Anyone wanna place bets on which will arrive first: Masterpiece Optimus Prime Toys R Us pre-order. MP-12 from
Sideswipe's the safe bet at this point, though I'd love to be pleasantly surprised by seeing my card charged for MP Optimus. That said, I'm still not expecting Optimus until mid-November, at the earliest. The only way a MP-12 from RK doesn't beat that is if Customs sits on it forever.
Well, considering my Hench and UFO have been sitting in customs in NYC since 10/15 it wouldn't surprise me.
I see no option for MP-10 from pre-order or MP-20... The way the whole pre-order for MP-10 is playing out, I'd be surprised if they arrive prior to a masterpiece figure that isn't even on the table yet...
I got an SMS from one of my suppliers that MP Sideswipe will be available on Monday (Sunday in the US).