Well after all this wait and wondering if I would or wouldn't get it from ordering online, I finally get mine from UPS today. With all the excitement I open it up and talk about the BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT ! ! ! ! ! This thing is so loose and floppy it is disgusting. I can't believe it got this bad since the original run of MP Grimlocks. Anyone else have this issue?
No issues on mine. The head turns very easily but every other joint is stiff. Little to no paint bleeding. Just a few knobs tho.
Purchased mine straight from the store and he's just about perfect...one of his toes/claws were a little tight (just had to back the screw off a bit)...and during transformation his torso is really floppy until you lock his waist into place...no big deal...
Mines perfect as well. As others have said, the head can be a bit loose because of the tail gimmick. Is there a way to lock that gimmick if you don't want it?