WANTED:Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Medicos Figures

Discussion in 'Items For Sale or Trade' started by marvelchef715, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. marvelchef715

    marvelchef715 New Member

    Nov 22, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Hey y'all..
    i'm new to the forums.
    I did a Lengthy google search for the Medicos brand
    of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure....I discovered a few shops and this message board. These figures go on ebay/amazon/hobby shops for insane prices.

    I'm looking for someone who is willing to sell/part ways with theirs if they have it available to them.
    I came across one member and their thread regarding a sale of these figures here in this board...but he/she has not responded to any posts, so I figured I'll post my own and see what happens.

    I just want to finish my collection of one of my favorite series. if you can help me out, great!
    thanks everyone