Let me know if you got any of these for sale, Looking for boxed or loose U.S Kaltor watch (Silver) Autoceptor watch Deceptor watch Japan Gurafi Noizu Dairu Zauru Minelba Grand Maximus Twincast Dai Atlas any of the 6 HM's white or colored Road Ceaser Darkwing Dreadwind Soundwave Megatron Sixknight Euro AM Bombshell AM Double Punch AM Windmill Rescue Force Constructicons (w/ grey parts) Turbomaster White Car (he has like 8 names!) Mexico IGA Prowl IGA Hoist IGA Grapple red feet IGA smokescreen w/ Bluestreak body All blue Huffer/Puffer Peru Any minicars Brazil minicars non first series
It is the loose figure only with minor paintwear and a lil' bit loose joints - but has stabil standing. Please check my sale thread, unfortunately your pm box is still full.