I'm sure that HA Bumblebee will dominate this poll, but which one are you looking forward to the most? For me, it would have to be the cannon blast Bumblebee. I'm not sure why, but I'm really eager to get this guy. I love how the fit an interior into his vehicle mode, and transformation looks to be much more enjoyable than the first movie BB.
I'd have to say the new Ultimate Bumblebee. I loved the first one. Plus, the new one has "The Touch" on it!
HA, closely followed by cannon. The slight retools for preview and ultimate don't interest me at all.
This poll lacks Robot Heroes (either one). Voted for Human Alliance instead. Also, in before "none of them" again.
I voted for preview BB, but HA BB would be a close second. I absolutely loved the CC Bumblebee figure from the first movie, with the exception of the head. They fixed that on the preview figure, so I'm all aboard on that one.
Legends Bumblebee. Considering how Human Alliance BB doesn't have a proper right hand, I'm pretty much skipping out on him and getting Legends Bumblebee. That'll pretty much be it.
My vote goes for Cannon Bumblebee, since he's a lot more accurate in the arms and shoulders. The chest is a little goofy though. Lately I've been thinking about passing them up all together since I'm pretty happy with Premium BB and by the third movie just pick up Screen Perfect Human Alliance BB.
I don't really need any new deluxe Bumblebees, I have the old school camaro and concept camaro from the first movie, so I'm not buying one this time around. Besides the cannon mode BB looks horrible. I think the Human Allicances from what I've seen in pics look really cheesy in bot mode. The FAB mold is bad IMO. Ultimate BB is just way too much, as I don't spend more than 50 for a single TF. Maybe I'll pic up Bumblespud.
Not bothered geting another coz my wallet hates me for the previous ebay slaughterfest. Anyway the original's fine the way it is (yeah, the stripes weren't accurate. That'd be my only nitpick) so no thanks to some new bumper ver, shoulder canoon ver, happy-time-with-sam ver etc.
Not really looking forward to any of them technically. But I may pick up the HA Bumblebee. Desert Camo is a close second though >_> <_<
I got the Preview one, the next and final BB for this year should be HA. I am not interested in Cannon, cause I just hate that non moving chest piece.