This could possibly be the season finale episode if this season truely has six episodes. Worthy - Transformers Wiki
Nah, we're only getting 6 episodes. Starscream will show up in like episode 5 and be there for the finale, have his ass kicked by Optimus who saves the day and we all cheer and buy the toys.
I hope Starscream appears in episode 4 at least. So we can see a bit more of his side of the story before the Power Surge Prime arrives and saves the day.
It would be REALLY disappointing he's just in the 3 parter or movie or season finale or whatever and he gets beaten really easily and doesn't get another appearance after that.
Still trying to wrap my processor around how Optimus 'apparently' takes flight For The First Time.. Or do they mean it's the first time with the help of a minicon?
Because it's not like Optimus could fly earlier in the very same show or anything, nooope. This is definitely the first time Optimus Prime has ever been able to fly!
i don't actually think this will be part of the special event. Hasbro stated there would be 45 episodes and a special event of 66 minutes. they listed the special as ir's own thing. it will obviously be it's own thing continuing off the season like Predacon's Rising. i'm sure we'll get another season after this since many cast and crew members have mentioned it and because of the app's Combiner Force reveal.
Well, teletoon is reporting that Worthy will be airing Oct 15th. Not that big a surprise though, Canada didn't seem to have any hiatus' for Transformers RiD (aside from season finales) since it started. Teletoon - East TV Listings jD001
I believe fly for the first time with Aerobolt since this version of Optimus has flown in Prime and once in RiD already. Especially since they're NOT talking about G1.