I'm trying to get in contact with a member that recently bought an item from me in the Junkion Exchange. I accidentally deleted our PMs during the week and I don't have their shipping address, nor do I remember their TFW2005 screen name. Paypal information is limited. If a mod could please sticky this thread for a week until the issue is resolved, I would greatly appreciate it. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/items...ecently-bought-universe-2-0-treadbolt-me.html
We will not be sticky individual threads. If you wish to keep an eye on the thread I suggest you bookmark it in whatever browser you use.
Well, that doesn't help me at all. I'm trying to honor a sale I made with a fellow board member and figured that a front page sticky would be easier to notice. Here's hoping that he emails me, inquiring about the figure he bought. Thanks anyway.
The person in question sent me a PM late lastnight. You can close this thread as well as the one linked in the first post.