I'm thinking with all the amazing capabilites of third party companies right now, would you consider buying something like a shuttle or Ark playset if it came in pieces? Imagine a third party 4 part set that consisted of a bridge, top, bottom, and rear combined to form a shuttle? I'd be interested if it were in the range of 150-200 per piece.
I totally agree. It would be awesome to have an ark in-scale with deluxe figures. Of course, It would be more than 200. It would be more around 300-500.
All 3rd parties need a distributor here so prices drop down to normal levels. Then we can afford the entire TF universe eventually....................................
Just committed $250 for a MOTUC Castle Grayskull ( http://www.mattycollector.com/DRHM/...tty&Locale=en_US&Env=BASE&productID=258165100 ), an Ark would be a no-brainer.
I would love to see a Masterpiece Sky Lynx that came with LEDs and the ability to walk... just saying...
I like bigger figures/vehicles but if it's going to drive the price to high then no I don't want to see large scale figures/vehicles.
No. It doesn't work that way. The smaller the number, the larger the scale. The larger the number, the smaller the scale. 1/2 is larger than 1/200.