Original post is here. No source, annoyingly enough, which ups the chance that this will end up with my foot in my mouth. But, if this is new, thoughts?
I've read about it, but this is the first I've seen of it. Would be cool to see how well these and the Coptercons would fair in battle against the Autobots. I would also be interested to see how they would translate into toy-form. Especially in the Cyberverse scale. Though not before we get a Jeticon in their season two finale deco...
Looks a little 'squished' but it's an okay version...maybe he'll make it in from the game to the TV series...and the helicopter version too. Actually, in taking another look, he almost looks like he could transform into a gun... a la G1 Megatron....more so than a tank, hmmmmmm.?!? Know they wouldn't do that again, but just makes me think of a handgun. Might be the all black legs...kinda like bluing on a pistol.
They give us two new ones in the game and the show still hasn't shown us what the miners turn into...
The Prime game gave us 3 new Vehicon types. Tank, Copter, and Tanker Truck: It's a shame how the game gives us totally unique Vehicon designs, yet the show just slightly altered versions of the same thing.
Dunno if this is such a bad thing. Seeing those designs make the vehicons look like they could rock the Autobots lug nuts off. I would hate to see those vehicons get beaten by the Autobots every episode.