King Gojulas - Zoids Wiki zoids wikia link for king gojulas Kiryu - Godzilla Wiki godzilla wikia for kiryu in large part kiryu looks like he could almost pass for being a more stremalined modern day take on the king gojulas zoid in a way one could even perhaps even look at kiryu as being in a certain manenr of speaking a primitive attempt at creating a living zoid like being
I happen to think King Gojulas was modeled after Godzilla itself, but Kiryu was its own evolution. I don't think KG had much influence on its design, although they have some similarities.
The short answer is no. In all honesty, this is the kind of topic that doesn't even deserve the long answer.
Yeah, I agree. If anything King G was modelled after Gojira instead. Especially the Hensei version (stocky and bulky) which is my all time fave of him.