Hey all!! I hope I did this right, this is my collection. Its not in order because I have renamed some of them to have them all fit into my one universe. I hope it makes sense. Ok, from left to right in the back there is Drivetrain (Rodimus), Landmine, Railguard (Hot Shot), Wolverine, Tracer (Armada Wheeljack), Hot Shot, Hardcore (Star Wars Crossover). In the front I have Crosswire, Longarm, Jolt, and Breakaway. Evac is on top.
great! can't wait to see the other pics, these one's look awesome though. it really is a nice collection.
I do the same thing with my figs with the names and such, it starts getting tough when you have two different versions of the same character and need to think up new names. I find browsing TFU.Info helps with that a lot. Nice collection so far!