Happy new year everyone. here I have a WIP of studio series Arcee and Chromia (I have to find the right metallic purple for elita-1) in their Motorcycle forms. The next update will be them both complete then I’ll do a final one when I get elita-1’s paint. Im trying to do them to the best of my ability with what ’accuracy’ they’ve given. thanks for viewing!! Let me know what you think!
Looks nice. Waiting for your update! I tried painting mine as well but still finding the right colour for Arcee. Hesitate about drawing those Cybertronian characters on the bikes as well. You just display how nice it may look with those Cybertronian on.
I used Mr Metallic Colour. GX206 (metal purple) for Elita-1 GX216 (metal dark blue) for Chromia I actually tried GX204 (metal blue) at first but it looks too light on Chromia. I went to the hobby shop a few times looking for GX202/212 (metal peach/red) for Arcee but they are both out of stock.
These are absolutely incredible! BRAVO! It really brings out the amazing details of the figure, especially the head sculpts! Im contemplating on repainting my set as well. Did you paint it by hand entirely or use an airbrush for the bigger areas? Have you painted Arcee as well? Would love to get your advice on painting these. And do you also have photos of them in bike mode?
Thank you! I painted them all by hand. They are relatively small and hand brush won’t leave any marks. I did paint Arcee as well. But I’m working on the Driller right now and forget to update the sisters.
They look so cool. They look like regular sized deluxes with all that detail. Gonna go ahead and paint my set too. Thanks for the awesome pics!