Are you tired of Bumblebee not being able to let his arms hang down right? The unclip his arms, cut a little at the ball joint and it will look better! Pull his backpack over the body and hide his head into car mode, so you won´t break the horns! Kids: Be careful when using a knife!!!
I have to say that while I'm really glad you submitted this, it is a bit vague. Perhaps those photos can be a bit more in focus and you can elaborate a bit more on the "how-to"m, etc. before it's resourced.
You´re so damn right, guys. Okay. When the figure stands in front of you (eye to eye), take off the arms. Then, cut about 1- 2 mm (!) off the showed part. Cut from the ball(joint) towards the body of BB! In order not to harm the ball, you simply must cut away from the ball. If you hurt the ball, the arm will get sticky or so...
The above is so much better! Thanks! The thing to remember when writing tutorials is that you have to write and illustrate the modification as if you're writing to someone who knows next to nothing about the subject matter. In other words, show me as much as you possibly can so I'm going step-by-step, and [most] of the questions I may have end up getting answered along the way, no matter how simple (or difficult) the modification
You're right. I've done that before, but I simply thought, everyone would know how. The reason BB's Arms hang down so unconventional is the Balljoints are not manufactured right.
Well, I'm really glad you're working on this. It's clear that you're putting a lot of effort into this, and people can appreciate that as well as the modification itself. One of the main reasons that even the simpliest of modifications necessitate a thorough explanation is that people can get very nervous doing the slightest thing to their TFs, especially if they don't have much experience doing so. Radicons tries to cater to both the inexperienced and the experienced
Actually, it sounds like you're just thinning the underside of the BAR that connects the BALL to the body.....unless I am wrong.