you knew this was coming: PLASTIC CRACK! J/K back on topic: Could be decomposition, could just be residue from other toys that were left in with the baggie for too long which shaved off? Err..
a factory worker went to the beach didn't get all the sand out of his hair he wore his underwear under his swim trunks so when he put his pants back on for work he decided to leave them on instead of going "commando" because years ago he went commando when he didn't have any clean undies and pinched his junk in the zipper so he was fearing that that's why he kept his wet underwear on under his pants / he is very uncomfortable and was wishing he would have just gone commando because the wet underwear is soaking through his pants and it looks like he peed himself so he has to stand awkwardly facing away from the other workers so they don't think he wet himself he did meet a girl at the beach that day,Jiao and got her number they are currently still dating