Well, last night, the middle of my torso was hurting REALLY bad and today, I went to the hospital at 8:00 am. After a few hours of testing, they finally decided that it was my appendix... I went into surgery 12:00 pm and woke up at about 5:30 pm. This is the most pain I have ever been through... Anybody else lose theirs? Pain level? I'm just curious to see if anyone has anything they can tell me...
I undersrtand, I was 8 when I lost mine. I was doing makeup work (I was in trouble for not doing homework) and it was a Saturday and it hurt really bad and my mom thought I was faking to get out doing work but turns out it was my appendix. Now mind you this was 1986, before laproscopic surgery so I still have a nice big scar for mine. I was in the hospital for a week (I had some complications, couldn't keep anything down and had an allergic reaction to the painkiller Demerol) and then stayed home for a month. I remember getting a lot of flowers, balloons and presents, and it was the nicest my mother had ever been to me. She stayed with me 24/7 at the hospital and bought ,e a teddybear once I woke up (I still have next to my bed, may my mom R.I.P.) I understand your pain and hope you are doing better.
Yes, if it had ruptured, it would have spilled a bunch of toxins inside of me. People have died from it rupturing... Wow, that sucks... (except the presents part haha) Also, may your mom RIP... I'm sorry for your loss. And thank you! I'm already doing better. It helps that my GF and one of her friends are coming to visit soon
Got mine out a few years back- pain was pretty bad at times, and for a little while, they couldn't figure out what it was. I think the two worst parts were the MRI (I never had a fear of confinement until that), and then waking up needing to pee really, really badly, but not able to squeeze out a drop. OTOH, got a few days off work, plenty of time to work on crossword puzzles, and had an OK time recovering.
Good to know you're recovering well. Surgery can suck, believe me. You just need to be born with a high tolerance level to pain.
Had mine removed 2 months ago. I feel your pain brother, that shit hurt. The surgery wasn't bad for me, but during the recovery period I was sore as all hell.
26 years ago I had an infection in my appendix, but it wasn't remove. The doctor said I will be alright. But what cause it I don't know. But I was expecting it to happen again, but so far 26 years later, nothing.
Yeah, it was before and after pains, but no during surgery pains... Thanks everyone for the kind words
My youth pastor has a very high level of internal pain tolerance (not that he doesn't mind internal pain, but that he doesn't feel it at all), and he had appendicitis without him having any pain at all. He only went to the hospital when he started vomiting, and they told him either his appendix was very inflamed and in danger of rupturing or had already ruptured (can't remember which). They immediately gave him surgery, and he was fine. There was another time when he found out that he had a bad ulcer after he passed out due to blood loss. He would have gotten a tattoo the next day, so it's a good thing it happened then rather than later...
I'm glad you've been able to go to surgery on time! I've had my appendix taken out, when I was in first grade (26 years ago) but I'll never forget the feeling. I know I couldn't laugh for about a week, because when you laugh your stomach muscles contract, so by having had a surgery just now, the cut area is very tender, and sensitive. Don't worry though, it may seem like a lot right now, but you'll be feeling better in no time! I don't even know you, but I sympathize with you, and you're in my prayers. Just remember to rest, and take it easy.
I had mine out in 2004 but I never had any real pain, per se, I felt pressure more than anything. The ER Doc was confused and ran every test she could looking for kidney infection, ran blood work, and something else. I asked her if it was my appendix and told me she didn't think so b/c I should have been vomiting/ nauseous and screaming for drugs. As a precaution she ordered the Cat Scan (Cat Scan drink is nasty as hell; yes you have to drink it all). Results came back showing an inflamed, fatty appendix. K...Great get it the hell out! Then the interns came...and after having my tummy palpated 15 plus times before this they got threatened with going to jail for felony assault on a LEO (no all 10 of y'all are not going to palpate my tummy GTFO outta my little ER room). So the head of the interns was going to be the guy to do the cutting and then something changed...I was wheeled upstairs to surgery and was informed that the surgical team was waiting for the Head Surgeon of the hospital at that point. Afterwards, I was wheeled in the surgery, done, and like you or as someone else had said had to pee so bad they woke me and threatened me with a catheter. Now after not sleeping for 24hrs I'm expected to go in a bedpan. A Bedpan? Yeah honey sorry but I don't the wet bed, grabbed the IV bag off the pole and headed for the toilet. I did feel for the nurse. Seriously, I did, after that I was sent off to a regular room and as soon as I could I was walking around and that is the best advice I can give anyone after this kind of surgery to walk the ward a few laps to work the, not to be gross, but the air out, otherwise the gas will kick your ass. I felt more pain after surgery and needed a few shots of painkiller, cause I felt burning internally, weird I know but by the 3rd day I was home and chilling with my laptop in the bed. Maybe tylenol but that was it. Take it easy, mashed potatoes are your best friend as well as pudding or mousse and no sudden moves.