6 hours of sleep over 2 days will not prevent Vangelus from grabbing the nearest gentleman, throwing him into a hotel room, and recording a podcast about his experiences at Action Figure Expo 2012. Will Ichabod survive? iTunes users - You can subscribe to and review the podcast here: iTunes Store Zune users - You can subscribe here: zune://subscribe/?WTF@TFW=http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/external.php?type=rss2&forumids=404 The RSS feed which includes a media link for the m4a file is: WTF @ TFW Transformers Podcast - TFW2005.com And if you want an MP3 version, it's linked below: http://www.tfw2005.net/podcast/WTF_TFW2005_-_225.5_-_AFX_Afterburnout_-_November_11_2012.mp3
For the sake of Ichabod: I have worn my Pre-order 66 to 4 conventions (Botcon, A-kon, Savcon, and Animefest) and I normally wear it anytime I go out (so maybe 1-2 times a week since I work almost every day and wear my work clothes more than anything) and its been washed a ton, it has cracks in the white but it has held up quite well the past few months: here are links for photos so i don't make the thread stretch: https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/1110_10151334033004715_1158504047_n.jpg https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/248963_10151334033559715_327180863_n.jpg
Who would win in a fight between G2 Pat Lee & Shattered glass Vangelus? I wish people would stop making me want MP Sideswipe - I just can't justify the £75 import price - I must be strong and hope for a domestic release.