Hey guys! Got a Deathsaurus to replace a broken one i had, and during transformation, i noticed something odd The first head horn seems to be remolded for extra resistance, if you look at the top head, that piece is slimmer than the bottom figure I have also Red Geist and the weird remolded KO that transforms into a car, and both have that horn as the bottom one Was this known? Im mostly curious, since never read anything about this anywhere
You may have discovered something. Maybe @Maz may know. I have to see this weird ko that turns into a car
I have two, one has the extra support you’ve pointed out and the other does not. I’ll try and take better pics tomorrow of both, but here are some pics I already had, cropped to focus on the head.
Sure! got it last week, its from the mid 90s as far i know, also available with metal pieces in tights and wrists (for some odd reason) There was also a reissue of sorts, made last decade, but with closer G1 colors
There are also sticker differences I've seen. On the applied stickers, one has a metallic background and the other doesn't
Ok, I took (hopefully) better pics of both this morning: and some bonus pics. The one in the box is the one with the support, for what that is worth. My one without was purchased loose.
Great pics @analogue! and amazing figures you have there! Here´s my figures, like i said, both Deathsaurus, Red Geist and the KO As a side note, its a shame that Red Geist didnt got a painted beak, yet the KO did
Well there's two possibilities here. A. They remolded the horn on later releases with the extra support to prevent it breaking. B. One is a knock off. I can't say for sure one way or the other because I don't know enough about the figure but based on the information you've given those sound like the most likely possibilities.
I was wondering if it was possibly a sign of a knock off as well. I reached out to a someone I know that is a lot more knowledgeable about Japanese releases. He pointed out that Japanese mold variants are not as well known as US variants and that he hadn’t noticed this particular difference before. He didn’t say anything about either variant being a potential knock-off though, and I think if anyone would know, it would be him. I bought both mine from reputable, knowledgeable sellers, so I’d be surprised if either wasn’t a legitimate release.
I have both versions and they are both Takara releases. It's kind of like the remolding done on Godbomber. Not a lot of people know the chrome chest got remolded.
What exactly did they remold? Do you have any pictures showing the difference? Also there is one mold variant in Japan that is well known. That's Car Robots Gigatron and Devil Gigatron. It's pretty well known that both Megatron and Galvatron used the Devil Gigatron version of the mold. Gigatron/Megatron is only suppose to have six modes while Devil Gigatron/Galvatron has ten modes. The Japanese release was remolded to accommodate the extra four modes that were added on. The American release however was a straight repaint. The result of which being that if you got the Takara version of Gigatron/Megatron you can't transform him into those four extra modes but the Hasbro version can despite the fact he's not suppose to transform that way.