So today I'm getting in from Ebay the Universe Powerglide I wanted, but also in the box will be an Armada Blurr (Since the figures are coming loose this was the cheapest way to get Powerglide). Now I don't normally collect more than one figure representing a character, and I've already got two Animated Blurr's (One is being redone into Override Prime like I've seen done so brilliantly in this forum.) So I'm not sure what to do with the Armada Blurr. I'm still new to modifying sculpts, painting is pretty easy for me, so anyone have maybe a cool, simple idea for me to use my Armada Blurr for? I might end up just putting him back up on Ebay, but if I can reuse him, I'd rather do that.
Sell him to me.
Oh, I like that. I think I might do more of a WFC paintjob (more purple) but I'll update once I have some pics, thanks for the tip!