Since other video review threads for these guys seem to be all over the place here is one specifically for the yellow versions I will be acquiring over the coming months starting with yellow Concrete now that I'm very satisfied with him. Awesome awesome figure. No idea what the flaws were with the original green versions but given how incredibly well made this guy is I'm hoping all the yellow versions are just as good. These improvements will also be making their way in to the v2 green versions as well from what I understand. I dunno when I'll be able to grab the other five but I plan on having them all eventually and will add each subsequent review to this thread as it goes up. As with all my gestalt sets their will be a combined mode overview once its complete, assessing its stability and posability.
Got the other four figures will have reviews up for them and the combined mode over the next day or so. For now here is Burden with his upgrade parts. Already combined em once and transformed them a few times man what an amazing set. A lot of intensely tight parts is probably the only downside, sure do have sore fingers lol.