Anyone have any info one when we're going to be seeing the Universe Superion Micromaster gestault stateside? If no time soon, I thought I saw that it was released in the UK, right? If that's correct where can I get a set online?
If he's out over here, I've not seen one. We have the trains at Argos, maybe he was there, but I don't know that for certain. I'm sure he'll show up more widely eventually though. When was the last time the UK, or even Europe as a whole, had a retail exclusive Transformer? The closest we got was that glut of Energon Ultra Magni.
Do the 'Mock Transmetal' Claw Jaws and Spittors count?? KayBee are probably the ones holding back the U.S. release... rumors of Universe Superion sufaced at least 18 months back. Maybe late spring?? Early summer?? As for a European release.......(maybe) late spring or summer?? IIRC Universe Defensor dispeared pretty quickly around here, to be followed by a flood of Universe Devastator. Maybe they're aiming for a more even distribution this time. Hope it's soon, of the three colors used for the mold, it's my personal favourite.
I've been looking for KB's Universe Snowcat and Downshift since Novemberish. No sign of them yet, and even the MM trains are completely absent from all the local KB's. I can't figure out if I've missed Snowcat and Downshift entirely and they're the most uber-rare exclusives ever, or if they'll start showing up by the thousands two years after their official release (like the KB MM Constructicons did). It will probably be a while before the MM Aerialbots arrive, I'd imagine.
I think my last educated guess put it at April-June or so. Can't remember what I based that on though.
I have yet to see them at any KB I have gone to. Then one weekend, I went to the KB outlet and they had TONS of them.
I didn't say we hadn't. The mention of when the rumors surfaced was to underline the fact that it's taking a relatively long time for them to appear at retail.
Well, it took almost two years before we saw the Universe Landfill repaint, so some of these things take time. ALOT of time. Since we recently saw in-package pics of the micromaster aerialbots, I'd say they're not far behind...
Ah yes. Based on when we saw the first prototypes for the Railbots and their eventual release date, and when we first saw prototypes of the Aerialbots, I'd say they should come out within the next few months. Well, that was a different story. The Constructicons and Overbite/Repugnus were supposed to come out in NOvember 2004 as wave 4 of the Universe Ultras. They were only delayed because Wal*Mart decided to discontinue the Universe Ultra assortment, and Hasbro put the already planned toys on a halt. We "recently" saw the first in-packaging pics back in August of last year.
But didn't the pics of the "Cybertron" labelled, packaged aerialbots only surface sometime in the fall of 2005? Which really wasnt that long ago...
Ok good Im not the only one who can't find these 2 Im so hoping I can find the superion bots soon if at all. And hey are your Kaybee employees as helpful as the ones here? "Hey Kaybee Employee are you getting your Transformers Universe exclusive toys soon? " " Huh I don't know I don't think we carry transformers sir. Would you like to buy some Batteries?"