wasnt happy with all the chromedome released so far. not a fan of the biege n brown clr scheme (with the exception of botcon's – using TF Prime wheeljack mold) so... this is my preferred chromey with his soulmate and his crew of 4. hardHEAD n highBROW are oversized. if following the altmode scale. this should be it. but this is my ideal team, left only highBROW to sort it out. this is ideal altmode for chromeDOME, a modern look. added joints for the stylor headmaster's legs. how the chestpiece is attached. lego "C" bits to latch via the lego handle the chest kibble
I like what you've done here with the oversized Drift mold... the scale images are cool (i've considered similar matches) But the change in deco throws me. It seems like an odd choice for such a classic group of Headmasters. I kind of always felt like the warm brown-and-beige deco was quintessentially Chromedome. I even have a pair of sneakers in those colours that I call "my Chromedomes". This ends up not quite feeling like the same character. I mean, it does look really cool. I like the monochrome aesthetic you've created here, but it makes me think more of a Prowl or Jazz. zmog
I like what you've done here, but I agree with SMOG about the colors. I also love that he wears a pair of Chromedomes.
Like what everyone else is saying, this doesn't strike me as Chromedome. Maybe Siren, maybe Minerva, but not quite Chromedome.
Yeah, it's different but you made this for you and it fits with the generations brainstorm and 3P hardhead. I don't mind it, don't mind it at all.
biege n brown arent just the clr for my liking. reminds me of cars from the 80s. his G1 altmode homage looks just too clunky for me. thought of giving him an updated look n clr scheme. just my preference no worries. all's entitled to their opinion thanks to all for the interest n constructive comments
Tbh I was never big on chromedome because of his brownish color scheme. This looks a lot cooler. The colors and more modernized vehicle mode really work for me. Great job!
Yeah, it's totally a late 1970s colour scheme. Chromedome's original car mode is pretty chunky (though for me that's some of the appeal). Love it or hate it, it's definitely a distinctive look. Characters can have more than one deco. You can just call this one "G2 Chromedome" zmog