So, I'm digging the Cliffjumper and Magnus upgrade kits and I'm looking forward to getting them. As well as the rumored Apex Armor for Classics Prime. So I got to thinking what other figures could use an upgrade? I think the energon combiners need fists, feet, guns and give some of the repainted limbs new heads to pop on. Who else needs an upgrade?
I would like to see some sort of upgrade for Classics Grimlock. Maybe a better sword. Bumblebee still needs a weapon. Maybe a weapons pack for the two? Apex armor would be sweet.
Here's my idea... A kit to upgrade the four Wal-Mart movie guys into Classics. A new head for Big Daddy. A SWORD for Jolt A spinning blade for Grindcore (who seems to be an Autocrusher homage) And... um.. I don't know... Divebomb seems to be a Hooligan homage, so.. I dunno. But new heads for all of them would be great.. and some extra weapons... Chris
i agree about the energon combiner hands.... also would love to see shoulder launchers for mirage and other classics. and of course new heads for specific characters. but i cant imagine wanting to pay alot for characters like the walmart repaints, its have to be major characters... and Apex Armor is coming...its the magnus armor but colored more primelike EDIT: apparently i'm wrong about the Apex bad...
Not sure about the new walmart repaints. But I wouldn't mind Big Daddy having a new head. I'd like to see maybe Energon Downshift with a missile launcher or something Edit: I mean for his shoulder. Also, a new head for cybertron brakedown gts that looks like Kups. Also, Grimlock definitley needs a sword!
Sword for Grimlock, can't think of too much else right now, the shoulder launchers would be cool. and since its close to topic, how much is the Magus kit approximately gonna cost?
Bumblebee needs a gun and new feet that look like the front end of a VW Beetle. Also, it would be nice to get more weapon packs for the Alternators besides the ones that pop up on e-bay from time to time.
$55-$75 from what I've heard. And its supposed to not be as limited as the cliffjumper kit is. Internet stores will carry it apparently
I can't really think of any that I would buy. As for Grimlock, I'm thinking about buying his G1 sword (thinking about buying a G1 Grimlock anyways, so I might be able to get an extra sword in the process). I'll add any ideas I come up with to this post (I'm bound to think up something sooner or later, lol).
A missle launcher for Classics Mirage A yellow spoiler and new head for Classics Hot Rod Something to round out Armada Unicron Roller and Stickers for MP-04 A G1 Accurate shoulder cannon for Energon Galvatron, and parts/instructions to kitbash him into his cannon mode.