I want to repaint a reissue G1 Optimus Prime into Nemesis Prime but I have no experience with customising and no equipment or paint. I know I'd need to strip the die cast paint but not sure with what, paint everything black (I don't know if I need spray paint for painting plastic or acrylic paint or some other paint) which might prove a challenge because I think I won't be able to completely disassemble the figure because of the legs being difficult to remove without getting damaged. How should I approach this? Should I even attempt it?
imo if you dont have an air brush i wouldnt do this custom. you cant really take aprt the figure for rattle can paint and hand painting will result in streaky mess on huge areas.
it could work but if you cant take the figure apart then you risk areas pooling up paint and making a mess
So my best bet is to tape up the chrome and then using an airbrush. Hmm, I don't think it's worth all that effort haha
There are black ko's of G1 Optimus Prime on EBay. Only thing is they're from China and I'd be wary of ordering anything online with the pandemic.