I actually liked this film. The main cast is SO much better here and you feel from the start there is a good connection between the human lead and the autobot leader. I forget the guys name both in RL and the film but he is a class actor to have that much great chemistry with a blue screen character in Optimus. I can't describe how much better he is than Shia. The autobots act as the protagonist in this film and the humans are the villains. This is an improvement because the film is called TRANSFORMERS thus it should be about them and it finally is! it's mostly about them fighting back., tho as expected the human protagonist over take them in development still. With the sub plot thing about Lockdown and prime, I felt like he was much more important in his film, I think he spoke the most, and we see him in an interesting situation this film where he has to choose between humans and his own kind, obeying his creators, he looks cool and he has an arc. A Transformer character who actually goes through personality changes and shows emotion, the "soul" thing was chessy though, it's called a spark but whatever at least he has things to say in this film. Sadly the same can't be said for the rest of the group............. Helicopter guy Name: Unknown Personality: spiritual, calm, although rarely touched upon after his initial appearance, few lines second half, disappointment Green guy Name: Unkown Personality: I can't reremeber anything... Brown guy Name: Hound Personality: he is the muscle guy, he has the spot light of holding the fort before the dinobots arrive. Actually, has quite a few lines, probably more than Ironhide in TF1 and TF2 So, it's better than the last 3 films, in terms of personality and lines spoken, appearance times for cast members, there's no Sideswipe/Acree style pointlessness here, but It's still shit. Maybe TF5 we will finally get that secondary autobots are important too and should take priority over pointless, predictable dad/daughter fluff. 7/10 film. Try to pretend all prior TF media never existed and it is quite good -Michael bay stops this film being so much better- The guy is hack director, he doesn't have a clue what his doing. Every single fight scene looks the same barring the final one, (which was too easy btw) it's just a bunch of metal flying back and forth, occasionally sparks and the famous side cart movement all with the camera roating around constantly so you can't even make out what's going on. The fights are also incredible short, blink and you miss them, one shot kill villains. The only reason this film is not garbage like the last tow is because of the script, which I'm sure bay had nothing to do with. If they get rid of this bay clown the next two films (I assume they will make) will be SO much better. No Michael bay, any competent director, and this film would be 8/10 easily. Also, please be aware there are no decepticons in this film. None what so ever. Not even a mention of them. I guess they were inconvenient to the plot as the focus was humans vs autobots and showing them hunting a autobot is more important, but there is not a throw away line, nothing to explain why none show up.
Crosshairs is boss!! Needed more scenes with him. He was the one flying the small ship to Bee and the humans and helped them. But since Bee is a slow shooter, bee and cross switch places and he jumps off shooting with style!
Basically if you have to create a thread explaining why a movie is not garbage, then the movie is not very good.
Well. Let's discuss that. Look, if you want to get your point across on something like this, you have to put doubt into the doubter's mind. For example, if you want the doubters to think AoE is not garbage, you don't post "Why AoE is not garbage". Instead, you do the Scotty factor. You exaggerate. You create a thread that says, "AoE is the greatest movie of all time". Now, you've put the doubt in their mind. Obviously, they're not going to think AoE is not the greatest movie of all time. But they might to start to doubt if it is all that bad. On the other hand, if you say "Hey! It doesn't suck!" then they're gonna be like "lol yeah...it sucks".
The dude has a point. If someone came up to me and said: "Hey, let me tell you the reasons why Justin Bieber isn't a shithead!" I would immediately start a mental tally of all the reasons why Bieber is a walking pile of coiled human excrement.
AOE is not garbage. But IMO while it is better in areas we asked Bay to clean up and do more with, the movie lacks in areas that Bay has nailed down in past movies. The plot is much better and tighter, the characterization of the TFs is much better, the human cast (good and bad humans) was much better and far more relatable. I mean I can relate to the parent wanting to protect his kid at all costs. But I can relate to the "bad guys" that while (were in the wrong) they were goin what they thought was in the best interests of "thier country". But things that Bay did better in past TFs movies didn't happen in this movie. And that was the action was a lot more flat in this movie and there really were no "super great" memerable action scenes.
It's a discussion based on opinions. That's why it's a discussion forum and not a debate forum. I mean, if we're going by based on what you said, you didn't put any sort of doubt in my mind, you came off as trolling. The great thing about an opinion is that there's nothing to prove to anyone. Take it or leave it, it's his opinion at the end of the day.
Oh yes, that was pretty cool, it's coming back to me, I think he was a bit cocky, wanted to fight a lot? I would of rather he and Drift went to the main battle really only Optimus needed to be there with the dinobots and it would of been good banter for the three of them. If I seem noobie with the names, it's because I haven't ever researched anything to do with bays film since the first film. I remember Hounds being quite clear as it's at a moment when he is about to kick ass. I must of missed the other two. There is nothing to indicate that. Galvatron spends most his time grunting and ordering "clones" or whatever troops, shouting his name or just wrecking things. There is zero indication as to weather.. 1. He is the same Megaton personality wise, just in a different form 2. he is a new character with Megatron's memories 3. He has elements of Megatron but is his own character 4. He is a monster type character with Megatron's rage and goals only If he was a decepticon why not call the remaining decepticons on earth to help? I know Barricade is probably dying for a battle having spent 4 years as a police car somewhere He also shows no bite for the battle, or hatred towards Optimus, surely if he was Megatron and thus a decepticon he would of taken the opportunity to kill Optimus whilst he was distracted with Lockdown and the humans around him. The dinobots were elsewhere as were the other members. Instead he just waits till the end and says something like "arg, next time?" Thanks pal! I could of said "AOE is a good film" or something but this is more for the fans like me who would assume this is garbage based on the prior films. It also gives the message that I, like them, am not really a bayformers fan, where as "best film ever" implies I am a fan of the bayformers universe in general so would probably like it regardless.
Yes Crosshairs was a bit cocky! He wanted leadership as well. I think Crosshairs name was mentioned once by Drift. But no one called Drift by his name, you only see it on the computer when Galvatron and Stinger are chasing them.
Firstly, regarding the discussion about how message board forums work... It doesn't matter ONE BIT if the thread title plants self-contradicting seeds of doubt about it's own point. In case you didn't notice, the thread is practically SURROUNDED by others expressing negativity, to which the OP of this thread responds. The seeds of doubt were planted WELL BEFORE this thread was even created. He was busy trying to get the seed and once his army of KSI drones was decimated he was hopelessly outnumbered. But he DID seem pretty aggro towards Optimus, actually...to the point that his violent aggression and even his engaging Optimus in conversation during their battle both took his KSI puppetmasters completely by surprise. So there's that. But, what is more, Optimus himself and Joshua Joyce and Brains all make clear references to Galvatron obviously being "Megatron reincarnated," as Brains put it. There can be no doubt on this point. Also, Barricade already died in battle four years ago in Chicago.
It's the movie discussion forum. Negativity and doubt are par for the course. Creating a thread title to try to convince someone that their opinion is more relevant than your own isn't a prerequisite to discussing said topic.
You new around here? AoE is the greatest movie of all time would only strengthen the resolve of it's haters, not put doubt in their mind. This thread title is far less antagonstic.
I agree with everything prior. Yet despite being too easy IMO I actually thought the Lockdown fight at least had emotional value and a good spirit about it. Though the fight it's self was nothing I will remember. I cared for Optimus and I cared for the humans who had risked themselves all this time for him. I know but it still makes no sense, are we meant to go "okay Megatron had no spark but this new guy is him, cus go with it" I'm not convinced. If they had said "okay, it's a new character with Megatrons ideals/memories" yes that makes sense since we assume a transformers brain is where they keep such things. I think it would of made more sense naming him Scrouge or Nemisis prime and building a new Meagtron type villian. All along they were trying clone Optimus after all. It was the perfect tie in, "we can build a bigger and better Optimus prime" and then he turns pure evil based on Megatrons memories... I mean the guy even turns into a black truck for god sake, surely it was dropped from the early planning or something.