Ok, so it's not a feat of engineering by any means...but the "wrist swivel" is something that adds an exponential amount of posability to any figure; and without it, as we've seen with some of the AOE figures, takes a ton away. ...and in some cases, even makes for odd and silly body mechanics. (Weight Lifter Arms?) So my question is, with such an easy fix to this, why are Hasbro engineers giving us figures lacking this super simple, yet super effective trait?
Yeah, it's easy to implement, but the fact it's left out of the design so often tells me that it MUST save them some dough by omitting it.
I'm sure it's a money issue. I'm sure it only adds a minimal cost, but over the total run of the figure I'm sure it saves them a lot of money and time in production. But I agree with the swivel adding a ton. I often skip figures altogether because of the wrist swivel / monkey arms. One of the few I own is Mania King.
It's purely a money issues. There may be a rare engineering examples where a forearm is so weak or difficult to cast that it has to be done in one piece but most of what we are seeing now is purely to lessen the cost of a figure by reducing parts/complexity. Screw that. It annoys the feck out of me about ManiaKing too.......just........why?!!!