By Generation: X-Transbots Virtus - MX-10 - Hip Modification for A-Stance

Discussion in 'Tutorials and How Tos' started by Superquad7, Dec 9, 2022.

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  1. Superquad7

    Superquad7 OCP Police Crime Prevention Unit 001 Super Content Contributor

    May 19, 2003
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    Thanks to Facebook X-Transbots collectors group member, Rolando Mocan, we have a tutorial for fixing the hips on X-Transbots Virtus (Masterpiece Springer) to allow allow for ”infinite poseability” of the “A stance”.

    To do this, you need to remove the ratchet and turn the hip joints into friction joints. Here's how you go about it:

    First, lay the figure face down on a towel or soft material to prevent any paint scratches while you work. Spread the legs, and twist the thigh so the screws face up:


    Begin by removing two (2) screws on lower thigh. Use a #1 screwdriver and a container to hold the screws to prevent losing them:


    Open and separate the thigh parts. Set the leg aside. Be mindful of the knee spring and the upper thigh plastic stopper (slider mechanism):


    The upper portion of the thigh requires a #0 screwdriver. This is the only screw that’s smaller:


    You don’t need to remove the screw completely; you can twist the half to the side once it’s got enough clearance:


    This is the hip piece that contains the “A stance” ratchet. This screw also will provide the tension adjustment when you remove the ratchet:


    Remove the screw with a #1 screwdriver. In this case, I’ve already removed the mechanism, but I believe this piece will separate while you unscrew due to the spring inside:


    Remove the spring and the ratchet ring, then put them in one of Virtus’s baggies for safekeeping and later use:


    You only need these two pieces. Screw them back. The toothed piece with the peg goes under, and the smooth piece goes on top:


    Reassemble the upper thigh and rotate to face up. The screw hole points outward:


    Slide the outer thigh shell back onto the mushroom peg:


    To put the inner thigh half back on, wiggle waggle the pieces to make sure they align well, then press them together. Put the top screw back in and tighten. If you notice, there’s a gap after the screw is tight enough: remove the screw and gaggle again, then put screws back in:


    Now, you can pose him however you want. You are no longer limited to the ratchet stops (which result in a too-wide A-stance)! The figure looks the same, but now the poseability has been changed to allow for the A-Stance and a better range of hip/leg articulation:

    Last edited: Dec 9, 2022
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  2. mechman22

    mechman22 Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2021
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    Here's a quick writeup here on fixing mine. I hope it helps!:

    I've fixed the knee alignment for X-transbots Virtus (Masterpiece Springer). It looks like the inner ratchet is keyed and can be repositioned.

    Just lift up the ratchet and rotate to the next position. The image below shows it lifted so you can see the 4 key pins. Assemble in your hand with pressure on the spring to see if the alignment is correct. Then assemble the thigh.



    Here it is finshed. The hip ball ratchet is also keyed. Once you take the thigh off, you can separate the upper thigh and get at the ball ratchet. Move the small ratchet one position on the keyed pins and that's it. Reassemble. Now you have a straight and nice A stance!

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2024
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