Weee my time to crit! I think a little bit more (two-) pointperspective on the body would help make him look a bit more refined qua depth, but nothing too much cause that's overall looking good, bit rough, but good. Only other thing is that due to the furthest half of his torso seems to be slightly bigger, it seems to be rotated a bit while it isn't. Try imagining a centerline over the torso to see where it's a bit off. Overall not bad though, I like the back spoiler piece. Main crit is the face though, the angular eyes make him look evil/zombified. ' Considering he's a young kinda rookie Autobot you may want to use slightly more softer angles/curves. But you've used the toy engine head! Kudo's to you.
yah, i actually had a centerline in there, but then it started to throw me off and here i am i really hate the way the chest/headlights turned out because of that x_o but then again i only spent a half hour on it while hacking my throat out xD thanks for the crits man! really appreciate it
Mmm if you had a centerline there, it was probably a straight line? Maybe should have been a bigger curve - with the top towards the left obviously - then. Cause it should help you not throw you off (unless it's a line of evil Roddy! o.o')