Transformers: First Contact - RP Thread

Discussion in 'RPG and Games Forum' started by Devaron9, Feb 1, 2019.

  1. Dropkick

    Dropkick Doktor

    Dec 5, 2016
    Trophy Points:
    Middle Of Nowhere
    AREA 51
    Spitfire clapped a little, before turning back to the Globe display.
    "Good work Starscream, off-lining the big bot of the Autobots!"
    Once Burns motioned for them to go, he groaned, de-activating the map and following after.

    Dreadwing laughed, before turning to Starscream.
    "Really?! I hardly doubt that a coward like you would be able to defeat Optimus Prime in one-to-one combat! Megatron himself had a very difficult time killing the prime since both were equals! So what makes it believable that you were the one to offline him?"
    He turned and followed Burns and his convoy.
    "If you said it was a lone Autotrooper dressed like Prime, it would be much more believable Starscream. So, until you can bring us Optimus' spark or the Matrix Of Leadership, than I would shut your vocal processor about having been the one to offline a combatant that is much more powerful than yourself. Megatron would not be pleased either."
    He tapped his head.
    "Barricade, Blitzwing, we're currently located in a Local operations base. Spitfire has proven... useful for now. I don't like how nor why he managed it, but he somehow managed it. Report to Megatron, we have a safe landing zone for future Decepticon landings if need be. We have their trust for now."
    He tapped his gauntlet before turning to his brothers around him.
    "Well this is going well."

    Spitfire crouched down, and looked at the soldiers.
    "Do you locals have any medical bays or field hospitals around here?"
    One of the soldiers motioned to the Vehicle Workshop.
    "I mean, we have mechanics. I doubt they'd be able to fix you guys, but nonetheless there's enough parts that you guys would be able to fix yourselves if- "
    He got slapped on the head by one of his comrades.
    "What are you doing talking to the aliens?!"
    "I dunno, he just came down and asked a question in English! What was I supposed to do? I can't read minds here!"

    Spitfire nodded, and turned to Thundercracker and Skywarp.
    "They have a repair bay over that way for their vehicles. They say we can use them after they've finished questioning us or whatever."

    Dreadwing sighed.
    "Let's just get this over with."


    Mirage soon stumbled upon a gas station. He looked around, and found energy signatures coming from both the Gas pumps, and an unknown object in the back.
    Mirage shrugged, transforming and decloaking behind a building.
    Once he pulled around, he drove up to the gas station, and deployed his Holomatter avatar, a decently sized man with aviator shades, a grey jacket, and a white polo shirt underneath. He started checking the pump.
    "It's very crude, using both a Hydrogen Oxygen Compound, and a Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Sulfur compound..."
    He analyzed it.
    "It's messy... very messy, but it works for giving us at least a few more hours of energy... thank Primus Macaddam taught me what can refuel us besides using Energon..."
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2019
  2. Devaron9

    Devaron9 Token Falchion Wielding Welshy

    Sep 24, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    "Uh, Bluestreak's already gone" pointed out Landmine.

    Lori opened Hot Shot's door and got into the passenger seat.

    "Follow that car, I guess" she says.

    "Buckle up, kid" Landmine says, driving after Bluestreak.

    Bluestreak continued driving towards the factory, Landmine behind him.


    "I didn't need to go back then" said Marcus.


    "Of course I did!" boasts Starscream. "Though I was unable to retrieve the body, due to its apparent destruction."

    Starscream then looks in dismay at the repair station.

    "I think I'll pass" he said.

    Better to be seen to by a professional, Starscream thinks. Or Knockout, given the lack of one. Starscream kneels down.

    "What other questions will you be asking..." Starscream starts, squinting at the tiny badge on Agent Burn's uniform. "...Burns."


    Blitzwing wheezes, and hands Megatron the datapad with all the information collected on it.

    "It could be him, my lord" he says.


    "Over here" waved Runamuck from inside.
  3. TFan2013

    TFan2013 Energon Seeker

    Mar 25, 2013
    Trophy Points:


    Ratchet sighs and then nudges Tracks with his bumper. "Let's go Tracks."

    I-15, Nevada

    "Alright, alright. Yes sir. Yes sir." grumbles Sideswipe transforming and beginning to follow Ultra Magnus once more.

    Area 51, Nevada

    Thundercracker nods. But then wonders aloud in Cybertronian. "Wait, who's giving orders here on this infiltration mission? Are you on some other mission Starscream? Just thought you'd be running this. I wanna know who to answer to if new information becomes available on our infiltration subjects." He knew Starscream was second in command, but Dreadwing was the one issuing most of the orders and had been the one contacted by Soundwave.... Thundercracker has a sinking feeling Decepticon politics were at play.

    Crashed Nemesis Medbay, Mars

    Soundwave answers smoothly. "Soundwave: deemed Knockouts processor needed refreshing. Cooling cirucits: refreshing." He then looks back down at his chest. Ravage must be in deep recharge to not answer his summons. He decided to let the cat sleep a bit more as he begins heading toward the direction of the commotion.
  4. fafireguy

    fafireguy Leader

    Nov 1, 2010
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    Hot Shot begins to follow the pack
    "So, any good sights around?"

    Coby buckles up with a child like grin on his face.


    Megatron glares at the data pad
    "He is still alive?"
  5. GogoDG

    GogoDG The Emperor of Destruction, with a new face

    Aug 12, 2017
    Trophy Points:
    Area 51, Nevada

    Skywarp nodded to Spitfire.

    "Thundercracker, would you mind coming with me to that repair bay, the people here just mentioned?"


    I-80, Wyoming

    "Can you hold for a bit, there should be an outhouse or a gas station coming by." Bumblebee reassured.

    "We'll wait him to dispose of his liquids?! That's weird, Bumblebee! Really weird." Cliffjumper argued.


    Crashed Nemesis, Mars

    Runabout walked to Runamuck.

    "What're you doing? You left me carrying all of your stuff. That's not cool bro!"

    Knockout meanwhile turned off the cryopods.

    "We won't be needing them right now, everyone is patched up and we need to preserve what energy we have for emergencies." he then turned to Soundwave ((he's still there, right?)) "What're our orders now? Did the big M say something?"
  6. Devaron9

    Devaron9 Token Falchion Wielding Welshy

    Sep 24, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    Starscream elbows Thundercracker.

    "My command will not be undermined by Dreadwing" he stated. "It just happens he called before I joined you."


    "Not really" shrugged Lori. "It's just a town. Same old boring stuff."

    "What, you never been on one of these before?" Landmine asked as he followed Bluestreak.


    "So long as its not too far away" sighed Marcus, jiggling a bit in his seat.


    "You volunteered" shrugged Runamuck. "Tell you what, you get to hit the big red button when we blow Blitzy's recharge pad while he's on it!"


    "Potentially" says Blitzwing. "I mean, it's possible for him to have activated the signal then succumbed to his injuries, but we have to be sure, don't we sir?
  7. CyberRavager

    CyberRavager Everyone needs an Upgrade, every once in a while

    Sep 20, 2018
    Trophy Points:
    Area 51, Nevada

    "Hey, hey! Can't you cut it out? Stop bickering." Burns rubbed his eyes "I can't believe that I'm trying to calm down big mechanical aliens."



    "We're going?! Finally!" Tracks excitingly hopped back on his feet.


    I-15, Nevada, Exactly one hour to Las Vegas

    "When we get to that place, what's the plan?" Trailbreaker asked.

    "I expect there to be other Autobots. Someone should have arrived by now there. And I expect Arcee to hold her position there, if not, she's broken Article 17, Paragraph 8 of the Planetary Touchdown and Exploration Protocol." Ultra Magnus replied.
  8. TFan2013

    TFan2013 Energon Seeker

    Mar 25, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Crashed Nemesis, Mars

    "Negative." Answers Soundwave as he exits the medbay and walks to the room where Megatron is. He waits silently for Megatron to finish his data pad, while remotely accessing the communication computers to see what may have just been brought to his Lord's attention.

    I-15, Nevada

    "I wonder if Arcee would be up for jumping some of these dunes with us...." wonders Sideswipe to Trailbreaker. "Sounds fun, right?" He looks around them at the many sandy grassy hills.

    Area 51, Nevada

    "UCK!" grunts Thundercracker at the jab. "Alright, alright, I'll stop thinking." He walks to stand beside Skywarp. "Sure. Let's go get some decent repairs. You still look like scrap."


    Ratchet drives slowly off after the others while watching behind him for Tracks to follow.

    Bud slumps some more in Bluestreak's seat and snores lightly.
  9. Devaron9

    Devaron9 Token Falchion Wielding Welshy

    Sep 24, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    "Apologies, agent" Starscream states. "A harsh war can make some people unable to keep themselves in line."


    "ALT-MODE" Landmine yelled back at Tracks through their short-range comms. "At least these still work."

    Bluestreak arrives at the factory, and opens his door for Bud to get out.

    "Bud, we're back" he said over his radio, trying to coax the kid awake. "Time to wake up."

    Landmine arrived behind him.

    "This is the place, huh?" he said over his own radio.


    Blitzwing also waits for Megatron.

    ((@fafireguy ))
  10. GogoDG

    GogoDG The Emperor of Destruction, with a new face

    Aug 12, 2017
    Trophy Points:
    Area 51, Nevada

    Skywarp walked to another hangar.

    "Is this where I will be repaired?"


    I-80, Wyoming

    "Five minutes and counting." Bumblebee replied.


    Crashed Nemesis, Mars

    "I want to rip his optics off." Runabout rubbed hands.

    Knockout followed Soundwave to Megatron's room.

    "What's going on here?"


    Las Vegas, Nevada

    "What's the plan, Prowl?" Arcee asked.

    "Regrouping and finding a safe space, a shelter of sorts."

    "Something like a hideout?" Jimmy asked "Like what superheroes have?"

    "Probably." Verity replied.

    "Yeah, let's call it that." Arcee added.

    They all drove down the boulevard and went for the industrial part of the city.
  11. fafireguy

    fafireguy Leader

    Nov 1, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    Hot shot thinks for a moment
    "Then once we are settled let's go and look for something."

    "Moreso that I am actually helping aliens."
    Coby states.
    Megatron nods at Blitzwing
    "Yes... we must make sure his spark is extinguished."
    Megatron states with a devilish smile.
  12. CyberRavager

    CyberRavager Everyone needs an Upgrade, every once in a while

    Sep 20, 2018
    Trophy Points:
    I-15, Nevada

    "Maybe." Ironhide chuckled.



    Tracks transformed slowly and drove behind Ratchet.

    "Lead tge way doc."


    Area 51, Nevada

    "Believe me, commander, I've seen this in our troops too. Wars are fought all the time, small or big." Burns replied "Now let's get down to business. You can use our technology to track those Autobots and then help us take them down. Once our deal is done, we'll give you what you would need to leave our planet and return to your brethren."
  13. TFan2013

    TFan2013 Energon Seeker

    Mar 25, 2013
    Trophy Points:

    Crashed Nemesis, Mars

    "Lord Megatron" drones Soundwave. "Crash data: compiled." He ejects a small data slug from his wrist and hands it out Megatron. "Damage: Excessive."

    I-15, Nevada

    "Then its settled! We have lot's of room to race too." chimes Sideswipe. It'd been a long time since he got to do that.

    Area 51, Nevada

    Thundercracker rolls his optics at Starscream's comment and proceeds into the "repair" hanger. He sneers at all the staring organics. "We're here for repairs! Where's your materials?"


    "Huh? ACK!" Bud quickly scrambles to his feet outside the vehicle. "I wasn't sleeping! I was resting my eyelids!" He looks about. "Oh! What you guys think? Cool right?! I know Mirage thinks so! Right Mirage?... Eh?" Bud looks around "Where'd the cool guy, go? Is he playing invisible?"

    Ratchet leads Tracks to where the others have just parked and transformed. He looks back at Tracks to make sure he made it ok and would transform without struggle.
  14. Dropkick

    Dropkick Doktor

    Dec 5, 2016
    Trophy Points:
    Middle Of Nowhere
    Dreadwing laughed a little.
    "I highly doubt that we would so easily fall out of line, Air Commander. "
    Dreadwing turned to Burns and the Commander and nodded.
    "That sounds like a good compromise. Ratting out the autobots would keep our war away from your planet... If you are quick enough, we can find them before they call in reinforcements."
    He turned to Starscream, speaking to him in Cybertronian tongue.
    "So, what's your grand plan now, seeing as we have the Human's trust, Starscream."


    Spitfire watched on as Starscream and Dreadwing bickered with eachother.
    "When will those two stop butting heads?"


    Mirage deactivated his holomatter avatar as he closed the door, and drove off back to the compound. As soon as he was a safe distance away, he cloaked himself, and continued on.
  15. Devaron9

    Devaron9 Token Falchion Wielding Welshy

    Sep 24, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    "Here's hoping I can hold it" says Marcus in a groan.


    Bluestreak's form shifts now that Bud was outside of him. His arms slide out of the side, his entire rear flipped to form legs, and the front end of his car mode moved onto his back. As the final parts aligned, he slides the gate open for the smaller members of the group to pass in and quickly heads inside.

    "Hey, uh, kid, couldja climb off?" Landmine asked over his radio.

    "Just in town... or beyond?" Lori says to Hot Shot, her interest peaked.


    "Thank you, Agent Burns, though perhaps we could speak on more personal terms, agent seems too formal" Starscream says, standing back up.

    Starscream then turns back to Dreadwing.

    "We utilise their networks to collect data and establish a more secure connection to the Nemesis" Starscream says in Cybetronian. "Oh, but Dreadwing. We need to be careful. For now, we need to be protective of these insects. If they believe that we care about their miserable populations, it will do wonders. Make suggestions like evacuating areas of their species, perhaps even... assisting them in escape."

    Starscream starts walking after his brothers.

    "I'm going to get repaired. Thank you for your services, Agent Burns" Starscream says. "And Dreadwing…"

    Starscream stops for a moment

    "Burns will be mine to incinerate when the time comes."

    Starscream continues onward, and shoves Thundercracker.

    "Brother, please, some decorum" says Starscream. "These kind beings are letting us use their material and facilities, show some respect."

    Starscream spots some aircraft part against the back wall. He looks them up and down, before picking up some.

    "These should definitely do" he says.

    Sitting down, he begins removing the makeshift repairs he made with tractor remains, and begins using the material to repair his damaged turbine.


    "Ah, but that's boring, bro" says Runamuck. "We gotta be cleverer!"

    "Shall I rally the troops, lord Megatron?" Blitzwing asks. "And see if I can sort out a transport to the planet?"
  16. GogoDG

    GogoDG The Emperor of Destruction, with a new face

    Aug 12, 2017
    Trophy Points:
    ((Can anyone roleplay a soldier or someone who'll take care of Skywarp?))


    I-80, Wyoming

    Bumblebee neared the gas station and parked beside it.

    "You can go, Marcus."

    "Be fast!" Cliffjumper said.


    Crashed Nemesis, Mars

    "What's happening, Blitzwing?" Knockout asked.

    "What do you want from me, I'm in a tight spot here?! My creativity is limited right now." Runabout replied pointing to the corridor they were in.


    Las Vegas, Nevada

    When they got out of the main part of the city, Prowl and Arcee parked behind a warehouse.

    "Don't break cover and stay that way." he ordered.

    "Who are you and why are you giving her orders?!" Verity coldly asked.

    "I'm commanding officer Prowl of the Autobot Resistance forces." he replied.

    "And this gives you power over your own kind?"

    "No, this is protocol."

    "Protocol my ass!" Verity corssed arms.

    Arcee remaind silent.
  17. XternalPrime

    XternalPrime Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2019
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    YouTube (Legacy):
    Somewhere aboard the Nemesis

    The tactician known as Onslaught was not a fan of stasis pods. Mostly because you feel often like you got run over by an Omega Sentinel after waking up from stasis, and this time...Ho PRIMUS was this time a special one. He stepped out of the pod, taking a moment to get his bearings. And then realized that he was standing on an unknown planet, in the middle of Primus knew where, and what's worse, he'd missed the action. Oh, and he was sliding down towards the ground.

    "Ugh, I swear, if this was Starscream's fault, I'm gonna give him the beating he's long overdue," he said as he began to calibrate to the planet's gravity, and chart his course towards the bridge, slowly but surely moving more quickly as he reached his location. He entered the bridge to a room of what appeared to be chaos. He blinked behind his visor, and looked towards the screen.

    "What in slag's name is going on?" he asked.


    Somewhere near Las Vegas

    Sunstreaker hated this planet. The sun was scorching, the ground, even paved, wasn't as smooth as Cybertron's, and the sand. Oh Primus was there sand everywhere. And surrounding this sand? Nothing but a single, paved road. The only recompense, was how stunning his altmode was, and how he was able to go as fast as he wanted, as long as he wanted. No speed limits, no rules, just him, the scorching sun, and the single road. And then? He picked up signals. Familiar signals. Autobot signals. He noticed a city coming into view, and he noticed a lot of stylish vehicles on along the way. Crafting an attractive male holo-matter avatar, he rolled in and began scanning for other Cybertronians.



    Hound loved this planet. The flora, fauna, all of it was fascinating to the Autobot scout. Even if he had been separated from his fellow Autobots, the fact he had managed to acquire an altmode and traverse the roads allowed him time to scan and catalog the various lifeforms, and see them go about their lives, had been fascinating to him. But, he knew he had to get to the others. With an internal sigh, he activated his comms, and began broadcasting the Autobot distress signal on their encoded radio-waves, before catching a weak signal due south. He began his trek towards the signal.
  18. TFan2013

    TFan2013 Energon Seeker

    Mar 25, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    I-15, Nevada

    Sideswipe grows quiet suddenly and after a few minutes asks Ironhide ((@CyberRavager )) "Hey 'Hide? Do you think once we get to the meeting point, we can start working on long range communications? I wanna know where my brother is. Cause I'm sure as sure he didn't die from stupid crash."

    Area 51, Nevada

    "Of course Brother. These strange aliens simply... unnerve me. I will endeavor to be kinder to our hosts." replies Thundercracker playing along. "Ugh. I hate this part of infiltration. These creatures irritate me."


    Bud quickly runs after Bluestreak and into the factory warehouse. "Miraaaaaage! Hey! You in here?!"

    Nemesis, Mars

    Soundwave caught sight of Onslaught marching past Megatron's doorway and toward the bridge. He turns to Knockout. "Knockout: Onslaught awoken stasis. Orders: Explain circumstances to him."
  19. CyberRavager

    CyberRavager Everyone needs an Upgrade, every once in a while

    Sep 20, 2018
    Trophy Points:
    I-15, Nevada, Roughly 30 minutes away from Vegas

    "We need to find a place to stay first, some sort of a base." he replied "Then we can think of setting up long range communications."

    "Las Vegas up ahead." Trailbreaker notified.


    Area 51, Nevada

    "So... commander Starscream (if I may call you that), what do you plan to do now. Are you aware of the whereabouts of some Autobots?"

    "Can he stop with his questioning and whining, eh Starscream? Can't you just shit him?" Flywheels asked in cybertronian.

    Burns noticed that the Decepticons didn't pay him much attention and were talking strangely.

    "Excuse me, can you turn around and speak?!" he asked, now really irritated "We have work to do, if you do not cooperate, we'll take care if you and will tackle this threat alone!"



    Tracks followed the group.

    "Hey doc, where are we headed to?"


    Nemesis, Mars

    Brawl walked down the corridors, when he came across the two Battlechargers, again...

    "Not you again!" he moaned.
  20. Devaron9

    Devaron9 Token Falchion Wielding Welshy

    Sep 24, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    General Whalen orders some mechanics to assist.

    "The General wants to know if we can know if there's anyway for us to assist?" asks the lead engineer.

    "I'm fine handling myself" Starscream says as he begins to wield spare fighter jet parts to replace his chest intake. "Though Skywarp is in bad condition. He needs the help."

    He then looks back to Thundercracker.

    "Look, we keep this charade up till we destroy the Autobots" Starscream says. "Till then, accept their willingness to give us spare parts and look forward to purging this insignificant race."

    Starscream went back to repairing himself, before looking back at Agent Burns.

    "My apologies, I just struggle to weld when I talk" he said. "You don't mind if I just patch this up first, do you?"


    Marcus charges out of Bumblebee to the loo and goes into the shop, and runs into the loo. After doing what needs to be, he looks around the shop, figuring that it'd be nice to buy something after using their loo. Looking around, he picked up a sandwich and a few bottles of water, and looked up at the TV. There was a report of meteors landing in Wyoming, but no trace of them besides the craters. He smiles, thinking how funny it is that the "meteors" are miles away. He pays, and runs back into Bumblebee, shutting the door and putting his purchases in the back. He checked his watch.

    "9am" he said. "Better get moving and find your friends before anything serious being happened with the craters you made."


    "Prime!" says Blitzwing excitedly. "We think we have him!"

    He then hears what Soundwave says, and pokes his head out.

    "HEY, ONSLAUGHT!" he yells down the corridor. "IN HERE!"


    Bluestreak looks around. He started thinking about how they were gonna get systems set up in here. He looked at his datapad, then at Bud.

    "Kid, you wouldn't know if we could get a holo-projector or something similar, do you. Something to make the stuff on my datapad projected bigger" he said. "And some sort of connection to you global network."


    "A good revenge takes planning" points out Runamuck. "Oh hey, it's the big green lump of metal!"

    Runamuck pointed at Brawl.

    "You mad at us, bro?"