The Universe of the Transformers is vast, and populated by many characters. Their universe is a large tapestry, made up of the stories and points of view of countless experiences that serve the larger whole. These are some of those stories. This is: It should be noted that while this project has been recognized by IDW Publishing and Hasbro, none of the works presented have been commissioned or solicited by either company. The stories are not official canon, except where noted. These stories are the result of Transformers enthusiasts taking the time out of their busy days to contribute to a universe they love. No one has been paid for the production of these stories. ”Protest.” Story by George “Geo” Smrekar, Art & Leters by Kneon Transitt, Colors by Tim Shin.
I love the art on this one. The panels are perfect and the style reminds me of a 'loose' Guido Guidi (master of all TF artwork IMHO). Plus the story is just great, it was a decent read. I'm assuming this is how Mirage got his F1 car mode, and you can notice his cybertronian body doesn't change, just like the G1 cartoon - extra points from me just for that, since I ignore War Within and all the 'new' cybertronian modes.
Love it. This is what Mosaic is all about! Not fanwank retreads of stuff we've heard before, but new information and ideas about the old characters.