Okay I said that their would be a team mate for Sky Strike and here he is. There will be more. I took a velocirapteryx from the Jurasic Park: Chaos Effect series and cut it up. Here is a link - JP Toys. This took a day to make. I have been working on it all day. I'm not sure what to name him. I want to call him Air Raptor, but I don't know. It doesn't feel just wright. Anyone want to suggest a name? I think he is going to be leader of the team, that is unless the other big one I have planned to make comes out tougher looking. But I think he is going to be leader. Update 1: I'm not sure if he is going to be the leader, yet. He probly will be , but there will be compition for leader ship between him and the Paradeinonychus that I have planned. I plan on using a Sky Shadow for that figure. If I do that then it might end up bigger then Velocirapteryx. And then I might do one of these two: Thrasher T-Rex and/or Omega T-Rex). That guy would just be a repaint of a T-Wreck that I have and that would make him bigger then Velocirapteryx. So you can see why I am a little conflicted. I should try to make this guy - Ultimasaurus), but they stopped making him. so I would have to completely make him from scratch. That would be really hard for me, becouse I'm more of the type to take parts that are already made and combine them. Okay so this is the team so far. 1) This Guy(name undecided, yet): Beast Mode = Velocirapteryx 2) Sky Strike(He is on this page: Beast Mode = Ankyloranodon Now there are some more that I have planned. I just going to use these figures to make the transformers. 1)Compstegnathus 2)Paradeinonychusm 3)Tanaconda 4)Amargospinus 5)Tyrannonops(This one I might not do) Out of the names that I got so far, I like AirStalker the most. It goes with the animals bio. Update 2: I was thinking of doing an Amargospinus, but I can't find it and the fact that I can't find it is pissing me off. I could have sworn that I had one, but after cleaning my work shop, it just seems to be gone. oh well, I still have a Tanaconda and Tyrannonops that I could use. I also played with this page and made it neaten it up.
Name suggestions. Hey man, I have some name suggestions. Windzor AirClaw RaptAir Very cool custom. I myself am making BW customs right now...
Dude, that's fantastic! He looks perfect, sleek and agile as well. He's a worthy team leader. sup: As for a name, how about Terrorwing, Velocitron or Airstalker?
I had that raptor when I was little ^_^ It makes him look lanky, but not as unnatural as I thought it would be, good job
Thanks for the comments. Do you have pics. I wants to see. I'm not sure if he is going to be the leader, yet. He probly will be , but there will be compition for leader ship between him and the Paradeinonychus(JP Toys) that I have planned. I plan on using a Sky Shadow for that figure. If I do that then it might end up bigger then Velocirapteryx(JP Toys). And then I might do one of these two: Thrasher T-Rex(JP Toys) and/or Omega T-Rex(JP Toys). That guy would just be a repaint of a T-Wreck that I have and that would make him bigger then Velocirapteryx. So you can see why I am a little conflicted. I should to this guy - Ultimasaurus(JP Toys), but they stopped making him. I like the AirStalker the most so far. It goes with the animals bio. See link next to Velocirapteryx I also had this when it first came out, but gave it away. So I bought another one on ebay. He is a little lanky, but it goes with the beast mode - which is a genetic mutant dino: cross between a Velociraptor + Archaeopteryx.
tm2 megatron? i could actually see that as being a alternate inbetween form for him say with it being his transmetal 2 form and the demondragon form being his supertransmetal ultimate form of the two
This custom definitely has that Beast Wars vibe and I like it. As for names well I don't at this moment, but something will pop up sooner or later.
Man I had this whole line of JP toys, I remember looking for that Ultimasaurus forever, I wish I had known they didn't make it. I'm really interested in this project, it's awesome.
I wish they made it. I would so buy that and make that into a transformer. I did come one for the series that was suppost to be Chaos Effect 2, but that was like $300 loss. I would love to get that, but I'm not going to spend that much on something to cut it up.
This looks great, he's working a lot better than I thought he would in both dino and robot mode. And thanks for the link the the JP site, I never knew about the Ultimasaurus... man, what we could have had...
Not entirely convinced by the robot-mode proportions, but I've LONG dreamed of seeing this toy become a BW Fuzor, and WOW, you've nailed that! Great job!
Man, this is awesome! I loved this series of toys! I can't wait to see what else you make in the series!
Here's some names for your creation: Air Slash Terrorsoar Skyripper They might not be good, but I tried. So there you go.
Would that be pronounsed as Rip Snort or Rips Nort? I know. The Ultimasaurus would be the coolest. I'm glad that I could make that dream come true. Yeah. that is weird how that worked out. I wanted to work on one of the new ones, but I was kidnapped and taken to launch. And I can't find one that I want to make.