finished work here.
Looking good, You hacked up a KO star saber for this right? {Frankly you'd be mad to do that to a real G1 star saber due to how expensive he is.}
I would much rather it not be a KO. I'm working on getting a real one and replacing it at the moment.
once deszaras and liokaiser see this they will crap their pants P.S.what r you thinking about the brainmasters?Are u debating whether to keep the gimmick or add articulation?
Well, Des his gettin ghis own upgrade Brainmaster is a problem, in order to have Neck movement for Star Saber I have to chop off the 2 other heads..Still working on this idea. BUt the chop chop is a must.
I think Star Saber and Victory Leo are two of the cheapest japanese exclusive toys out there. And there's a lot of junk Sabers and Leos as well.
Excellent job. Not so much a fan of Victory Leo as a character, but Star Saber needed a good toy, he's a great character and yours does him justice. Either way, they both look great, fantastic job
More pics here
aprim, your bashing has gone form 0-60 awfully quick bro. If this was baseball I'd swear you were juicing. This is super impressive.
this guy is turning out EPIC man! really excited to see him finished. will he be for your personal collection?
for the brainmaster why dont you just cut the face from the smaller figure and glue it in pplace removing th face gimmick then articulate the brainmaster he will still be able to fit in sabres chest but wont activate the gimmick then just make the helmet for star sabrefit ovr the top removed from the arm it has to keep it in place