Looking to buy a present for my 2 year-old NEPHEW. Anyone has any recommendations, or have bought something cool recently? Budget about $15-20. Nothing too big, cos shipping now expensive compared to pre-COVID. Would prefer a toy that can stimulate the brain, but am open to other suggestions. Appreciate any help given! P.S. Was considering this, but I think it is too advanced for a 2 year old:
I think that playset is good for him. My eldest nephew had something like that when he was 2 and passed it on to his younger brother and now their youngest brother (22 months) plays with it.
MP-44! I'm Jk but I usually get those Giant building blocks/lego'ish blocks. IMO helps the create and use their brain to make stuff. TBF I've always noticed an empty box does the job fine lol. Also just a heads up but when it comes to kids gifts/toys look into Ross. Really cheap toys you can get vs goin to Walmart,Target etc. (But then again all stores are closed unfortunately.)
I can 1st hand say I've seen my Nephews/Nieces play with boxes and other odd items when they were kids instead of the actual Toy lol. My friends kids were the same
When my daughter could crawl, she'd constantly going for the poland spring water bottles. She loved playing with them.
No,it was the Toys box that was put aside and they would crawl to it and play inside of it. I remember this happened when I got my nephew a Power Wheel and instead of driving his new Corvette,he was more interested in the box lol. There are actually Playhouses I've seen that made out of Cardboard that kids play,draw in.
Anywho Hougang, my vote is for what you showed. My cousin's kid is 2 and has something similar and he loves it.
A set of good, chunky, wood building blocks. They’re one of those toys you don’t outgrow. They’re indestructible, can be incorporated into almost any play pattern, and you can never have too many of them. We got my niece a set when she was 2, and she still plays with them all the time (she’s 7 now). I’m decidedly older than that, and can still spend an afternoon happily building castles with her.
Thanks for the suggestions, guys. Keep em coming if ya got em. Hmmm, something for me to ponder over. I'm gonna sound like a bad uncle, but looking at my nephew, I'm not sure his level of intelligence is there yet. But I am still tempted to get it, based on your opinions, and also because I had something like that as a kid myself, and it was one of my favorite toys, so it is nostalgia for me too. This was what I had: Haha, I'm already cheap enough as it is, but an empty box will be pushing it.
@Hougangkid You also gotta see if your nephew @ the age of 2 still puts toys in his mouth. I don't recall my Nephews/Nieces doing it but every kid is different. Hey if all fails Hasbro Rescue Bots! Haha best of luck man.
He doesn't, but he also doesn't seem to know how to "problem-solve", much less transform a simple robot. I guess he doesn't know how to...think outside the box! Whahaahaha.......my bad.