Hello all, Ive been a fan of transformers and of this site and decided to finally become a member. I like to make props and replicas and 3d print and model things but I just wanted to show off my DOTM Megatron Costume I made in the 8th grade. Lot of it was cardboard and found objects as well as MDF and PVC for the fusion cannon shotgun. The fusion cannon came out to be 32.5" long and was heavy at the time. I still have it and its one of two parts of the original costume that I kept. One of the upper arm cardboard tubes I kept but I threw away the rest. I am and plan on remaking this costume with EVA foam thats more accurate since my skills have improved way way more since then. Just wanted to share my work with you all. Photos are the only ones of the complete costume. Should have took more, but I learned a lot from building it. Any questions or comments regarding it is totally welcome! Thanks again!