TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION - Official "Critics" TV Spot (2014) [HQ] - YouTube Ironic, since the film is sitting at %18 Rotton Tomatoes. Couple new clips to be seen tho. Updating the Trailers thread with this.
Stanly Tucci clip where he is losing his cool: TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION - Official Movie Clip #5 (2014) [HD] - YouTube
It should say something like..... "16 out of 82 this movie!" But I am still going to see it, frack what the critics say........what do they know.
A tad off topic but- Which company was it that just made up critics? The one that always had "TWO THUMBS UP" on their posters?
I loved the way he looked around the room before he began to panic, that was priceless....the actor is excellent.
Of course, any film, book or whatever is going to use its positive reviews. Its like when you go to the West End in London, all the plays and shows have huge signs saying 'Best play!', 'Best musical!', 'No. 1 show!'. None of them have a sign with 'Mediocre', 'Mildly entertaining' or 'Not very good'.