Hey yall, Just a unkown Transformers Animated Seeker been painting. Started as a starscream and is now unknown. tips are fine, name too!
May I ask, how was this painted? Looks like you have a few touch ups to make. Where either the red paint didn't get to, and some spots where the black is rubbing. And just a suggestion, a matte finish. It will help with the gloss black and make it more uniform with the red. Mac
brushed with tamiya acrylic paint. originally spray painted with a shitty chrome paint. trying to redeem the toy instead of tossing it out. thanks for the pointers
so im guessing this was a n attempted Armada Starscream. in that respect well at least color wise it looks great. dont scrap it man continue with it as him im really liking it.
Yeah Armada Starscream is tied up with G1 Rodimus for my favorite character of all time. He needs some love and this bash is an awesome start!
Looks pretty good for a project your trying to save. The red is nice and flat. I would follow up with some more black, but in thinner coats. The red needs a few touches, but nothing to flip out about. I'm a fan of gloss coats (they take decals much better) so that's what I would finish with. I love Armada Starscream. Give him a sword, and your in serious business.
Well, for this SS, the wing off would be a serious mod, one youd have to do before you painted. I would go with something thin and deadly, a long katana. You could have it slide in on top of his arm, beneath the wing flaps in the back (that I always loose ) See what ya got laying around the house and just be creative.