the edge of the galaxy that met the criteria of possessing vast energy resources, while at the same time containing no indication of intelligent lifeforms."

    CUT TO shot of the Ark leaving Cybertronian orbit. Once the Ark has shot past the view, show the NEMESIS following in the distance.

    "With a handful of troops, Prime led an expedition to this planet. Unfortunately, Megatron found out about the expedition and set out to claim this energy-rich planet for himself."

    CUT TO the Ark emerging through a wormhole and shooting toward Earth. A moment later the Nemesis emerges through the same wormhole and begins firing on the Ark.

    CUT TO shot of Nemesis lining up along side the Ark and having a boarding shoot extend out and through the Ark's hull.

    "Megatron followed the Autobots to Earth and led a small boarding party onto the Ark while both ships were in our orbit."

    WIDE OUT of Ark and Nemesis entering Earth's atmosphere. The boarding shoot ruptures, sending a few NAMELESS DECEPTICONS hurting through the stratosphere. The two ships shoot in separate directions.

    CUT TO the Ark hurtling toward the ground.

    CUT TO Ark control room, where Prime and Megatron are grappling, but are thrown apart by the G-forces. Prime scrambles to the control panel and jerks back on the stick.

    CUT TO the Ark banking sharply just before hitting the ground head on.

    PAN as Ark directs itself at the base of Mountain.

    CUT TO CLOSE UP of Prime's face as the image of the rapidly advancing mountain is reflected in his blue optics.

    "The Ark crashed into Mt. Saint Hillary, immediately sending all of its occupants into emergency stasis."



    Spike and Carly are still making their way through the halls of the large complex.

    "That was over four million years ago."

    (stress on the word 'million')​
    "What? Four million?"

    "Well, it's not like they rot, their frames are resistant to oxidation, and in stasis lock they consume little to no energy. It's like a comatose person that doesn't require food."

    CUT TO the two humans emerging from the building on the side opposite the tarmac, where in the distant background the sun is coming up over the no-longer besieged Soundwave, Rumble and Laserbeak. Pre-Earth modified Skywarp and Thundercracker drop from the sky in their alien jet modes and transform to robot mode just before landing on the ground. Spike and Carly creep to the edge of the building an peer around at the Decepticons and the obliterated human forces.

    "Which one of them is Megatron?"


    Starscream approaches through the dimly lit hangar, a wide, sinister grin on his face. He carelessly drops the corpse of the General that he had set after earlier.

    "Why, if it isn't my beloved commander, the great 'One possessing the power of a million warriors', or however it translates into this archaic jibberish. I have waited far too long for this."

    CUT TO side view of Starscream raising his arm-mounted cannons to the confinement pod. But he refrains from firing.

    "Of course, I do need to make it look as though the humans were the ones to scrap you. So I'm going to have to be a bit more clever in my...elimination of the obstacle you pose."

    Suddenly Soundwave's voice emerges through a speaker on Starscream's wrist.

    "Starscream, return to the tarmac. We are under attack."

    Starscream angrily brings the wrist communicator to his face.

    "We were under attack before we were brought on-line, Soundwave. Surely you can deal with another wave of harmless humans."

    "Not humans, Autobots."

    Starscream shakes his head angrily as he turns around and marches out of the hangar.


    Starscream leaves, but from the shadow's Ravage's red optics flare.
  14. Hakudoushi

    Hakudoushi Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2004
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  15. peteynorth

    peteynorth TFW2005 Supporter

    Jul 2, 2002
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    Starscream marches out onto the besieged tarmac toward Soundwave and Rumble, all of whom seem to be indifferent about the mortar shells from the American military landing all around them. Soundwave and Rumble are looking to the sky.

    "How did the humans select this name for our enemies?"

    "Unknown. According to this facility's computer banks, the term was used by a captured human believed to be an 'Autobot' collaborator."

    "Well the name fits those simple twits well. I take it the term 'Decepticon' came from the same source?"


    CUT TO view of sky from over the shoulders of Starscream and Soundwave, where Skywarp and Thundercracker, both in Cybertronian jet mode, along with Laserbeak are straffing an Autobot shuttle. The Decepticons are far to fast for the shuttle to hit, but the shuttle has enough armor to weather the attack for the moment.

    (into wrist communicator)​
    "Fancy flying boys, but playtime's over, take that hunk of crap down now."

    The shuttle suddenly cuts and speeds toward Starscream, Soundwave and Rumble, unloading a barrage of laser fire at the Decepticons.

    CUT TO view of Starscream and Soundwave leaping out of the way, and Rumble taking a shot to his shoulder. Rumble collapses to the ground and Soundwave rushes beside him to assess the damage. Starscream leaps to the air and transforms to his Cybertronian jet mode.

    "Idiots! Must I always be relied upon to do things right?"

    AERIAL VIEW of Starscream cutting through the sky, darting past Laserbeak and weaving between Thundercracker and Skywarp toward the rear of the shuttle. Starscream opens up along the top of the craft as he speeds over it toward its front

    CUT TO shot of Starscream zipping over the shuttle, shooting out ahead, and then banking to come around.

    CUT TO view from inside the shuttle looking out through the windshield. Prowl is at the controls. Starscream speeds toward them, countless rounds of fire impacting the windshield. Just as Starscream gets really close he launches a pair of missiles that impacts the windshield and blows it to pieces.

    CUT TO side view of Starscream flying over the shuttle, but banking upward and looping so that he's coming straight down on the front of the craft.

    CUT TO shot of Starscream transforming to robot mode.

    FOLLOW Starscream dropping down and landing on the front of the craft, the Autobots just a few feet away inside the craft suddenly surprised to see him looking at them. Starscream unloads on them, striking Prowl in the chest and knocking him away from the controls, Prime in the shoulder with little discernable effect, and Ironhide in the chest, knocking him back a step. Starscream then unloads on the control console and leaps away laughing.

    CUT TO shot of the shuttle crashing, skipping across the ground, taking one last bounce and crashing through the wall and into another hangar.


    CUT TO Starscream landing next to Soundwave, who has gotten Rumble up to a standing position. Thudercracker and Skywarp follow suit, landing behind Starscream. Laserbeak swoops down and perches upoon Soundwave's shoulder.

    "See how it's done, femmes?"

    Starscream then turns to look at Thundercracker and Skywarp.

    (clearly annoyed, quiet but agitated and insistent)​
    "Well, finish them."

    CUT TO shot from behind the Decepticons as Skywarp and Thundercracker start running toward the hangar. Suddenly Sunstreaker in car mode shoots through the hole in the wall made by the shuttle. Prowl and Jazz speed out fron either side of the building and start toward the Deceptcions as well. Just as Jazz and Prowl get several yards ahead of the hangar, Prime explodes through the wall in truck mode. Ironhide and Bumblebee follow quickly behind, also in vehicle modes.

    Thundercracker and Skywarp raise their arm-mounted rifles and start firing at the lead Autobot, Sunstreaker. The yellow Lamborghini weaves through the majority of weapons fire, taking only a couple of light shots. He weaves away one last time before banking toward the two Decepticons, jumping, transforming mid-air, and tackling Skywarp.

    CUT TO Sunstreaker rolling off of Skywarp, then immediately raises to a crouching position, turns toward Thundercracker and leaps at him, delivering a thrust kick to his knee. The kick is immediately followed by a palm strike to Thundercracker's face, forcing the Decepticon to stumble back and fall to the ground.

    CUT TO Sunstreaker whipping around to face Skywarp, who is climbing back to his feet. Sunstreaker delivers a crescent kick to Skywarp's head, knocking him back down. Shots originating from off screen impact against Sunstreaker's chest, knocking him painfully to the ground.

    CUT TO Starscream with his arm-mounted rifles pointed forward, smoke curling out of the barrels. Laserbeak leaps from Soundwave's shoulder and darts forward, toward the Autobots. Soundwave starts toward the Autobots as well, leaving Rumble to stand wobbly holding his smoldering shoulder. Jazz and Prowl just enter the bottom of the frame.

    SIDE VIEW of Jazz and Prowl transforming to robot modes and opening fire on the Decepticons (O.F.).

    CUT TO Laserbeak darting from above, evading a few shots and returning fire. Jazz easily dodges the strafe, but the wounded Prowl has difficulty moving and takes a few shots that send him to the ground.

    CUT TO Skywarp getting up to his feet, clearly groggy. Optimus Prime in truck mode slams into his waist and legs, sending him hurtling into the air.

    CUT TO Thundercracker following Skywarp with his optics.


    "You best worry about yourself, Decepticreep."

    CUT TO shot from behind Thundercracker of Ironhide in van mode slowing, transforming, and leaping at the Decepticon. Ironhide tackles him to the ground.

    CUT TO Thundercracker tossing Ironhide off and scrambling to his feet. Ironhide gets up as well, but he's far slower than the Decepticon. Thundercracker opens fire on Ironhide's chest.

    CUT TO front view of Ironhide. The shots impacting his chest are clearly causing him pain, but he's pushing through it to get to Thundercracker.

    SIDE VIEW of Thundercracker igniting his foot thrusters and taking to the air before Ironhide gets to him, maintaining his fire on the Autobot all the while. Ironhide finally falls under the barrage.

    CLOSE UP of Thundercracker's smiling face.

    "Hey bitch."

    CUT TO shot from over Thundercracker's head, looking down at Sunstreaker pointing a pistol at him. Sunstreaker fires, Thundercracker tries dodging, but the shot glances against the side of his head. Thundercracker cries out in pain and plummets to the ground.


    CUT TO Sunstreaker smiling as he watches Thundercracker hit the ground, then groan as he starts to get up and look down at his scorched and punctured chest armor.


    Sunstreaker looks up.

    CUT TO shot from behind Sunstreaker's head of Starscream, in Cybertronian jet mode, streaking over the Autobots strafing them, laughing all along.

    "Ha ha ha."

    (angrily under his breath)​

    FOLLOW Starscream as he banks sharply toward two helicopters firing at him and plows right through both of them, sending the chunks of flaming chopper falling to the ground.


    CUT TO Soundwave charging Prime. Prime throws him back. Soundwave then throws a punch which Prime easily blocks and then counters with a right cross. Soundwave is sent crashing to the ground.

    CUT TO Laserbeak swooping down and fireing on Prime, but is shot down by fire from Jazz (O.F.)

    CUT TO Prime turning to Jazz.

    "Thanks Jazz."

    "You got it Prime."

    P.O.V. Rumble charging toward Prime, and then leaping through the air. Prime turns his head just as Rumble reaches him.

    CUT TO Prime reaching out and catching Rumble by the throat. Rumble opens fire on Prime's face, connecting twice, but Prime twists and slams him hard through the tarmac. Prime is then tackled away by Soundwave, but he remains standing and slams his fists down on Soundwave's lower back, driving Soundwave to the ground.

    "Die Prime!"

    Optimus Prime's chest is suddenly peppered by fire from above.

    CUT TO Starscream zipping overhead and away. After putting a considerable distance between he and the Autobots, Starscream starts curving around.

    CUT TO Prime's face peering up at Starscream, then lowering his gaze.

    CUT TO Prime's trailer. It suddenly transforms into a weapons platform. A dual-barrelled cannon begins firing into the sky at Starscream.

    CUT TO Starscream in the sky, easily evading the barrage and laughing.

    "Ha ha ha."

    CLOSE UP Prime's face, his optics narrow intently.

    CLOSE UP Prime's rifle, mounted in the weapons platform. The rifle raises from a secure mount, but remains in the platform.

    CUT TO view from over Starscream as he speeds toward Prime.

    "This is it, Autobot!"

    CUT TO side view of Prime diving forward and rolling, narrowly missing Starscreams lasers and a pair of missiles coming down at him.

    CUT TO Prime reaching out his hand toward the weapons platform as he turns his head the opposite direction toward Starscream.

    CUT TO rifle launching from the weapons platform.

    CUT TO Prime catching it, whipping it around, rolling onto his back and pointing it toward the sky.

    CUT TO view from above and in front of Starscream as he cuts upward and speeds away from the ground. Prime is far behind, but he can be seen firing. The tips of both of Starscream's wings suddenly explode as Prime's shots connect.


    Starscream plummets down off screen.

    CUT TO Starscream crashing and skidding across the tarmac, finally coming to a stop.

    CUT TO side shot of Starscream painfully transforming and getting to his feet. He's suddenly tackled by Jazz.

    "Not so fast, Flyboy."

    CLOSE UP of the scuffle. Starscream pushes Jazz away and then turns back toward the direction of the other Autobots.

    POV Starscream as Prowl hammers down on his face with the butt of his rifle.

    "Light's out Solarshriek."

    CUT TO Starscream laid out on the ground, extremely dazed.

    "That's St...Starscream."

    Starscream loses consciousness.


    CUT TO view of Optimus Prime. Behind him Soundwave rises to his feet and tries to attack Prime from behind.

    CUT TO side view of Prime delivering a rear thrust kick that connects with Soundwave's face. Soundwave falls to the ground.

    CLOSE UP Prime's face as he reaches down, grips Soundwave by the shoulders, and lifts his upper torso up toward him.

    "This ends now."

    Prime then delivers a savage head-butt to Soundwave's face.

    CUT TO overhead shot of Prime releasing his grip on Soundwave and letting Soundwave fall completely to the ground. Soundwave's unconscious and heavily dented face/head are clearly visible.

    CUT TO the other Autobots converging on Prime's position as he stand straight up. Jazz is dragging Starscream back toward them.

    "Way to go Prime!"

    Prime turns toward the voice.


    CUT TO shot of Spike and Carly approaching roughly forty yards in the distance.

    "Thank Primus you're alright."

    CUT TO shot of Optimus Prime.

    "Your father..."

    Prime's upper right back and shoulder are blasted from a shot originating behind him. The thuderous blast throws him face first to the tarmac.


    CUT TO shot to the side and behind of Spike and Carly. Megatron in Cybertronian tank mode barrels through the corner of a building, smoke curling from the mouth of his turret-mounted cannon. Ravage bounds around him, transforms into a small, wheel-mounted Cybertronian street racer and zips toward the other Transformers.

    "What the...?"

    PAN Megatron rolling forward, Spike and Carly leaving the frame, and Megatron stopping and transforming.

    O.F. (terrified)​

    CLOSE UP Megatron's face as he turns toward Spike.

    "A poor translation, but I do like the ring of it."

    CUT TO Spike and Carly.

    "Yes, your species may address me as Megatron, at least for as long as I permit you to exist."

    "Eat slag, Megatron!"

    CUT TO Ironhide in van mode speeding toward Megatron, transforming and attempting to tackle him. Megatron smiles as Ironhide slams into his mid-section and wraps his arms around the small of his back in an attempt to grapple with him. Megatron raises both arms into the air and slams them down on Ironhide's back.


    CUT TO shot over Megatron as he grabs Ironhide by the back of the neck with his left hand, pulls him back and then lands a thunderous right punch that severely dents up the lower portion of his face and sends Ironhide stumbling back. Megatron lifts his right foot up and stomps down hard on Ironhide's chest, the force sending Ironhide skidding through and embedding him in the tarmac.

    CUT TO side view of Megatron as Bumblebee leaps toward his head, arms cocked to land punches. Megatron casually swats him away with barely a consideration.

    CUT TO view from behind and over Megatron as Sunstreaker, Prowl are charging him. Between them, several yards back is Jazz, charging at him as well. Megatron suddenly lurches forward, grabbing Prowl and Sunstreaker and sending a snap-kick into Jazz's chest, sending Jazz flying back.

    CUT TO Prowl and Sunstreaker struggling against Megatron's grip. Megatron slams Prowl into the tarmac, but Sunstreaker is able to manuever his way free.

    CUT TO Sunstreaker rolling across the ground, drawing a pistol from a compartment on his frame, springing up to a kneeling position, and firing several times on Megatron.

    CUT TO Megatron being peppered with weapons fire, the damage is minimal but it does seem to be causing Megatron some discomfort.


    Megatron snaps his right arm forward, and fires his forearm-mounted fusion cannon.

    WIDE OUT of Sunstreaker barely jumping out of the way and avoiding a direct hit, but the blast makes his jump uncontrolled, and utilizing grace and agility that defies his massive bulk, Megatron moves forward and lands a spin kick that bats Sunstreaker through the air and through the wall of a hangar.

    CUT TO Megatron turning to look at Ironhide, stuggling to get back to his feet.

    CUT TO Megatron turning to look at Prowl, also pulling himself to his feet.

    CUT TO wide shot from over Jazz's shoulder, who is also just getting back to his feet, of Megatron lunging toward Ironhide, swatting him to the ground, grabbing his feet, and then using his frame as a bat to knock Prowl across the tarmac and into the smoldering frame of a destroyed tank. Megatron then looks over his shoulder at Bumblebee just coming into the frame. Jazz is also starting to run toward Megatron. Megatron raises Ironhide high over his head and brings him down on Bumblebee, knocking the small Autobot through the surface of the tarmac. Without pause, Megatron then shifts and hurls Ironhide like a hammer (think Olympic hammer-toss, not the tool) at Jazz. The top of Ironhide slams into Jazz. The impact knocks Jazz and Ironhide both off screen.

    CUT TO shot of Megatron walking forward toward Prime, who is off frame.

    "Pathetic consumer goods."

    CUT TO shot of Prime's heavily damaged back. Megatron's hand reaches down and grips him brutally and lifts him.

    CUT TO Megatron hoisting Prime to his feet and spinning him so that they're facing one another. Megatron then sends a right cross to Prime's face, immediately followed by a left uppercut to Prime's abdomen. Prime drops to the ground.

    VIEW of Megatron standing over Prime.

    "Isn't it in your job description to train these shells to fight?"

    Megatron kicks Prime heavily.

    CUT TO front view of Megatron with Sunstreaker climbing out of a hangar behind him in the distance.

    "Oh, it is, dickhead."

    CUT TO closer view of Sunstreaker pointing a rocket launcher at Megatron.

    "And I've been taking my training very seriously."

    Suddenly Ravage tackles the already battered Sunstreaker.

    CUT TO clear shot of the scuffle between Sunstreaker and Ravage. Sunstreaker flips him over and then manages to hurl Ravage away, but a shadow falls over Sunstreaker. Sunstreaker notices the shadow and turns to see who it belongs to.

    CUT TO Thundercracker pointing his arm-rifles at the viewer (Sunstreaker). Half his face is melted or blasted away from Sunstreaker's earlier shot.

    "Hey Bitch."

    Thundercracker opens fire.

    CUT TO Megatron laughing lightly and then turning toward Prime.

    CLOSE UP Prime's agonized face as he's looking at Sunstreaker. Just as he twists his head to look at Megatron, Megatron's foot slams into it.

    CUT TO shot of Megatron looking down at Prime (O.F.). Soundwave wobbily rises to his feet behind him.

    "All hail Megatron, leader of the Decepticons."

    Megatron turns to look at Soundwave, a smile beginning to come to his face. That smile turns to a scowl as another voice is heard.

    O.F. (weakly)​
    "Ye...yes. All hail Megatron."

    CUT TO Megatron marching toward Starscream, who is climbing to his knees.

    "You praise me, Starscream, only minutes after conspiring to have my spark extinguished?"

    "What? Who is spreading these lies?"

    Megatron reaches down and grabs Starscream by the throat, hoisting him into the air.

    "My patience with you is at an end, my dear Air Commander."

    Megatron rears his fist back to punch through Starscream's face.

    "No...Meg...Megatron. Wait. You need me."

    (laughing lightly)​
    "Need you for what? The Autobots are defeated, and Prime will soon be dead. We'll suck every last drop of energy out of this planet and spead our empire across the universe. And I don't see where having you functional is necessary to achieve this any longer."

    "We're millions of light years from Cybertron. We got here piggy backing off of a new Autobot technology unknown to Decepticon science. If you want to ever get outside this solar system you'll need this technology operational, and...ack... I'm the only one with the technical know-how to repair, rebuild or replicate the Autobot's transwarp drive."

    Megatron growls as he contemplates Starscream's words, and then tosses him away.

    CUT TO Megatron turning to Soundwave.

    "Aren't you able to do this?"

    "Negative. I am proficient in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, harmonics, Cybertronian anatomy and various other sciences, but I regret that Starscream is the only one here with the knowledge of quantum physics necessary to understand and manipulate transwarp technology."

    CUT TO Megatron turning to glare at Starscream's now-smiling face.

    "Alright, you treacherous worm. You have a temporary stay of execution. But cross me again and I'll send you to the pit without a second's thought."

    CUT TO shot of Megatron standing next to Soundwave, looking down at Optimus Prime.

    "Secure them, but refrain from killing them for the time being. Starscream can't be trusted, and he's smart enough to know that once we have the transwarp drive operational, his usefulness will be gone. We may need the Autobots to provide some insight into how it works, or even where it's located."

    "According to the data stored in the computer systems here, the scuttled Autobot craft is only a few hundred miles to the northwest of here."


    Megatron reaches down and grabs the dormant Optimus Prime, rolling him over so that his front is facing up.

    "The Autobots have undergone some changes since last we were on line."

    "They have altered themselves to mimic local forms."

    POV Megatron as he looks over the battlefield and focuses on destroyed tanks, helicopters and other vehicles.


  16. Throwback

    Throwback Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2006
    Trophy Points:
    Here's a bump for some oldies that some of you may not have read. Check em' out.