Five years on, what has the Wii's revolution REALLY changed? , Batman: Arkham City Xbox 360 Features - Page 1 | GamesRadar If he starts one more sentence with, "You see," I'm going to break his fingers so he can't type anymore. So three pages and out of all that, I didn't see any cold hard numbers to back up any of his claims. Even a good opinionated piece would at least show some research to back up their claims. The writing style of this piece offends me.
The you sees didn't really stand out, but all the sentences starting with "and" and "but" did. tsk tsk, that's a no-no in whoever made up the rules for our ridiculous language.
Basically. The whole point of the article seems to be "Who cares if you sold the most you still fail."
Yeah, I don't get that. In one sentence he goes on how Nintendo made a "BAJILLION DOLLARS" and then in the next he's going on how they've actually failed. There's something missing between those two ideas.
You see, websites should state that they are either blogs or reporting agencies (journalists.) that way when they butcher the English language, ignore the journalism stylebook or just toss out credible sources and facts, we won't care. in the end, wouldn't the measure of Nintendo's success lie in what the consumer got from it? It wasn't a VR powerhouse, but it created fun for groups of all ages and interests. to me, that seems like a success. but then again, i have personally seen occasions in my own house where my family ditched the 360 for the old NES and 2600 for quick games. does that mean the 360 is a dud now?