Here something I did a while back and getting back too it. Here is G1 Metroplex. He started life as G1 Metroplex that was to say the least in very bad shape. Instead of putting on the side, I started working on him. Adding articulation too his arms and legs and ball joint at his head.... Here is the outcome. But got stuck on it color Scheme; I didn't want too just paint him completely white like the G1 cartoon so I gave him some contrasts color. Personally I do like it but I wanted too run with my fellows Radicons to see what they think so far.
Outstanding work on updating this guy! He looks awesome! I like your choice of colors over the G1 scheme as well, it looks well rounded with those colors. It appears that you dry brushed the forearms with metal tones? If that is the case, that is the only thing I would change. I would not add metal tones as a base color for any of the parts on this custom. I would go 100% all colors and use black for the forearms and then maybe just add very subtle metal tones as a complimentary app if you know what I mean - something like 80% all color and 20% at the most metal tones (but again not as base coats). This is all just my opinion of course, I just think that a figure with this much work involved needs to be brought to perfection as in make it a master piece figure and it is obvious you are skillful in doing that. Good luck man!
looks great so far with the added articulation, i think u should go with golden/oranage like the ark/autobot city,but thats my would also make it stand out from the other metroplex customs out there. on a side note i have some spare g1 metroplex parts for this if u need them,i'm sure we could trade for bashing fodder
Sweet! looks amazing I would make him a little taller by extending his waist. it will make him feel more proportionate. can you add a bit of rotation to the tips of his feet or you could add new feet rid ultra Magnus feet might work.
Nice work, are they Unicron's arms? I think if you beef up the waist/crotch it would look even better. Plus a golden autobot city look would be great!
holly crotch plate batman! i love the size and that grey i would do the whole fig in that grey (even though im pretty sure its just primer) but im not feeling the primus arms on him but tho each his own great work though on updating this guy
I like it. Reminds me of the tough battle-ship gray colors. I'd do something about his thighs though. They look out of place in white. Can you post pictures of it in different poses? I want to see his articulation at work if you know what I mean!
I love what you've done here! Very cool. As for the paint scheme, instead of giving him patches of color, how about an all-over darker scheme of gray with white highlights?
like the paint apps it kinda looks like the autobots kinda rushed him out in to battle stick with your paint
i like big bots yes yes loving the gray. this looks great and i also had this on my list to do love those primus arms. it gives him a kind of war within look. thats the look i will be going for. if you dont use the gray i sure will looks awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think you should do a complete white G1 homage, IMO, perhaps go with the white G1 homage as your base coat... but then give him all kinds of atmospheric re-entry burns, battle scars, weathering, all that... Also, any alt mode pics or is Metroplex merely for display?
I love that cool grey scheme. I think if there were more dark colours on him to balance it out it'd make for a better updated look!
Personally, I think the Primus arms are off in aesthetic. I think they could work if you incorporate similar type details on the rest of the figure, especially given the fact that his arms help form the city buildings. I like the idea of using the off gray, but Metro will always be "white" in my mind. That being said, buildings age, and seeing some well-placed and well done weathering isn't a far stretch at all. I really think you've hit onto something here, and I'm really interested to see your end result.
I voted for all white, but I think you can break up the color with some thinned gray paint in cracks, maybe even do some panels in different shades of white to break it up a bit. he'd still be overall white, but slightly different. i think it would sell the mass of this guy better. Look at any building that has paint touched up, and it may be the same color, but since they were painted at different times and with differetn paint, they are broken up a bit. But I also agree with Superquad, the arms look a little out of place. and I like his suggestion. Randy!
Thank you all for your comment...and excellent ideas for end Thursday morning...get your vote count and I will proceed with winning category...thanks everyone....
Definitely use an all-white colorscheme ala the G1 version. It'll give a better contrast with the face, and allow you to use the gray as a more secondary color to differentiate different parts. As it is now it looks a little to plain.