A work-in-progress custom - Scourge, which has been modified to have a removable shield/back plate, custom made cleaver-like sword, exhaust stacks for his back (which in a sense makes his leg stacks now boosters instead), and he'll come with 2 guns as well. He's still in his refining state so he and his weapons still need some TLC before his paint apps. He is transformable and will have a heavily weathered paint job with plenty of scrapes, scratches, and scuffs (Don't wince at his damage applications yet , once painted up he'll look the part). I am contemplating some dirt and grime effects too - not sure about that yet. UPDATE: Once finished with main apps, I'll add dirt, grime, and bring out more of his damage apps. Please NOTE he doesn't only have one eye red as he appears, he has BOTH eyes red. THESE pics were taken using camera flash. ALT MODE: PER REQUEST - SHOULDER MOUNTED CANNONS SO MANY POSES
Thanks, just posted pics of alt mode. He has the additional rifle along with his stock one that came with the figure (not pictured).
Would it be possible for the exhaust stacks to be pegged in the holes on the opposite side of the wheels so he can have over the shoulder cannons? Kinda similar to the ones he had in R.I.D. Just a suggestion I had in mind. Looking forward to seeing this guy done.
Thanks Z! I'll have much of this one done tomorrow but more then likely completed with presentation pics in a couple weeks. I added 2 more pics to the initial thread at the bottom of the closest I could get to what you may be looking for. Let me know what you think Dude, thank you!
This is really nice, man. I know you're going for a Scourge/Nemesis Prime thing but the mods and additions you've would lend well to... something else. I think a new head could turn this into something amazing but I can't think of who or what.
They look pretty awesome, and with a little more detail on the barrels, they would look fantastic. Can't wait to see this guy finished. Also are you going to go with a Decepticon symbol for him or a upside down G2 Autobot symbol like RID?
Thanks! Not sure who you may be thinking about but you've caught my interest. Yeah, they're still under refining but this does look good with the cannons over the shoulder, thanks! Not sure yet about which decals to use just yet. Which one were you expecting to see?
Added two more pics today with different over-the-shoulder cannons for a different look. What do you think?
Looks quite nice, though I can't really decide which I like better. Quite frankly, due to all the weapon ports available on this custom, there are several awesome configurations you could pontentially make(like using the exhaust stacks as null rays on his arms). Or just add even more guns to it. Anyways, looking forward to seeing this guy done. By the way, if you happen to have a DOTM Bumblebee, his mechtech weapon looks great on Prime and was the only reason why I bothered buying Bee in the first place.
Update guys - new pics in first post. Unfortunately for me, this custom will prolly be one of only a couple for the remainder this year that I'll be posting if any. I will still complete this one with all the weapons and vehicle mode however. School is really pressing down hard on me and will be taking much of my time along with work and family guys!
How did you make the shield attach to the arm and still attach in alt mode? I did the shield thing to mine a while back(I think I may have been the first to do that) but in a different way.
Thanks! He should be all done soon. I'm working on 3 different customs right now and they should all be done relatively at the same time Hey man, if you were the first one to do this then I owe you some credit! I saw the shield mod waaay back and couldn't remember who it was who did it. I'll PM you the exact method I used to make the shield work both ways (it's pretty simple actually).
Updated with 2 more new pics (used camera flash this time - one with normal flash and one with a different flash speed).
wow man that paint looks like it glows, really cool adaption to the figure. I like it better than darkside prime. Damage looks real good too. You should take some pics with a black bg?