As much as I want to share my appreciation for the toyline, I actually came here today to ask... my Grapple broke both pegs on the crane into his feet right after his first transformation. Is this normal??? Heck, even the inside of the yellow plastic looks weird, as if melted or if it had a stress line already inside. I checked the forums but could not find much about this. Really annoying, because otherwise I really like the toy. I suppose the arms will keep the thing together now in crane mode... There was no indication of this, btw. I did not force it when pulling out, it just broke off on one side, and the other side was stuck so hard inside it, it broke when I tried to carefully wriggle it out. Never read or heard anything about this or I would have likely filed the pegs first before transforming him...
Well it is something that is quite known, if you watch youtube reviews. A few youtubers had the same bad experience as you, and showed it. Then those who reviewed it after advised to be very careful and sand those pegs. So I knew about this problem before I purchased Grapple, and "fixed" it immediately when I got it out of the box. Once you do that, he's great. Sorry you broke yours, man. It sucks.
Unfortunately, you're not the only one who's copy that the peg breakage issue. The issues seems to be a combination with the partially hollow pegs that isn't strong enough for the job, and the tolerance between both the pegs and the peg-holes that are just a bit too tight. If you planning on getting another copy, I'll suggest to sanded down those aforementioned pegs just a bit with a sanding stick or a hobby knife to reduces chance of breakage.
This is an awesome toy. And yes, this is a dumb quality control issue BUT the if you pay attention to the figure when first transforming it, it’s an easy issue to spot and fix without relying on forums to let you know about it. As collectors this is no reason to skip a figure. Now as someone giving this to a kid, yeah, I would be pissed. They probably wouldn’t be savvy enough to catch it. But we’re not kids.
Perhaps a cut off piece of nail glued into those holes can restore the pegs ? I hope they fix the issue before releasing Artfire, Hauler, or Inferno from this mould family.
I'm: A) Avoiding '85 characters to save money. B) Still tempted by this but waiting to see if Inferno and/or Artfire and/or a running change fix the issue like how Siege Starscream got a fixed Decepticon emblem and slightly tighter chestplate. Figures that get redecoed often get mold revisions that find their way to later runs of the original. See also: Earthrise Starscream's screaming head variant and PotP Cosmos' extra 5mm port slot inherited from the Computron box set retool.
This is a reported issue. It is NOT a peg problem. It is a PORT problem. Peg sanding is the wrong fix and not needed if you fix the port. You'll run into the same problem if you try to peg other things into the port. I put the proper fix here: War for Cybertron: Earthrise Appreciation Thread The feet ports are warped. Need a 5mm drill bit (most hardware stores don't carry these, though). You can twist the drill bit by hand until you meet no resistance to get a proper 5mm port. Now any peg will properly fit. I didn't do anything to the peg, which is properly sized. Ironworks also has a warped port that is fixed the same way.
Was this fixed with a running change on later runs? I just got a second Grapple for a custom and the 5mm drill bit spun freely in the feet ports and took off almost no plastic. Transformed several times and not even any stress marks on the pegs. The lot number on the box is 93511.
I randomly grabbed a Grapple when he first came out (didn't know about the issue) and from what I could tell, I was the only one who didn't have this problem.
It's possible they finally did a running change. Hastak has been known to do that. Siege Starscream had a running change in which the later runs had retooled chest plates / pegs.
I plan to get a second one too once I see it discounted. Good to hear they fixed it. I had the same experience with Motormaster, bought him later and mine does not have leg issues. Same with Trypticon too. Ah, did not know he had a review thread. I only found the Earthrise Appreciation thread
Yeah I bought one from Best Buy and it broke too, returned it. Got new one from Amazon for $27 not gonna transformer him to vehicle mode. Hopefully if they do a Inferno repaint they fix the issue.
RESURRREccteddddd cuz just got mine today and both snapped. i didnt know of this issue. it pegged IN just fine with your typical amount of resistance, it did not come loose after that i'm getting a second one in and will be mindful of that area... but to say the least... it's about 10 months after OP's post and guessing no fix... just... qc?
The fix is to shave down the peg holes on his feet until they fit the pegs well enough. The peg holes are too tight usually, but a shave will fix them.
oh ... i meant that there was no fix from hasbro as some had suggested in the above posts (stating that hasbro mightve fixed that area in a updated release or something). i saw another post about drilling out the ports with a 5mm drillbit so gonna try that .
It seems to vary from figure to figure. My brother’s first Grapple broke first transformation, while mine has one side that works proper, and another that’s too tight and has stressed. Hopefully we’ll see a fix with Inferno, but I think most Grapples will have to be modded to fix the issue.