-Robot Mode Back Row (Left to Right) G1 Wide Load (Throttlebot, 1987) G1 Heave (Astro Squad, Micromaster Combiner Squad, 1990) (Combines with Barrage) G1 Barrage (Astro Squad, Micromaster Combiner Squad, 1990) (Combines with Heave) G1 Slide (Metro Squad, Micromaster Combiner Squad, 1990) (Combines with Oiler) G1 Oiler (Metro Squad, Micromaster Combiner Squad, 1990) (Combines with Slide) G1 Roadburner (Metro Squad, Micromaster Combiner Squad, 1990) (Combines with Wheel Blaze) G1 Moonrock (Astro Squad, Micromaster Combiner Squad, 1990) (Combines with Missile Master) -Front Row (Left to Right) G1 Motorhead (Race Track Patrol, Micromaster Patrol, 1990) G1 Barricade (Race Track Patrol, Micromaster Patrol, 1990) GoBots Pathfinder G1 Strikedown (Metro Squad, Micromaster Combiner Squad, 1990) (Combines with Power Run) G1 Power Run (Metro Squad, Micromaster Combiner Squad, 1990) (Combines with Strikedown)
Well, that was pretty detailed. You wouldn't happen to know the values of all these combined for an auction price? I need them gone.
Maybe $15 to $20 for the Transformers. I don't know about the GoBot, but you may be able to get $25 for all, but don't take my word on it. I don't know how popular the Micromasters are.
If you can give some detailed photos showing PathFinder's condition, I'd be willing to sling an offer at you.
At least it looks like the gun barrels are still intact. Whenever I find a secondhand example of this figure one or both of those guns are always broken off.