“變形金剛《大黃蜂》DLX 柯柏文(斯比頓模式)展會限定版定價:人民幣1620元 *以上產品只於指定展會及活動期間內開放預售,但不限定預售數量。” or “Transformers "Bumblebee" DLX Optimus Prime (Cybetron Mode) Exhibition Exclusive Edition Price: RMB 1620 *The above product is only available for pre-sale during specified exhibitions and events, but there is no limit on the number of pre-sales.” [source: threezero] Looks like TZ will be doing a new drop of the popular TZ BB Optimus Prime but with a few new Cybertronian parts (wheel covers, no wipers, different smoke stacks, arm covers) starting September 15 (images to come). Unlike previous limited editions (by number), this will be pre-order only type. Expect a website pre-order to open within the next month. BB earth mode Prime had 3-4 reissues, so I imagine this might be a farewell to the mold. If not, it’s certainly a way to “reissue” popular limited editions like Nemesis Prime, that a lot of people had issues getting, in a way that doesn’t break exclusivity. Might see a Cybertron focus going forward, as Blitzwing’s skeleton can be used for the Cybertron Seekers.