Why do the films get so much negative criticism?

Discussion in 'Transformers Movie Discussion' started by BluRayHiDef, Sep 23, 2011.

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  1. BluRayHiDef

    BluRayHiDef Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2011
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    I think we all agree that Revenge of the Fallen is the worst of the trilogy, but that the other two films are genuinely good movies. So, why do you think the entire trilogy gets such a bad rep? I mean, they have great voice acting, fantastic actions sequences, and strong themes. They really aren't bad at all. So, why do you think people hate them so much? I ask because I made this thread (I'm "REX") about Dark of the Moon's release on BluRay Disc and it's received nothing but flack. I've noticed this on other occasions as well.


    Contrary to the consensus held by a considerable majority, the Transformers films are More than Meets the Eye; they're much more than sensual shots in the form of attractive women and computer generated effects. Behind their facade, there exist profound themes, touching dialogue, and memorable characters who serve as good role models. So, the attractive women and the computer generated imagery are icing on an already-delicious cake.

    Conveyed by the majestic voice of the benevolent Optimus Prime, Transformers (2007) presents some very insightful messages. As much as anyone would love the awesome and beautiful battles in this film, they'd appreaciate the words of wisdom which motivate the Autobots to fight them. Displaying true selflessness that everyone should try to emulate, Optimus says things like, If all else fails, I will unite it (the ALLSpark) with the spark in my chest despite the fact that Ratchet says to him, That's suicide. The cube is raw power. It could destroy you both. Declaring the central belief behind his selflessness, Optimus says, A necessary sacrifice. We can not allow the Humans to suffer for our mistakes. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. Such words are as profound as can possibly be, proving that the franchise isn't just all looks. Even in the final battle, when Sam (successfully) atttemps to push the cube into the chest of Megatron, Optimus begs him, No Sam! Push the cube into my chest! Accentuating this theme of selflessness, the film includes the Witwicky motto, No sacrifce, No victory!; the motto is realized in Sam's bravery when facing Megatron and refusing to give him the cube, willing to sacrifice himself in the process.

    Considering the fact that even Michael Bay admits that Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen wasn't as good as he wanted it to be, it's obvious that it is the low point of the franchise. Hence, no attempt will be made to defend this film, though it does contain a few good aspects such as re-enforcing the themes of selflessness and the right to freedom of all sentient life (Megatron: Is the fate of our race not worth a single Human life? Optimus Prime: You'll never stop at one. I'll take you all on!).

    Dark of the Moon is perhaps the most profound of all three films due to its inclusion of ethical dilemmas which blur the line between Good and Evil. Is Sentinel Prime truly evil for doing what was necessary to save his species and his planet? For sacrificing the needs of the few for the needs of the many? For subjugating an inferior species that deems his own to be mere machines? Also, in addition to this aspect of Dark of the Moon, there exists an engaging plot with genuinely unexpected twists and a main character with relatable problems (lack of appreciation and a desire to matter).

    Basically, these films are much deeper than most people give credit. Admittedly, Revenge of the Fallen is a definite low point, but the first Transformers and Dark of the Moon are emotionally gripping and fun to watch.
  2. WreckNRule426

    WreckNRule426 Autobot

    May 20, 2011
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    I think the movies are good (at least, the first and third), but there's no denying they could be better. They do have negative traits. Some people just focus more on them than the positive ones. That's why there are negative reviews.
  3. OptimusPrime108

    OptimusPrime108 Autobot Field Commander

    Jul 8, 2011
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    I realize people are entitled to their opinion, but DOTM was not a terrible film. I know it had its problems, but it is by no means a horrible movie. What people don't realize when they say "If its a Transformers movie why are humans main characters?' they have to understand that all the cgi is pretty damn expensive. The films need a human factor so the general audience can relate to it. Yes, the bots could have received better characterization and done more in the time they had, but we did get the most robot screen time and interactions out all 3 films. DOTM was a popcorn movie. Its not like Inception where you have to think. Its just a movie where you can sit back, turn off your brain, and watch an action sci-fi movie. I know DOTM had problems, but it was far from terrible. People really need to stop bashing the films. Be thankful we even got live action TF films. Bay may not be a good storyteller, but he can sure as hell direct an action sequence. Thank you Mr.Bay for your contribution to the franchise.
  4. JS_Prime

    JS_Prime Active Lurker

    Dec 31, 2010
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    this site
    Sometimes it just has to do with Michael Bay's name being on the movies...
  5. Ash from Carolina

    Ash from Carolina Junior Smeghead

    Mar 24, 2007
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    It kind of comes down to what a person is looking for out of a film.

    If you want action, explosions, gun blazing, hand to hand combat and that is about all you want out of a film then they are something you could be really happy with.

    Story just isn't there as something story fans can really sink their teeth into. The story manages to move things to the next action sequence but it's not all people could hope for.

    Characters were a problem for other people. Just not deep enough or complex enough for some people. For some folks a character kicking butt is enough but other people want a bit more. For people like me who have seen more than their share of movies the villains just weren't anything special and kind of a big let down.

    With film critics they have to compare it to all the other action films they have seen. With some really great big summer action films since Indiana Jones brought the idea as what to expect out of the summer critics have a load of great films to compare it to.

    Big films also have the problem of if you go look at me look at me to be the most talked about film before release then you really need to bring your A game to just about every level of film making not just good at some things and weak at others. Once in a while someone like James Cameron can get away with something like weak characters or story in Avatar but it's something few big films can get away from. The films that draw the most attention to themselves are always the films that either get the most praise or get ripped to shreds if they don't deliver everything people could have wanted.
  6. User_93049

    User_93049 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2011
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    no one likes michael bay. thats why they say there's connections to 9/11 in his films.


    i found these articles somewhere online:
    reviewer #1 says: guy falling out of building and alerting shockwave + driller attack = 9/11
    Reviewer #2 says: the rocks on the moon don't fall like that 1/2 a star out of five stars!
  7. Steevy Maximus

    Steevy Maximus Old School Snarkster

    Oct 16, 2003
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    The only two places I've seen extreme criticism of the films are from critics and fans.

    Critics were NEVER going to like the film simply because it was a Michael Bay popcorn explosorgam. Which (as proven by the record breaking receipts) is actually something Average Joe America LOVES. Pretty much everyone I've talked to, likes the films (or at least don't hate them like some critics have). It's the same disparity I've seen with Avatar, which critics seemed to ADORE, but most "average movie goers" were pretty "meh" to the film.

    And many fans were never going to like any Transformers movie anyway, short of a complete translation of G1 (with lots of violence and swearing to make it "mature").

    People are entitled to their opinion, but I really get the vibe that at least some of the "hate" is simply people going along with the percieved "general opinion" of the films.
  8. Incepticon

    Incepticon |-+-|

    Aug 19, 2006
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    Well, it's because a LOT of people have the opposite opinion: they do NOT think they were genuinely good movies with great voice or physical acting or great themes. Sure, the first & third movies are better compared to the second one, but that's not saying much as far as many people are concerned. Weak plots, plot holes, story inconsistencies, TF design style, lack of characterization, poor dialogue, similar sounding TF voices, lack of robot screen time, etc. overwhelmed these movies in a lot of people's opinions, and while they might have paid their $12 to go see them, it doesn't mean that $12 translated into liking the movies after they actually sat and watched them. And the truth is, for whatever variety of reasons, a lot of people simply hate Michael Bay, and did so before he ever touched Transformers.

    It's all just opinion. Obviously a lot of people LOVE the movies too, but it can't be surprising why so many others don't.
  9. 03Mach1

    03Mach1 Logic has been replaced with blind ignorance.

    Dec 9, 2002
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    Fixed it.
  10. BluRayHiDef

    BluRayHiDef Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2011
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    What could anyone have hated about the TF designs? What do they want? The blocky, unrealistic designs of G1?
  11. Chaos Prime

    Chaos Prime Combaticon

    Sep 2, 2004
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    Do you know how many scenes of the first Spiderman movie were really close to the same scenarios in the comics?
    Green Goblin died in the exact same way in the movie as he did in the comics.
    In Ironman, his origins are similar to the comics, instead of Vietnam, it's Afghanistan.
    That's what a lot of fans want; to see their favorite (or well known) comic book scenes reinterpreted on the big screen.

    That's what a lot of fans want.
    A literal translation of G1, no, not really, but maybe something similar to it.

    Actually that's pretty much what I think why some many people are fanatically in love with the movies are doing as well.
  12. Ruthie

    Ruthie Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2008
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    The more I read reviews and posts, the more convinced I am that this is really at the heart of it. The TF movie's aren't PC, so the elitists are predisposed to dislike them and even come out against them. And they don't slavishly tow the line that the fanboys imagine they should, so that group won't like any TF movie Bay makes since he doesn't meet their standard of "respect for the franchise".
  13. 13 Primes

    13 Primes Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Where ever Optimus is
    You know, I Really don't know, It's funny because people write all
    this stuff about hating transformers, and how stupid people are for liking them,
    to me if you don't like them, don't watch them, I don't think someones stupid,
    for liking something I Don't, I go to the Movies to be entertained this was
    the best movie of the summer in my Opinion, thats because it was so
    entertaining to me, but oh well there loss not mine :D 
  14. Incepticon

    Incepticon |-+-|

    Aug 19, 2006
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    Yeah man, that's exactly what everyone who didn't like the movie designs wanted: the blocky unrealistic designs of G1. None of them maybe just wanted a design style that looked updated but much less insectoid with exposed parts everywhere that made so many characters virtually indistinguishable from one another. They absolutely wanted to see giant lego blocks on the big screen that couldn't bend their arms, could only turn their heads left & right, and had outdated alt modes from the 80's.

  15. Ephland

    Ephland Let's Go Rangers

    Oct 31, 2008
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    People love bagging on stuff.
  16. Stryker055

    Stryker055 Embrace your contradictions

    Oct 9, 2010
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    The main source of DOTM's negative reception was ROTF. Pretty much every critic was predetermined to hate the film and slam Michael Bay. It still isn't a great movie, but it isn't as bad as it's been made out to be.
  17. Chaos Prime

    Chaos Prime Combaticon

    Sep 2, 2004
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    I got the fact you're poking fun at the G1 designs. But are you making fun the Bayformers bug designs, while defending them? Because you're absolutely right. People do complain about them, bc it's virtually impossible to tell one blurry insectoid bot from another blurry insectoid bot. It's really freaking frustrating sometimes.

    But really; who wants to see insectioid bots in a Transformers movie? I mean you might as well make 'Insectoid Bots: The Movie' and use a lot of the designs that were made for Bayformers.
    Optimus, Jazz, Shockwave, and Ravage, were pretty much updates of there G1 versions. And they all looked good. Bumblebee looked good, because he looked like a new interpretation of BB. Some of the Designs were really solid.
    Designs like Bayformers 1 Megatron, looked ridiculous, because he looked more like Swampthing than he did Megatron.
  18. Young Optimus14

    Young Optimus14 MTMTE Theorist

    May 23, 2009
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    I hear what your saying. I managed to enjoy all three of movies. Hell the first one kinda made me a TF fan even. But the flak they get is understandable most of the time. Lack of screen time for characters, the swearing, the weak plots, etc. But if some people would dig a little deeper espeically for Dark of the Moon, they could probably find more positive things to enjoy
  19. Batman

    Batman The Dark Knight TFW2005 Supporter

    Dec 20, 2006
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    Most people I know that are not Transformers fans and are not huge pop culture fans (collect toys, comics, statues etc) love the 3 movies.
  20. BluRayHiDef

    BluRayHiDef Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2011
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    I don't see how anyone could confuse any of the characters with one another. They look nothing alike, unless they're protoforms or unless they're Blackout and Grindor.
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