Transformers: Into Oblivion

Discussion in 'Transformers Fan Fiction' started by Shadowwavepool7, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. Shadowwavepool7

    Shadowwavepool7 Life's suffering slave

    Jun 3, 2013
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    Congrats to Frank Welker for getting that well deserved award. It's been too long And if you haven't seen the new character bios check those out first. Here is part 11: Dare to be Stupid.

    Unicron is sitting idly by waiting for Galvatron and the others to return. Fearswoop and Terradive have teleported near the god to observe him.

    Fear: “Wow he really is big.”

    Terra: “And terrifying.”

    Fear: “He’s kinda ugly.”

    Terra: “Fearswoop, you shouldn’t say things like that about a god of destruction.”

    Fear: “But he is!”

    Unicron: “And I can hear you.”

    Fearswoop shrieks and falls into Terradive’s arms Scooby Doo style. Terradive throws him to the ground instantly.

    Terra: “You can hear us?”

    Unicron: “Yes.”

    Fear: “How?”

    Unicron: “I am the lord of the undead. I can see that the two of you are a very unique case.”

    Terra: “And what exactly do you mean?”

    Unicron: “You’re in a state of limbo. If you join my cause and become my heralds I will bring you back to life with power beyond your imagination.”

    Fear: “I’m very tempted.”

    Terra: “Fearswoop think about this!”

    Fear: “What’s there to think about?”

    Terra: “He’s evil!”

    Fear: “So? We’ll be powerful.”

    Terra: ‘He’s going to have complete control over us. He’ll tell you where and when to burn things.”

    Fear: “No! No deal mister! Nobody tell me where and when to burn!”

    Terra: “I am a king, and my friend is a legend. We will never listen to you.”

    Unicron: “How disappointing you both turned out to be. Then stay like this forever if you so desire.”

    Fear: “We’ll be back and better than ever one day.”

    Terra: “When our souls are pure we can return to living, and it won’t have any involvement with you.”

    Fear: “I’d rather be like this forever than serve you.”

    Unicron: “It won’t matter. Everything you know will end, and when that happens something beautiful shall reveal itself.”

    After the tense exchange with Unicron the planet of junk is still being a difficult place for Ultra Magnus and the others. Arcee is slowly recovering from her wounds inflicted by Scourge. She stumbles, clutching her stomach as she walks. She comes to Daniel’s aid by using her hand to cover up the crack.

    Arcee: “Don’t make anymore breaths or you will waste more air. Stay close.”

    The battered Springer and Blurr return to try help Ultra Magnus.

    Springer: “This isn’t good.”

    Blurr: “Dreadful is an accurate way to describe it.”

    Arcee: “Is he alive?”

    Blurr: “Yes but barely. We need to get him out of here fast.”

    Springer: “Think you can handle it?”

    Blurr: “Are you crazy? There’s no way I can lift him! I need your help.”

    Springer: “Then we better get started.”

    Springer and Blurr are carrying Ultra Magnus with Arcee and Daniel close behind. Arcee is slowly healing up from her wounds, but she still has a ways to go. Springer’s warrior instincts are alerting him to something.

    Springer: “Something else is here with us.”

    Blurr: “I don’t see anything.”

    Noises of movement are heard all around them. A whole squad of these junk people arise from the ground. Their leader is out front and center.

    Springer: “What is this?”

    Junkion 1: “This my friend is your doom.”

    Junkion 2: “It’s super doomy!”

    Blurr: “What are these things?”

    Arcee: “So much for not having life on this planet.”

    Their leader speaks up, and sounds just like Weird Al.

    ?: “Greetings lifeforms. I am Wreck-Gar, leader of the Junkions. We are pleased to inform you that you will meet your demise here on our lovely planet.”

    Arcee: “And why exactly would you do that?”

    Wreck: “Why you ask? For no reason whatsoever! I didn’t choose this life, it’s just how I roll.”

    Junkion: “Our leader is a visionary!”

    Wreck: “And to be fair you did bring a fight to our home. We’re all super salty about that.”

    Daniel: “He’s not wrong.”

    Wreck: “Now then let’s have a party… of death!”

    The Junkions go to attack. The Autobots are forced to retreat do to their large numbers. Ultra Magnus had to be left behind until they can solve this problem. Blurr and Arcee have no issues getting away, but Daniel and Springer’s ground forms are much slower. The Junkions can transform too. Some turn into bikes that others ride, and the rest are some armored vehicles. Wreck-Gar himself becomes a garbage truck that goes way faster than it should given its size. Wreck-Gar crashes into Springer, and they both transform. Blurr turns back around, but two Junkions cover him with an electric net. Arcee gets shot down by a team of Junkions, but Daniel blasts them back with a missile.

    Junkion 1: “That kid needs to be nerfed.”

    Junkion 2: “Do you even shoot, bro?”

    Junkion 3: “You must construct additional pylons.”

    Daniel and Arce find some cover to avoid the gunfire.

    Daniel: “It’s like they’re fueled on memes.”

    Junkion: 2 “I can haz cheezburger?”

    The Junkions attack them, ditch their guns, and switch to frying pans that shoot out lasers.

    Daniel: “Are they firing lasers from those pans?”

    Arcee: “Looks like it.”

    Daniel: “Oh my god my mom was right. The feminist uprising has begun!”

    Back on the ship Perceptor is repairing what he can with a welder. He hears some violent banging heard from a door adjacent to his position.

    Perce: “Oh it must be Springer. He always gets upset when he forgets his favorite gun.”

    Perceptor is just about to open the door, but something breaks through. It scares him, making him fall on his rear. A Junkion is hacking an ax through the door, and when a hole is made in the center he pokes his head in.

    Junkion: “Here’s Johnny!”

    Perceptor screams like a small girl, and starts kicking the Junkion in the face until it knocks him down. He runs frantically around the ship looking for something to help defend himself. Four more Junkions burst through the ship and grab Perceptor. They successfully stuff him in a net and start bringing him back to the battle. Blurr is still struggling with the electric ned but starts vibrating himself to shake his captors loose. When he breaks free he jump jicks a Junkion riding another as a motorcycle. One tries to stab Blurr from behind, but he easily knocks him down with one punch.

    Blurr: “Y’know these guys aren’t that hard to knock down.”

    Arcee: “It’s not knocking them down that’s the problem it’s getting them to stay down.”

    Daniel fires another missile to give Arcee cover. She fires her crossbow bolt right into another Junkion’s chest. He gets impaled to the ground but is still alive. One leaps at her from behind, but in slow motion Arcee sidesteps and decapitates him with her sword. All the other Junkions fighting her stop and look at the head for a moment. The head turns around and starts talking to Arcee.

    Junkion 2: “Well this is just embarrassing.”

    Arcee: (stepping back) “What are you people?”

    Junkion 3: “Hey, lady, we’re just like you. We pay our taxes one arm and leg at a time.”

    The headless Junkion’s body picks up his head and reconnects it, but it is put on backwards.

    Junkion 1: “Darn it, Carl, you’re embarrassing us in front of the enemy!”

    Carl: (sassy) “Well excuse me, princess, but I’m a little loose in the head if you know what I mean.”

    Carl puts his head on correctly and the fight resumes with Arcee and Blurr taking on the seemingly endless waves of Junkions. Blurr speeds around them to make a tornado that sucks them up and knocks several out. Back at Springer’s situation he is thrown into a rock by Wreck-Gar. When he gets up he sees the group that caught Perceptor and throws him to the ground.

    Springer: “Perceptor!”

    Perce: “Don’t worry about me. Save yourself.”

    Springer: “What are you going to do to him?”

    Wreck: “Nothing if you can defeat me in combat. There are no rules to our little rule. If you can knock me out cold or kill me I will spare all of your friends.”

    Springer: “Then you must be stupid if you think you can beat me.”

    Wreck: “I dare to be stupid.”

    Springer: “And insane.”

    Wreck: “No I’m Carmen San Diego. Guess where I am!”

    Springer and Wreck-Gar pull out their sword and clash. Springer is still hurt from his loss from Vortex, which puts him at a disadvantage. He still has plenty of fight in him, but Wreck-Gar is no slouch. They lock swords, but Wreck-Gar quickly goes on the offensive. His strikes overpower Springer, which knocks him down. Springer has to roll back to avoid what would have been an otherwise fatal slash. Springer gets his shield and tries to hit Wreck-Gar with it, but he pulls out a giant foam noodle and smacks Springer in the face with it.

    Springer: “Did you just hit me with a noodle?”

    Wreck: “I can neither confirm or deny anything.”

    Wreck-Gar pulls out a cannon that fires chickens, and Springer rolls to avoid them. Wreck-Gar roll-tackles Springer and slams him into a boulder. Springer steps on his foot to make him let go. He punches Wreck-Gar in the face, and disarms him with his sword. Wreck-Gar still swings his arm to attack, but Springer cuts it off.

    Springer: “It’s over, Wreck-Gar.”

    Wreck: “No way Jose! I can tell you that I’m quite well armed!”

    Wreck-Gar’s dismembered arm grabs his sword, and he picks up that arm with the other. Now he brandishes an extended weapon which begins to dominate Springer. He tries his best, but Wreck-Gar is much stronger. He knocks Springer’s sword away, and Springer retaliates by shooting him up with his missile pods. It does great damage, but the Junkion leader does not relent. Wreck-Gar wins the fight by kicking him in the chest and smashing his fists down on Springer’s head. The star Wrecker now has a sword pointed to his neck.

    Wreck: “You’re a winner, kid. Your prize shall be death!”

    Wreck-Gar raises his sword to finish off Springer, but a loud bang is heard from behind him. His facial expression turns from happy to what looks like he’s stoned. He falls violently to his knees and then lies face-first on the ground. Hilariously his rear end is sticking up. Daniel snuck up on him during the fight and found the biggest piece of metal that he could find. He hit him right in the back of the head, and he has won the fight. All the other Junkions stop fighting and go to their fallen leader. Wreck-Gar wakes up and rubs the back of his head.

    Wreck: “I feel like someone ran the back of my head over with a tank.”

    Springer: “You lost, Wreck-Gar.”

    Wreck: “You didn’t do it.”

    Springer: “No rules remember?”

    Wreck: “Well you’re not wrong.”

    Springer: “Now let us leave We never wanted to fight you.”

    Wreck: “We thought you guys were a danger to us.”

    Arcee: “No, we just wanted off this hunk of junk. No offense.”

    Junkion 1: “Some taken.”

    Wreck: “Look I’m sorry. It was wrong of me to shoot first and ask questions never. I just haven’t had a fight like that in a long time.”

    Blurr: “Maybe we can forgive you….maybe.”

    Daniel’s helmet starts cracking more, and he goes unconscious. Arcee rushes to Daniel’s aid, but she isn’t doing much good. The more his breathes begin to slow the more she panics. Wreck-Gar isn’t quite sure what to make of the situation.

    Wreck: “What’s his deal?”

    Springer: “He isn’t like us. He needs oxygen or he’s going to die.”

    Wreck: “Well why didn’t you say so! I can help.”

    Springer: “You can?”

    Wreck: “You bet!”

    Wreck-Gar swishes something inside is mouth and spits it into his hand. He kneels down to Daniel to give it to him.

    Wreck: “May I?”

    Arcee: “Go ahead.”

    Wreck-Gar smears the substance over the crack, and with moments the glass fixes itself completely like it was never there. Aniel starts recovering almost instantly, and Arcee hugs him tight.

    Arcee: (relieved) “I thought I lost you forever!”

    Daniel: “Me too. Good thing I’m alive or my mom would have killed you and your ghost.”

    Arcee: “Thank you, Wreck-Gar.”

    Wreck: “What are friends for? Now if I remember correctly there is one more of you that needs help.”

    Blurr: “Ultra Magnus! I almost forgot about him!”

    Daniel: “Shame on you!”

    Arcee: “Now Daniel we shouldn’t be harsh on anyone. I think it’s safe to say we all forgot about him during our little fight.”

    Daniel: “You’re right.”

    The Junkions find the dying Ultra Magnus and start fixing him up. It takes them only ten minutes to heal him completely and give him a brand new hand just like the old one.

    Magnus: “This is incredible. Thank you.”

    Wreck: “No problem. Say I heard your ship needs parts to function. We can help you with that.”

    Blurr: “Really?”

    Wreck: “Yes! Aren’t we awesome or what?”

    The Junkions repair the ship in a little under half an hour. They even upgraded their engines to go faster.

    Magnus: “They are no Constructicons but I got to admit I‘m impressed.”

    Wreck: “Consider the Junkions friends of Cybertron. Maybe we’ll see you around.”

    Magnus: “I’d like that.”

    A giant green corkscrew-like ship comes down and drills the front of itself into the planet’s surface. The Junkions prepare themselves for battle.

    Magnus: “Prepare for anything.”

    A hatch opens up with a walkway, and some shadows walk out. Once they step step into the light it’s Hot Rod, Kup, the Dinobots, and the Minicons.

    Perce: “Oh what a miracle!”

    Blurr: “They’re alive!”

    Wheelie: “So these are your friends huh?”

    Fixit: “Hi everyone we’re new!”

    Brains: “Might want to ease up that introduction a bit there, Fixit.”

    Magnus: “How did you survive?”

    Kup: “It’s a long story. We’ll fill you in on the way.”

    Grimlock: “Who the heck are these guys?”

    Arcee: “It’s a long story.”

    Springer: “Look, Hot Rod, I wanted to say I’m sorry for what I said back on Earth. It was wrong of me.”

    Rod: “You were right though. I should be the one apologizing to you.”

    Springer: “So are we friends?”

    Rod: “Always. Anyway we have some urgent news to tell you.”

    Magmus: “What troubles you?”

    Rod: “Unicron is at Cybertron, and it’s only a matter of time before he destroys it.”

    Everyone else murmurs about Unicron, but Ultra Magnus seems to be frozen in place for a moment before snapping out of it.

    Magnus: “Are you sure this is Unicron? I know Galvatron mentioned it but I didn’t believe him.”

    Rod: “It’s all true. We need to hurry and stop him from making a mistake.”

    Magnus: “Galvatron sad that he wanted to make Unicron his slave. If all this is true he could destroy Cybertron.”

    Wreck: “Unicron you say? This is serious business.”

    Magnus: “You know about Unicron?”

    Wreck: “Pft, who doesn’t?”

    Daniel: “Me.”

    Blurr: “Evil planet god. He’s very very mean.”

    Magnus: “Then we have no time to lose. Gather everything and prepare to take off.”

    Wreck: “Let us come with you. You’ll find my forces quite capable.”

    Magnus: “I wouldn’t want you to risk your lives for our sake.”

    Rod: “It’s not just their lives at stake it’s everyone’s. I don’t know what Unicron intends to do after Cybertron’s destruction but I don’t want to find out.”

    Magnus: “Agreed. All troops move out! We’re going to end this once and for all.”

    Hot Rod, Kup, Arcee, Springer Ultra Magnus, Daniel, and Blurr go into the Quintesson ship piloted by Fixit. Perceptor, Wheelie, Brains, and the Dinobots go inside the original ship where Perceptor is the one driving. The Junkions have a fleet of one hundred ships on standby and take off. They’re ready to face Unicron, or so they think. Back on The Revenge Vortex finds Dragstrip sitting in a fetal position rocking back and forth mumbling to himself.

    Drag: (twitching) “He can’t be faster than me…. I must of had an off day that’s all.”

    Vortex: “Dude you’re getting unstable. You need to chill.”

    Drag: (snapping) “DO I LOOK UNSTABLE TO YOU??!”

    Vortex: (dry) “Yes.”

    Drag: “Well I appreciate the honesty.”

    Vortex: “Look we’re almost home and this whole Unicron shindig should be over soon.”

    Cyclonus and Scourge walk in to see Galvatron wearing the Matrix like a necklace.

    Cyclonus: “Doing alright, master?”

    Scourge: “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t smile like this. It’s rather disturbing.”

    Galvatron: “Oh but now Unicron is in my sights, and with the power of the Matrix by my side I am invincible. Nothing can can go wrong for me now.”
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2020
  2. kaijuguy19

    kaijuguy19 Keyblade Wielder

    Oct 22, 2011
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    Well the Junkion meeting got weirder then in the original 86 movie which I didn't think it would be possible.
  3. Sa173533

    Sa173533 Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    This chapter was cool. The fight between Springer and Wreck-Gar was awesome.
  4. Veritas Prime

    Veritas Prime You're Not Alone

    Dec 24, 2014
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    Philadelphia --> 上海, أبو ظبي‎, NYC
    Well the beginning answered some questions and the Junkion encounter was a mix of crazy and awesome.

    WEEGEE Cringe memer

    Jan 19, 2012
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    An Arby's parking lot
    1)well unicron can hear the dead that's unsettling
    2)that line about unicron making something beautiful makes me wonder what his endgame is
    3)I already love wreckgar
    4)Daniel don't encourage the robot when he has your friends hostage
    5)those are some dank junkions
    6)Galvatron has no idea how much he jinxed himself
  6. bumblebeej8

    bumblebeej8 Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2014
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    Well that was interesting, it was cool to see Fear and Terra stick to their guns. I enjoyed that fight
  7. Shadowwavepool7

    Shadowwavepool7 Life's suffering slave

    Jun 3, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Look at me I'm a ninja! I want to get this stuff done. The final battle begins So here is part 12: Proceed to Oblivian

    On Cybertron some of the Decepticons are trying to ease the fear of Unicron’s possible wrath by listening to a comedian. Waspinator, Astrotrain, Frenzy, and Squawktalk are present in the audience.

    Comedian: “And then I was like bitch make me a sandwich. Then I hit her in the face with a spatula!”

    The whole crowd roars with laughter. Spousal abuse is hilarious to all Decepticons.

    Astro: “I find this humor relatable.”

    Frenzy: “She should have just made him the sandwich.”

    Squawk: “Speaking of which I’m starving.”

    The Revenge is beginning to dock on Unicron, and Galvatron is ready to make his move.

    Galvatron: “Be gentle, Scavenger.”

    Scavenge: “You got it.”

    Galvatron: “Cyclonus, Scourge, you’re with me.”

    Cyclonus: “As you wish.”

    The three exit the ship and Galvatron presents the Matrix to Unicron.

    Unicron: “Well done, Galvatron. Now place the Matrix in my port so I may destroy it.”

    Galvatron: “I would, but I’ve been thinking lately.”

    Unicron: “Do tell.”

    Galvatron: “This is the object you fear the most is it not?”

    Unicron: “It is.”

    Galvatron: “And you tortured me, forcing me to become your servant. As I told you before I serve nobody. You deserve to have justice inflicted upon you. Now you are my slave.”

    Unicron quietly laughs at Galvatron.

    Unicron: (mocking) “Such arrogance. If you think you can harm me then go ahead. Flip that coin.”

    Galvatron: “Then let this be your first moment under subjugation.”

    Galvatron holds the Matrix over his head and tries to open the Matrix. It doesn’t budge at all. With each attempt Galvatron’s spine begins to shiver. Now he’s going harder and becoming more erratic.

    Galvatron: (desparate) “Open dammit, open!”

    Unicron: (intense) “You see, Galvatron? Everything you do will always remain insignificant. The Matrix will never open for you because you’re not worthy. For a time I considered sparing your wretched Cybertron. Now you shall witness its dismemberment!”

    Unicron begins to glow with violent surges of energy breaking out throughout the planet. The shockwaves are so powerful that The Revenge is knocked out the dock. Luckily Scavenger is steering the hip and manages to take control.

    Scavenge: “Everybody brace yourselves!”

    Vortex: “Well he really messed up big time.”

    Drag: “We’re all going to die!”

    Scavenge: “Not if I can help it.”

    Vortex: “No offense but you’re not the kind of guy we want to rely on.”

    Drag: “Yeah screw that noise we’re out of here!”

    Vortex: “I got an idea, Dragstrip. Do you trust me?”

    Drag: “At this point I’ll believe Clarence is a good show if it means we live.”

    Vortex: “Alright let’s do it.”

    Vortex jumps out the back of the ship and transforms into his helicopter mode. Dragstrip runs off the hanger and grabs onto the rails of the helicopter. Vortex flies away with his friend in tow, and now that leaves Scavenger and Shrapnel inside.

    Scavenge: “Well I think that leaves it up to us.”

    Shrapnel just looks at him for a moment before shoving Scavenger off the ship. He screams in terror as he draws nearer to Cybertron’s surface at a high velocity. By chance the other Constructicons have stepped outside and Rampage happens to see the falling Scavenger.

    Rampage: “He needs help now.”

    Mix: “Hightower can you be a pal and solve this?”

    High: "No problem.”

    When Scavenger gets close enough Hightower fires his hook out, and it grabs onto Scavenger’s foot. He swings him around to help reduce his speed, and it does work for the most part. Scavenger still lands head-first on the ground and makes a small hole in the ground.

    Mix: “Nice of you to join us in death!”

    Scrapper: “Anyone got any last words?”

    Longhaul: “Life is too short.”

    Scavenger says something that is muffled due to him still being in the ground.

    High: “I got nothing.”

    Rampage: “Open the gates of hell, brother. I’ll be there soon.”

    Mix: “Speaking of which if he was here his last words would be hilarious.”

    Scrapper: “Yep. Now we die.”

    Mix: “We knew this day would come. Get the umbrella!”

    Shrapnel on the other hand has full control of the Revenge. He flies down and finds Bombshell and Kickback, allowing them to get inside.

    Bomb: “Good thinking of getting the ship.”

    Kickback: “It’s getting too freaky out there for me, and that’s saying something.”

    Shrapnel: “Then let’s get out of here here!”

    Many pieces of Unicron start folding away and falling down like dominos. From the back end of the planet hands emerge, and the two halves where the pincers are separate. Feet emerge from the sides, and the rings become like wings in the back. A head emerges from the top, and Unicron has transformed. He looks more like his Prime version, but no matter the look it will always spell disaster to everyone in his way.

    Unicron: “Now, Galvatron, proceed on your way to oblivion.”

    Unicron grabs Galvatron, Cyclonus, and Scourge in his hand and pops them in his mouth, swallowing them whole. As they fall through Unicron’s throat there are several tubes that go in different directions. Galvatron hits a bump and falls into a tube separate from Cyclonus and Scourge. Cyclonus and Scourge fall hard with Scourge begin the first to hit the floor, and Cyclonus falls right on his back. They’re both unconscious. Galvatron on the other hand stays awake after his fall. It’s pitch black, but he continues to move in the darkness, completely unaware of the surprises in store for him. On the outside the Coneheads fly up to the god, and Dirge begins to worship him.

    Dirge: “Oh mighty Unicron hear our pleas! We come to you as humble believers. Please hear us for we worship you!”

    Unicron sees the Coneheads and swallows them as well. They go down a completely different tube and land piled up on each other.

    Ramjet: “Looks like he heard us after all.”

    Dirge: “Why did he eat us?”

    Thrust: “I don’t know but we need to get out of here!”

    ?: ”Then let me show you the way”

    Dirge: “Who goes there? Show yourself!”

    Sideways steps out of the shadows in an area with these strange green pods inside Unicron’s body.

    Dirge: “Sideways?”

    Thrust: “What are you doing here?”

    Sideways: “Follow me and find out.”

    Sideways and the Coneheads disappear in the hall, which mysteriously closes behind them. Back outside Unicron begins his assault on Cybertron. He first act is simply dragging his pointer finger through a small area. In an instant an entire city and its inhabitants are gone. The Riptide and Crash show begin broadcasting immediately.

    Riptide: “If you’re getting this then this means it’s our final show!”

    Clash: “Well do you have any last words?”

    Riptide: “Yes! The writer switched our personalities and nobody noticed!”

    Clash: “What a fascinating turn of events. And I love you, Riptide, I always have!”

    Riptide: “Well I only like you platonically.”

    Clash: “Can we still retain an awkward friendship?”

    Riptide: “Absolutely.”

    Clash: “Well that ended better than I thought. Also we’re about to die.”

    The two scream as their news ship almost collides with Unicron’s finger. Thankfully they are spared, but their ship is knocked off course and crashes into a nearby pond. Unicron moves to using his own breath to attack. Green flames spew themselves and attack the area where the comedian was performing. He is killed and the entire roof is scorched up. Some rubble takes out a third of the audience.

    Astro: “Aw man he was just to get to the punchline of a misogyny joke!”

    Squawk: “I can’t believe I’m saying this but we have to do something.”

    Astro: “Yeah this is our planet!”

    Squawk: “What do you say Frenzy?.....Frenzy?”

    Frenzy has booked it and is trying to escape. Many Decepticons are finding small escape ships to leave the planet. Frenzy finds A Decepticon leaving with the last one but shoots him in the back.

    Frenzy: “Women and me first!”

    Frenzy hops in the ship heading to Earth as a safe haven. Back inside Shockwave’s tower Vertebreak has finished his surgery on the mystery patient. Unicron strikes near the tower, and all the lights in the lab go out.

    “Well it appears or time is up, friend. How do you feel?”


    “Excellent. I don’t know what the full extent of your powers will be, but those implants in your hands should go well for you.”

    “I’m sure I’ll figure it out.”

    Unicron attacks even closer to the tower, and they both are knocked to the floor. Beakers all off and the bunsen burner hits some flammable material, starting a small fire.

    “And that’s our cue to leave.”

    “Where will you go?”

    “I think it’s best that Shockwave and the others believe me to be dead. I must lie low for a while. If on the extremely convoluted possibility that they are able to stop Unicron use the information on this data drive to locate me. It will give you exact coordinates to my location, but you will need to create or find a spacebridge on Earth.”

    Vertebreak hands the patient a small drive that he stores in a panel inside his forearm.

    “Now my friend I must go. I hope your plan will come to fruition.”

    “As do I. I have faith you will survive this carnage.”

    “Be safe-”

    “No need to call me by my old name. This is the beginning of a new life.”

    “Then what would you like to be called?”

    “Call me….Steeljaw.”

    “Very well, Steeljaw. Begin your mission and I will meet you there.”

    Steeljaw shoots him a smile before taking off. He finds an escape pod in the lab and sets coordinates for Earth. It takes off with him, and as he flies away his coordinates seem to detect what appears to be another Decepticon energy signature. He resets his coordinates to that area and makes it off Cybertron successfully. Vertebreak slithers through the lab and breaks a window. Outside there is the railway system that Astrotrain would use to ferry materials to the tower. He jumps off and transforms into a bullet train, and speeds off underground where he makes his escape. In the uppermost parts of the tower Shockwave sees Unicron is about to directly attack them.

    Shockwave: “We must leave immediately.”

    Loud screeches of tires re heard from outside the tower. When Shockwave looks out the window he sees that Knockout has already left the building.

    Shockwave: “Now it’s time. Forget the research.”

    Shockblast fires a shot out the wall and flies out. Shockwave looks and hesitates for a moment, and his eye shrinks. That’s when Unicron goes directly to the tower. His hand grabs the tower and mashes it to pieces. Among the falling pieces is a familiar shape, and when it hits the floor it is revealed to be Shockwave’s disembodied head rolling around. The light flickers and goes out. Shockwave is dead.

    Decepticon forces are firing back at Unicron, but they do nothing or than annoy him. In the Decepticon’s main city Dead-end has perched himself on the roof with his arms spread out in an angelic symbolism. He is ready to die, and Unicron’s hand is coming right for him. An energy grappling hook yanks him out of the way just in time before the building is destroyed. Swindle is the one that saved him.

    Dead: “Why would you do that?”

    Swindle “Are you nuts?”

    Dead: “Yes.”

    Motormaster and Brawl come in just in time to see the Vortex and Dragstrip fly in.

    Brawl: “Yay the whole team is back!”

    Dead: “It’s time to accept our fate.”

    Motor: “Our fate is far from brief.”

    Vortex: “Then what are you orders?”

    Motor: “We fight back.”

    From the moon Nova the Aerialbots minus Alpha Bravo are witnessing the destruction.

    Silver: “Dear lord it’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen.”

    Sling: “I hate the Decepticons as much as everyone else but even they don’t deserve that.”

    Silver: “We have to do something.”

    Jetfire: “Are you crazy? We’ll get slaughtered!”

    Fire: “Something is better than nothing baby. I’m going to help whether you like it or not.”

    A Decepticon ship flies and stops at their position. A familiar voice is heard through the speakers.

    ?: “Aerialbots, I request we put aside our differences and find a way to save our planet.”

    Sling: “Is that Soundwave?”

    Soundwave: “Affirmative. Will you help?”

    Silver: “Yes we will. Do you have a plan?”

    Soundwave: “Spread out. Try to keep moving. Me and my crew will help create a diversion so you can get close.”

    Silver: “You got it. Aerialbots, let’s fly!”

    The Aerialbots and Soundwave’s crew fly together. The other Autobots and Decepticons see this and join in as well. For once in what seems like forever the Autobots and Decepticons have put aside their differences and have banded together to fight a common enemy. Soundwave flies in front of Unicron’s face and fires everything he has from the ship’s weapons to get his attention. Unicron gets upset and fires his flame breath. Soundwave barely steers the hip out of the way, and that’s when the Aerialbots fly in and bombard his face. While it doesn’t do much it does make Unicron cover his face. Off in the distance two small figures are flying to face the planet. It’s Waspinator and Squawktalk flying together.

    Squawk: “For all the good food in the universe I shall smite thee!”

    Wasp: “Waspinator is just in it for the fame.”

    Unicron simply swats at Waspinator like the bug he is. He is hit so hard he rams into Squawktalk. It doesn’t end there. The force of the hit sends them flying off into a high velocity into a random direction in space. They’ve disappeared without a trace. Unicron sends out a ring of energy that wipes out a whole legion of both faction’s ships. It’s winding down and there isn’t much of a fight left anymore.

    It was as if everyone’s prayers for a savior have been answered. Ultra Magnus and the Junkions have arrived to the battle. The Junkions open fire and Wreck-Gar is inside the largest ship.

    Wreck: “Alright men we do this for honor, for glory, and also not dying!”

    Unicron’s flames attacks some Junkion ships ad makes three explode. Another five are damaged, but the crew members inside are making fast repairs. The Quintesson ship with Ultra Magnus and the others see Unicron for the first time. Their expressions turns from disbelief, awe, and then fear.

    Blurr: “He really is real!”

    Fixit: “Now that is a sight!”

    Rod: “It’s worse than the stories described.”

    Arcee: “It’s a monster.”

    Springer: “Do any of your war stories come to mind, Kup?”

    Kup: (blank) “No…. there is nothing I’ve gone through that will ever compare to this.”

    Magnus: “I can't’ believe it.”

    Fixit: “Orders, sir?”

    Magnus: “Ramming speed, they only way is to get the Matrix from Galvatron.”

    Rod: “I can’t describe it, but I can sense the Matrix inside Unicron.”

    Blurr: “Are you sure you’re not crazy?”

    Magnus: “He’s not. I can feel it too. Alright, Fixit, aim for the eye. That’s probably the most vulnerable part of his body.”

    Fixit: "You got it, chief!”

    Magnus: “Brace yourselves!”

    The ship goes straight through Unicron’s eye and breaks through. Unicron clutches his eye in pain. The team goes through the tubes as well, but Arcee Daniel, and Hot Rod go through separate tubes. Ultra Magnus, Fixit, Kup, Springer, and Blurr fall in the same one together and land on a floor.

    Kup: “Where the hell are we?”

    Springer: “Nowhere that I want to be.”

    Blurr: “this place gives me the creeps.”

    Fixit: “Ditto.”

    Springer: “So what now?”

    Magnus: “We’re taking Unicron down. Let's go.”
  8. kaijuguy19

    kaijuguy19 Keyblade Wielder

    Oct 22, 2011
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    Well the cons got their party crashed hard. Now the battle against Unicron begins.
  9. bumblebeej8

    bumblebeej8 Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2014
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    Well that happened to Shockwave.

    I can't wait to see more of Sideways!

    But that chapter was pretty entertaining
  10. Veritas Prime

    Veritas Prime You're Not Alone

    Dec 24, 2014
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    Philadelphia --> 上海, أبو ظبي‎, NYC
    I wonder who Steeljaw's gonna find when he arrives at Earth and it was interesting to see Motormaster join in on the fight.
  11. Sa173533

    Sa173533 Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2015
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    This is an awesome start to the final battle of this story! I wonder what Sideways is going to show to the Coneheads, though.
  12. WEEGEE

    WEEGEE Cringe memer

    Jan 19, 2012
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    An Arby's parking lot
    1)nice to see steeljaw
    2)the fact that kup can't even compare anything to this show how bad things have gotten
    3)galvatron failed pure and simple
    4)riptide and clash probably won't come back for another show
    5)misogyny sounds like a decepticon activity
  13. Shadowwavepool7

    Shadowwavepool7 Life's suffering slave

    Jun 3, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    This is the final 5. Here is part 13: Belly of The Beast

    On the outside with the other ship Perceptor is steering and unloading the Dinobots.

    Perce: “Good luck.”

    Brains: “Oh they’re dead.”

    Wheelie: “Save the cynicism for later.”

    Brains: “Hey I didn’t sign up for all of this.”

    Wheelie: “Well you’re here now. Let’s hope our friends can top this.”

    The Dinobots fall out and transform into battle. Swoop flies down and spews fireballs all around the surface of Unicron. Slag spears his horns into panels and knocks it down. Sludge fires lasers from his eyes to blast back some pieces. Grimlock breathes fire and smashes his tail down on the ground. Some panels flip up and become turrets and cannons that fire at them. The Aerialbots come in with air support and bomb the area to give the Dinobots cover fire. Then suddenly Soundwave ejects what minions he has left to the surface. Ravage is the first to drop down and fires his cannons at the turrets he destroys one. When they direct their fire at him he quickly rolls around to avoid the fire. He responds with missies to make another two explode. He cloaks to avoid the rest and that’s when Laserbeak swoops in to provide him an escape. Laserbeak’s tail slices off some cannons and he transform into his gyro helicopter. He fires all of his heavy rounds and allows for Ratbat to enter the fray. He transforms into his hang glider form and speeds past the larger cannons. Unicron releases these giant spheres that fire lasers, and Ratbat napalms at least a dozen. A larger turret fires at him, and he oragamis himself to avoid fire. He rolls around at the size of a thumbtack and that’s when Beastbox comes down. He fires all of the heavy rockets on his back and decorates Unicron’s surface with explosions. He rips out a slab of Unicron and throws it into a larger turret. It plugs up the cannon and makes the whole thing implode. Rumble goes from his flying saucer mode to robot mode and lands with both piledrivers down to make a massive earthquake. More of the spheres fly out, and Rumble, Ratbat, Laserbeak, Ravage, and Swoop shoot them down. The Aerialbots return, but it isn’t quite going their way.

    Silver: “We’re not doing enough.”

    Jetfire: “We need more firepower.”

    Sling: “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

    Silver: “You know it. Aerialbots, combine into Superion!”

    The Aerialbots combine into Superion, but he only has one arm because Alpha Bravo is still on Earth. Superion fires rockets and it seems to be doing more damage. He looks off into the distance and two large figures are coming to his position. To everyone’s surprise it’s Devastator and Menasor. They land and all three combiners are teaming up against the God. Devastator fire Hightower’s hooks and tears off pieces of Unicron. He activates his vortex grinder and sucks up a bunch of turrets. Menasor uses Vortex’s blades to slice a path for the smaller characters. He then throws his giant sword into Unicron’s thigh and jumps, grabbing it with one hand. The sword is being dragged down all the way down Unicron’s leg. Whether all these attacks are actually hurting Unicron or the fact that the Matrix is inside is changing him remains to be seen. The God has just frozen in his tracks, allowing everyone else to get on the offensive with him.

    Deep inside Unicron Arcee has stuck a perfect landing on the surface. There are pathways leading to endless possibilities, and she doesn’t know which to choose. Her head perks up when she believes she hears some noise in the background. Upon taking a closer listen it is revealed to be talking, arguing in fact. It’s coming from the fourth path to her right. Arcee quietly walks through the corridor, and when she sees something moving she ducks for cover. She looks out carefully and see that Cyclonus and Scourge are having a heated argument, but that’s mainly on Scourge's side.

    Scourge: (flustered) “I knew following Galvatron was a bad idea! Now we’re paying for his mistake!”

    Cyclonus: “Calm yourself, Scourge. Getting angry will solve nothing.”

    Scourge: “How can you be so calm?

    Cyclonus: “Because I know that we shall survive.”

    Scourge: “I have yet to see even the faintest of evidence to support this. I think you’re foolish for being so loyal to Galvatron!”

    For the first time Cyclonus seems to be visibly upset with Scourge.

    Cyclonus: (cold) “I suggest you change your tone before you say something you will regret.”

    Scourge: “Is that a threat, tough guy?”

    Cyclonus: “You are dealing with an elite warrior, so you should know better than to speak out.”

    Scourge: “I didn’t see that in your fight against Ultra Magnus.”

    Cyclonus: “I underestimated my opponent’s power. That is a mistake I will never repeat.”

    Scourge: “Well you still underestimate me!”

    Scourge strikes at Cyclonus with his whip, but he steps to the side and kicks Scourge in the chest, knocking him to a wall. He pins him to the wall and has a sword to his neck.

    Cyclonus: (leaning in) “Do not mistake your place.”

    Arcee takes a chance and fires a crossbow bolt at Cyclonus’s head. He slashes the bolt with the other sword without even looking.

    Cyclonus: “We aren’t alone.”

    Scourge: “I figured from that thing you cut.”

    Scourge shoves Cyclonus off of him and is just chomping at the bits to face Arcee again.

    Scourge: “I have an ax to grind with you.”

    Arcee: “If you want to lose again then be my guest.”

    Cyclonus: “Allow me to take this one.”

    Scourge: “Just get it over with.”

    Arcee: “I’m stopping you here and now.”

    Cyclonus: “If you value your life leave.”

    Arcee: “Funny, I was bout to save the same thing to you.”

    Cyclonus: -sigh- “I’ll never understand people with a deathwish.”

    Cyclonus puts his swords away and clinks his fists together. A hissing sound is heard underneath him, and his shadow begins to separate from his boy. It splits in half, and starts to materialize into two dark translucent figures. They’re like shadowy clones of Cyclonus. They have red, glowing eyes that leave behind a trail whenever they move.

    Cyclonus: “Now destroy her.”

    The two clones move into the attack, but they clearly have never met Arcee. With a slash of both her swords the clones are torn in half and disperse into pieces. If only it were that easy. The shadows reform themselves good as new. This time they work in perfect harmony. One does a slash strong enough for Arcee to use both swords to block. The other does a swift kick that knocks Arcee off her feet, and knocks her into the other cone, and it strikes her into a wall. She falls to the floor hurt, but a clone makes the mistake of coming too close. She cuts it in the leg and it goes away, and she shoots the other one until it fades away They keep coming back, but Arcee has stepped up her game. She is successfully holding the clones back, and doesn’t seem to be showing any signs of tiring. Scourge shoots Cyclonus an impatient look, and he agrees.

    Cyclonus: “That’s enough.”

    The clones dissipate and leaves Arcee to fight Cyclonus. Scourge steps out of the way to let it happen. Arcee fires a crossbow bolt at Cyclonus’s face, but he slices in right down the middle. The two halves swoosh past the left and right side of his face. Arcee tried firing her lasers, but Cyclonus blocks every shot. She goes more aggressive and dives at him swords first. Arcee slashes and stabs at incredible speed, but Cyclonus is able to match her every step of the way. He even puts one of his swords away and doesn’t miss a beat. Cyclonus jumps back and shoots the first sword out of Arcee’s hand. She tries with the other and he knocks it away. All she has is her arm blades. Her close and aggressive style does make Cyclonus have to use both blades, and she seems to be gaining more momentum. Unfortunately for her Cyclonus figures her out and kicks her hard enough to send her back across the hall.

    Cyclonus: “It’s over. Don’t start a battle you can’t win.”

    Arcee: “I will defeat you!”

    Arcee jumps high in the air, and seems to be trying a dropkick. Cyclonus closes his eyes, and a slice is heard. At first it’s unsure what happened, but Arcee spins violently and hits the floor hard. As it turns out her left foot was cut clean off. Arcee tries to walk but she stumbles and falls. Cyclonus actually frowns at her.

    Cyclonus: “Why must you hurt yourself?”

    Arcee: “I’m not done with you yet.”

    Cyclonus: “A little humility will go a long way with you. Come, Scourge, we’re done here.”

    Scourge: “You’re not going to kill her?”

    Cyclonus: “She is no threat. We must find a way out of here.”

    The duo leaves Arcee to her own devices. Meanwhile Galvatron has hit a dead-end in the path he has chosen. It’s much darker than the rest of Unicron that he’s seen. Something is bothering him. It’s as if he feels there is another presence with him. He lights the cannon to illuminate the area. He searches around but can’t seem to find anything. That’s when a voice finally speaks up.

    “Even now you’re failing miserably.”

    Galvatron turns around and finds the voice. To his horror he finds The Fallen sitting on a throne like area resting a cheek on his hand.


    (nonchalant) “Me.”

    Galvatron fires at The Fallen, but he should know that will do nothing. The Fallen opens a portal in front of him and behind Galvatron The stream goes through the first portal and exits the second to hit Galvatron in the back. It’s strong enough to make him hit the floor.

    “Are you people ever going to not fall for that? That’s basically my calling card.”

    Daniel is rolling violently down his tube and has a rough landing on some sort of container. His suit isn’t too damaged, so he can keep moving around. The area he has ended up looks like some sort of factory.

    Daniel: “My anatomy teacher and I are going to have a long talk about what is really inside someone’s body.”

    Upon further inspection he sees a bunch of large green containers that are producing vast amounts of heat, causing it to bubble. There are claws on a conveyer belt on the ceiling that is dropping some materials into the green liquid. The materials dissolve within fifteen seconds. It’s like Unicron’s stomach acids. Daniel hears some voices from above and he recognize all of them. When they enter the light it’s none other than Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Jazz, Mirage, Spike, and a few generic Autobots.

    Jazz: “Well it was nice knowing you.”

    Side: “I don’t want to have a green bath!”

    Mirage: “I can’t break free.”

    The generics are released and are dumped into the acid. Their screams are brief as they become nothing. Daniel snaps out of, and gets their attention.

    Daniel: “Dad!”

    Spike: “Daniel? What are you doing here?”

    Jazz: “Who cares? He’s our ticket out of here.”

    Spike: “Have you figured out how to activate that suit?”

    Daniel: “Yes I have!”

    Spike: “Alright, I want you to destroy that container so we can get out of here.”

    Daniel tries to fire a missile, but it’s jammed. He keeps struggling, and everyone else is getting closer to the vat. Mirage is in front of everyone else, so he will be the first to die if Daniel doesn’t fix the missile. The claws holding them all together speed up and line them up directly behind each other. They are all dropped one at a time, and everyone starts panicking. Daniel finally gets the missile to work and firs directly at the vat. Unfortunately Mirage falls in two seconds before the missile fires, and the whole thing explodes. Everyone falls out, and most of the acid flows out in some drain pipes. The others land on their feet, but they are burned in the tiny puddles and jump out of the way.

    Jazz: “That burned!”

    Bee: “It could’ve been worse.”

    Mirage’s wailing interrupts their brief peace. He’s still burning up from the acid. He’s writhing around like a slug in a salt bath. He just keeps screaming, and everyone rushes to his aid.

    Bee: “Oh no!”

    Jazz: “C’mon man stay with us!”

    His screams do die down as he loses consciousness, but he’s still smoking and fizzing.

    Bee: “He’s alive.”

    Jazz: “If you can even call it that.”

    Spike and Daniel hug.

    Daniel: “I had no idea you were in here.”

    Spike: “There is a lot we don’t know. You’ll have to catch us up with everything.”

    With everything going on Sideswipe notices something moving in the background. He seems to recognize it because he ditches the rest of the team. His search leads him into a room that closes itself behind him. It’s almost like an arena with a large, circular floor. Sideswipe looks around and speaks up.

    “I know you’re there, Sideways. Show yourself.”

    A noise is heard above him, and Sideways is atop a ledge with his back turned to Sideswipe.

    “You shouldn’t have come here.”
  14. bumblebeej8

    bumblebeej8 Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2014
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    Wow, that was an interesting ending.
  15. kaijuguy19

    kaijuguy19 Keyblade Wielder

    Oct 22, 2011
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    Talk about intense all around.
  16. Veritas Prime

    Veritas Prime You're Not Alone

    Dec 24, 2014
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    Philadelphia --> 上海, أبو ظبي‎, NYC
    That was awesome from start to finish. :popcorn 
  17. Sa173533

    Sa173533 Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    This chapter was pretty intense. That fight between Arcee and Cyclonus was awesome.
  18. WEEGEE

    WEEGEE Cringe memer

    Jan 19, 2012
    News Credits:
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    An Arby's parking lot
    1)unicron is surprisingly effective in battle
    2)the fallen is still as badass as I remember
    3)hmmmm I notice something
    4)I wonder how this big confrontation with sideways will go
  19. Shadowwavepool7

    Shadowwavepool7 Life's suffering slave

    Jun 3, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Probably one of the most intense and emotionally compelling fight scenes I've ever done. Here is part 14: The Tragic Story of Sideways.

    Galvatron is trying to come to terms with seeing his presumed dead father sitting there so peacefully.

    “How…. how is it possible that you still stand?”

    “What can I say? Working for the devil himself has its perks.”

    “Then why are you doing this?”

    “Because my father being killed so I can get what I want seemed like a fair trade to me. Speaking of which I applaud your attempt on me all those years ago. I know you’ve always been a pain in the neck, but you took that phrase to new heights.”

    “I can’t let my home be destroyed by Unicron. Do you even know his plan?”

    “To be honest no. Even I don’t know the whole plan. Do you honestly believe he would to divulge his secrets to someone as insignificant as yourself?”

    “Then why blindly follow?”

    “Because I don’t believe he would do anything I would disagree with.”

    “I understand completely. You just like being his puppet, don’t you?”

    That didn’t sit well with Megatronus. He angrily blasts Galvatron down with a stream of fire.

    (flaring up) “I am no one's puppet! I willingly worked under his rule! You however are his slave and will continue to be for eternity!”

    “And that’s where you’re wrong. I have the relic you fear the most, The Matrix of Leadership.”

    The Fallen sits up straight now.

    “You would dare to threaten me with that?”

    “I would, there is no world to be worth living in if you still plague it!”

    Galvatron runs at The Fallen, but he sends up a firewall to prevent him from stepping closer.

    “You are incredibly dense aren’t you? I guess being taken in by Prima made you weak.”

    The Fallen ends his taunts as something seems to catch his full attention.

    “I sense someone of great power nearby. Be a good boy and deal with that for me.”

    Back at Sideways and Sideswipe’s meeting the tension is building as Sideways has stopped talking. Sideswipe wants answers, but he may not like what he is about to hear. Neither of them know the third eye of Unicron is watching.

    “So this is what you were hiding this whole time? The end of the world?”

    “I had no choice.”

    “You always had a choice!”

    “No I didn’t!”

    “You could have told us about this! We could have prepared ourselves.”

    “Do you really think being prepared would have made any difference? Nothing can ever prepare you for this.”

    “Then why wouldn’t you tell Megatron?”

    “Because if I told him I would’ve been dead where I stood. If I told you then I would be seen as a lunatic. Either nobody would believe me or everything I protected would be gone.”

    “I don’t buy that. You never cared about us. You don’t care about anyone but yourself!”

    (angrily) “Don’t ever tell me what I am! You know nothing about me, what I’ve seen, what I’ve had to do!”

    “Then enlighten me, and stop beating around the bush. First tell me why you killed my brother.”

    “My assignment was to play both sides. Killing Sunstreaker was a way to gain the trust of Megatron and the others. The fake transcripts that claimed I was part of the Shadow Core wouldn’t be enough. I wasn’t proud of it but it needed to happen.”

    “Why did it have to be him?”

    “It could have been anyone, really. The only reason I chose him because he was the one that had his guard down at that specific moment. Obviously I couldn’t take someone like Optimus, Mirage, Longarm, Powerglide, or Ironhide. I needed to take out someone within my level. After that I blended right in with the Decepticons. I even made a friendship that will last for every lifetime. I was found out, and had to flee. Now here I am trapped with you and my people’s lives at stake.”

    “People? What people are you talking about?”

    “Since I will be the only one that will make it past this day I at least owe someone an explanation. I’m not from Cybertron. There are others worlds like your, and some that are different like Earth. I come from a planet simply known as Planet X. Not the most creative of names I know, but there is a history behind it. The X represent this planet as a death sentence for anyone involved. There murderers, thieves, bandits, pirates, and other types of undesirable people lived there. Then of course there was me and a few others. We fought to survive, and nothing more. We never had much, but what we did have made us feel like kings and queens. All was well until he came… and millions of lives were taken within minutes. I had to do something, and that’s when I made the decision to offer my services. In return my planet and its people were spared. I’ve had to do things that give me nightmares every night. Now you know why I’ve done everything. Your people die so mine can live. I never wanted any of this.”

    “That still doesn’t make it right.”

    “If you were in my position wouldn’t you have done the same?”

    “I don’t know.”

    “Yes you do. Your pride is getting in your way like it always does.”

    “I guess I would. I can’t imagine what you had to go through.”

    (cold) “You don’t.”

    Sideways jumps down and gets close and personal with Sideswipe.

    “Now that you know this you must understand I can’t let you live.”


    “I don’t want this information to be spread. It would open doors for my enemies to attack my home world. You see those organic doors? They won’t open unless one of us is going to die. Unicron doesn’t care about the outcome as long as only one survives.”

    “Sideways, this doesn’t have to end in a fight.”

    Sideways turns his back to Sideswipe, but his head is facing him. His eyes imply his emotions are being tortured. He backhands Sideswipe so hard it knocks him on the ground.

    “I’m so, so sorry, Sideswipe. I have no choice. It’s either my life or yours, and I’m betting on mine.”

    “Then I guess it’s time we finally end this.”

    Sideways takes out his flail and swings it. Sideswipe rolls out of the way and fires back. Sideways jumps high in the air and tries to slam it down to smash Sideswipe’s face. Sideswipe spin dodges, but when Sideways turns it back it hits Sideswipe in the chest. It hits him hard enough it sends him flying into a column on the wall. Sideswipe breaks free and fires at Sideways. Sideways rolls and transforms to avoid the blasts. He retransforms and fires his sniper rifle right into Sideswipe’s chest. The shot breaks his right taillight. With Sideswipe temporarily dazed Sideways attacks again with the flail, and it hits Sideswipe in the face, knocking him down. Sideways wraps it around Sideswipe’s legs, and starts thrashing him all over the ground. After the fifth smash Sideswipe manages to stick his blade into the ground. Sideways tries to pry him loose by pulling as hard as he can. Sideswipe uses his remaining blade to cut the flail. The backlash hits Sideways in the face, knocking him on his back. Sideswipes closes the distance does a jumping punch that makes Sideways rolls backwards. While still on the floor he fires a slow mine on the floor that Sideswipe lands on. The now slow Sideswipe get viciously beaten in his chest and face. Sideways fines the attack with an uppercut. Sideswipe recovers and slashes Sideways in the chest. Sideswipe punches and knees him in the stomach. Sideways grabs him by the hands and sends electricity through them. Sideways turns on the buzzsaw on his right hand, nearing it to Sideswipe’s face. It starts cutting at the top of his head, and sparks start flying. Sideswipe uses all his strength to step on Sideways’s foot. Since the Autobot’s foot is a wheel he revs it on and gets him to break free. Sideswipe slashes at Sideways, and he dodges, but not completely. The window of his left car door that sticks up from his back and is cut off. Sideswipe picks it up, throwing it into Sideways. It lands in his left clavicle. Sideways breaks it in half and throws the part that was inside him at Sideswipe. Sideswipe knocks it aside and fires some mines into him. Sideswipe does a roundhouse kick to Sideways’s face, and Sideways recovers with both his chainsaws out. He makes some small cuts on Sideswipe’s sides. Their weapons clash, and the chainsaws are starting to win. Sideswipe does a backflip kick to knock him back. He shoots Sideways with his other lasers, and then Sideways switches to his Slag Repeater. His bullets hurt Sideswipe enough to get him to retreat. Sideswipe jumps on the wall and climbs it with his blades. Sideways tries to shoot him down and gets a shot in the back of Sideswipe’s leg. Sideswipe jumps down and misses his attack. Sideways tries to jab him with a chainsaw, but Sideswipe runs into it with his left arm blade. They get in a lock, and the chainsaw slices off the bottom half of the blade. The chainsaw goes through and grazes Sideswipe’s arm. Sideways grabs the piece and throws it into Sideswipe’s other taillight. Sideswipe tears it out and throws it at Sideways. He knee slides to avoid it. Sideways resumes the chainside attack, but Sideswipe fires a mine into both of his arms, and it breaks the right chainsaw. Sideswipe ducks and stabs Sideways straight through the knee. He is down and Sideswipe throws him to the ground and smashes his head on it twice. Sideways gets up and slams his elbow into Sideswipe’s face. He pins sideswipe to the wall and starts punching into him. Sideswipe blocks one attack and beats him back. The two of them are now exhausted panting and bending over. They exchange punches to the faces, but Sideswipe begins to lose his strength. Sideways cuts Sideswipe’s left cheek, and Sideswipe does an upward slash that cuts straight up Sideway’s’s chest. Sideways kicks him back, and it brings Sideswipe to his knees. Sideways gets behind him and tears off a huge piece of back kibble. It's the right front half of his car form. He smashes it into Sideswipe’s face, and continually bludgeons him with it. Sideswipe desperately fire a mine in it so it breaks. Sideswipe gets up, but Sideways electrocutes him again, and now it seems as if Sideways has won the fight.

    “I take no pleasure in killing you, but I must.”

    Sideways raises his arm for the killing blow, and starts his attack, but Sideswipe has other plans. With his fully intact arm blade Sideswipe jams it into Sideways’s hand. The blades cuts off three of his fingers, and Sideways clutches it in pain. Sideswipe makes two small stabs to his chest, and he pulls out his lasers. Sideways shoots both of them, and they are destroyed. He picks up Sideswipe and throws him across the room.

    “It’s no use, Sideswipe. You never could beat me on your own, and you never will.”

    “Yes…..I …...can.”

    Sideswipe seems to be channeling what little strength there is left. Sideways snipes at him, but Sideswipe dodges every sot. Sideways switches to his other weapon, and while a few bullets hit his target it doesn’t slow him down. Sideswipe fires five mines into his chest from a long distance, and it disorients him. Sideswipe jumps high in the air, and is falling upside down. He spins around and pierces Sideways through the neck with his blade.

    “This is for my brother!”

    Sideswipe pushes it in a deeper, and Sideways’s final noises die out. Sideswipe has killed Sideways. The door opens and Sideswipe weakly wheels himself out. Back at Ultra Magnus and his team they all feel uneasy.

    Fixit: “Oh my goodness it’s so cold in here.”

    Kup: “Good thinking I got a smoke to keep me warm.”

    Blurr: “You know those are bad for you right?”

    Kup: “Shut the hell up, boy.”

    Springer: “Yeah be careful or he’ll give you a lecture about what it means to be a real man.”

    Kup flicks his cigar into the back of Springer’s head.

    Springer: “Hey!”

    Magnus: “Stay close.”

    Kup: “What for?”

    All the paths close up, trapping them.

    Magnus: “Someone else is in this room with us.”
  20. kaijuguy19

    kaijuguy19 Keyblade Wielder

    Oct 22, 2011
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    That's the end of Sideways and talk about a tough backstory.