Prologue: It's the year 2140 and the Decepticons under the command of Galvatron have suffered a series of defeats. Several worlds that had been occupied by Decepticons have been liberated by the forces of the Autobots, led by Optimus Prime. Despite such victories, the Autobots recently suffered a great loss of their own. Ultra-Magnus and Blaster died in battle leading a counterattack against the Decepticon forces attacking Iacon. As tragic as the loss was to the Autobots, Optimus Prime received a moral boost from an unexpected source. The Decepticon, Soundwave, has become disillusion with Galvatron and knows defeat is coming. He's willing to tell all he knows of Galvatron's base of operations on Chaar if he's granted amnesty. The Autobots commander couldn't pass a moment like this up and grants it. "Me Grimlock wonder if you have screw loose." The Dinobot commander said to Optimus Prime about trusting Soundwave's info. "This could end the conflict, end the eons of fighting and suffering. I can't afford to let this opportunity walk away." Optimus Prime responded. On Chaar, Galvatron is having a meltdown over the recent losses. "I'm surrounded by useless fools!! You fools allowed the Autobots to take eight planets that we had conquered!!!" A Sweep spoke up during his ranting. "Maybe the problem lies in the chain command." Galvatron stops his pacing turns his head left and sees the Sweep that was talking to him. He then goes back pacing with smoke coming out of his cannon after blowing off the Sweep's head. "Unloyal fools..." Galvatron said as he walks out of the area. At the Iacon commander center, Optimus Prime address his team. "This mission isn't going to be easy. We are going to invade Chaar and try to stop Galvatron's terror. We have lost good friends in the service of total strangers as we fought to free conquered worlds. But that renew freedom won't last as long as the Decepticons remain a threat to all worlds. I ask you now fellow Autobots, if anyone wants to stay behind, now is the time to say so. For everyone else, it's time to head to the ships." Not one of the Autobots in the commander center opted to stay behind. "Invasion force? This reminds about the time I was preparing for a mission to Gamma 4. Those Gammaities were a pain in the tailpipe to beat." Kup said as he and Swoop were walking in a hallway. He then notices Blurr pacing in front of a computer. "Something a matter?" Kup asks. Blurr looks at him with a panic look "The-other-Dinobots-are-missing! Missing!! What-to-do? What-to-do?!" Kup walks up to him and shakes him. "Grimlock informed me, that Swoop and the others went fishing with Hot Rod. Just contact them and inform them about the mission." Elsewhere deep in space amidst asteroids, five beings entered a command room. "Grrr! Galvatron is leading us to defeat, his madness is hurting us. I know who he once was, back in the golden days of the Decepticon forces. He's a shell of his former self..." Razorclaw, the commander of the Predacons said to his team. "Perhaps we could takeover." Headstrong suggested to his teammates. "We couldn't take on Galvatron and those fools that are loyal to him even as Predaking," Divebomb said from across the table. "We have to strike at the right moment. Divebomb, go to Chaar and monitor all activity. If we are to takeover, we can't rush it like that idiot Starscream would had done. We need to know all of Galvatron’s movements to find when he is at his weakest for the best possible moment of striking," Razorclaw said as he looks at passing asteroids from a plasma window. The Autobot armada has left Cybertron and are heading for Chaar. They soon are fire upon by Decepticon comet like space drones. "Fire upon any rocks you see!" Optimus Prime ordered. "One of the shuttles have been disabled!" Springer shouted as the alarms went off on the ship. "Hot Rod, take three ships and give that shuttle assistance. All other ships keep on firing!" Optimus Prime ordered as he talked over the communication network. On Chaar, Cyclonus and Scourge are walking and notices the body of a fallen Decepticon soldier that had annoyed Galvatron earlier. "I'm losing so many Sweeps." Scourge said aggravated. "Don't say anything, he might hear you..." Cyclonus said softly. Just then the two sees something in the distance while looking east. "Did my Sweeps go on a mission without my orders?" Scourge said in confusion. "NO! AUTOBOTS!!" Cyclonus shouted. The two Decepticons narrowly avoids being hit by laser fire from Optimus Prime's command ship. Scourge stands back up and looks above. "Where's the auto defenses? He said in confusion. Galvatron fires upon the two. "What are you fools doing standing around? ATTACK!!!" "Autobots roll out!!" Optimus Prime shouted over the noise of landing ships. "Hey peeps we got Sweeps!" Wheelie shouted as he hit one with his slingshot. Suddenly a loud explosion was heard about them. "Sky Lynx!!" Perceptor said in horror as he and the others watches the Autobot crashes head first onto the surface. Optimus Prime turns his head to his left. "Abominus.... Technobots combine and engage! Generals Obsidian and Strika, gather some troops and make sure the auto defenses remain offline. Everybody else spread out and engage the enemy!" The Autobot forces shatter in different directions and while doing so, shot down several Sweeps. While walking down a street in between ruined buildings, Cyclonus started to fire upon Kup, Wheelie and Sludge but misses them. He transforms into his robot mode and aims for Wheelie as the Autobot starts to stand back up. Sludge quickly shields the smaller Autobot, but is sent flying back from the impact of the hit. Kup fires upwards and sends the Decepticon crashing into an edge of a ruined building and then falls to the ground with debris hitting him. Grimlock arrives on the scene and drops his weapons. He kneels down and holds Sludge with his right arm and holds his hand with the left. "Hurt..." Sludge said softly. "Me Grimlock commands you to survive. Me Grimlock king.... Sludge? SLUDGE!!" Grimlock laments as he notices the color fading from Sludge. The Dinobot leader lets out roar that pierced the sounds of combat going on nearby. Cyclonus blasts the rubble off of him and stands up. "Down one Dinobot I see." The Decepticon said in a joyful tone. Grimlock looks at him with great rage as his blue optics briefly becomes purple before going red. He grabs his sword and charges at the Decepticon. He leaps into the air and with both hands on his sword, he slices Cyclonus in half from head down. As the battle is happening on Chaar, Razorclaw, Tantrum, Headstrong, and Rampage sits around a table and listens to it. "I think our moment might have been handed to us by the Autobots." Razorclaw said to his team. "What if Divebomb is taken out during it?" Headstrong asks his commander. "He has orders only to monitor remember? I'm sure he's high enough to avoid detection from either side." Razorclaw said as loud explosions could be heard over Divebomb's radio. The Terrorcon combiner, Abominus crashes onto the surface after being blasted by Computron. Shockwaves are sent across the battlefield as a result of the combiner's fall. Galvatron braces for the shockwaves and almost falls over as a result of them. As ruined buildings collapses behind him, he asks in an irritable tone. "Where are the Predacons? I need them here right now!!!!" Elsewhere, Grimlock's sword is destroyed as he was engaging Sweeps during his blind rage. With that weapon gone, he transforms into his dino mode and chases after them. Crushing those he caught in his powerful jaws. Those he couldn't reach, his fire breath incinerates them. Scourge watches in disbelief as his Sweep forces are wiped-out. As his attention is towards seeing oil running out of Grimlock's mouth, Arcee fires upon him. "I don't need an army to deal with you." Scourge said as he returns fire. The pink and white Autobot transforms into her vehicle mode and leaves, Scourge quickly follows in his vehicle mode. While in between some of the few remaining buildings standing, Springer launches off a building in his car mode and crashes into Scourge. "Clever Autobot, but you have made a grave mistake." Scourge said as he transforms. Springer quickly goes into robot mode and the two engages. The Autobot deflects the laser fire from Scourge off of his sword. One laser blast he ended up missing with his sword and narrowly passes between his body and left arm. He then hear Arcee shout after being hit in the left shoulder. While he was distracted, Scourge fires upon him and hits his right thigh. "Now Springer, it's time to say goodbye!" The Decepticon said as he walks closer to the wounded Autobot. Suddenly Scourge stops and looks down, seeing oil coming out of his body and a rod sticking out of his chest. "No-no-I don't-think-so!" Blurr said behind the now fallen Decepticon. Galvatron watches as Decepticon soldiers fall in front of him and sounds of laser fire becoming less and less. Optimus Prime approaches him from behind. "Chaar has fallen Galvatron, end this madness now. The Decepticons has lost this war. Against my better judgment I'm giving you one chance to surrender." The Autobot commander said. "Surrender Prime? Here's my response! Never!! NEVER!!!!" As he turns around and fires towards Optimus Prime. Knowing what to expect from his old foe, Prime deflects the blast with his battle axe. The Autobot commander charges forward as Galvatron fires at him as he backs up. Each shot Prime deflects with his axe. Optimus Prime swung his axe to his left side and slices the front of Galvatron's canon. This causes a minor explosion that blows off his right arm. As Galvatron falls to his knees, Optimus Prime looks down at his crippled foe. "No more.... There will never be peace as long as you live. I tried many times to convince myself otherwise and it only cost me the lives of many friends." Optimus Prime said as he swung his axe and quickly beheads Galvatron. His body falls backwards with sparks popping from severed cords. The surviving Decepticon soldiers quickly surrender after Optimus Prime shouted Galvatron has been defeated upon seeing the fallen Decepticon leader's body in his arms. The surviving Autobots cheer at the news and arrests the remaining Decepticons soon after. While cheering is heard over the former battlefield, Perceptor treats Springer and Arcee. At the same time Grimlock is physically restrain from attacking the Decepticon prisoners of war by Goldbug, Swoop, Snarl, and Slag. Goldbug desperately tries to talk to him and snap him out of his rage. Aftermath: Soon after the battle, the Pax Cybertronia is signed by the newly appointed Cybertron ambassador to Earth Optimus Prime, who is representing the Autobots and Soundwave representing the Decepticons. As promised, Soundwave is given amnesty for his actions in the war. Accordance to the peace treaty, an Elite Guard would be created to deal with remaining Decepticon fighters refusing to surrender. The Decepticon faction is also to be disbanded from this point forward. In his base as he sits in his chair, Razorclaw announces to his team upon seeing a holographic copy of the peace treaty. "The Decepticons are no more, long live the Predacons!!!"
Thanks, though that's it of this story. I wanted to start with the final battle before moving on to other periods between G1 and Beast Wars. The next story of the series is set ninety years later.