Sorry mate, you ain't got 'Bumper' (Bumblejumper) you got Hubcap. Mass collection of Transformers Some UBER RARE on eBay (end time 31-Aug-10 16:01:31 BST)
I just pity the poor buyer who pays through the nose for this lot thinking he is getting himself a Bumblejumper. Actually no I don't, they should have done their research.
They should have checked here! For knowledge is power, or half the battle, or important yeah that's it important.....
I've seen yellow Cliffjumpers named Bumblbee and red Bumblebees named Cliffjumper. I think they just see the color and associate that with the character. I don't think they see the details and realize Bumblebee is a Volkswagen Beetle.
Naw, this guy obviously knows enough to be aware of Bumblejumper in the first place, so he would know what he looks like (ie not having an orange face!). I reckon he's just outright lying to beef up his auction.