UPDATE: 9/25 - ALT MODE PICS POSTED...JUST SCROLL DOWN. I used the RID version of Scourge as a reference for his color scheme mainly. He's been given loads of wear and damage applications as well as a removable back/hood, which can be used as a shield. He also got a set of removable exhaust stacks, which can be mounted on his legs as well and can be used as missile launchers for vehicle mode. His sword was made using various TF parts. I also gave him an extra rifle too. His guns and sword are all interchangeable and can be pegged into any of the various peg holes on Scourge for both modes of transformation. Oh yeah, gave him a display stand too. ** VEHICLE MODE PICS Coming soon... ALT MODE: Added some more but subtle effects for vehicle mode...
Wow. Looks so much better finished. Looking at it, the shield seems like it attaches via magnet. Am I right? Haven't gotten that PM yet. Not rushing though.
Very nice repaint! The color scheme works so well with this mold. I dig the shield retool and sword too.
PM'd ya man, thanks! Thanks Guys! Awesome idea, wish I thought of that! Yeah, I figured it's main purpose would be for air poses, I wish it was bigger for him to stand on. Thanks Gents!
The devil is in the details, and this is where this one really shines. I really like how you went about the highlight color (the spots on the backs of the wheels are so nice). Just give him some Decepticon symbols and let's see that alt mode!
Thanks Bruce, you should do one of these WFC Primes man, your skills are meant for this character bro. A mini magnet on the arm and one on the inside of the shield. You can buy them at Michael's. Thanks, I do agree and actually your recent DOTM Scourge inspired me for this one! Hey SQ7! I appreciate the feedback man! Placing the highlighting spots was a little tough because too much would've hindered this one's scheme and too little would be drowned by all the black I think. In alt mode, he has blue around his rims and that can't be seen in these pics BUT I will post ALT MODE pics tonight!
I love it. I prefer the RID Scourge colors to the red and black nemesis look myself and the way you painted him, he looks tough as hell, like he's made of granite. The blue parts and battle damage looks great too.