So after watching this cool new show I started to think about the preproduction meetings that took place at CN in regards to the direction of the show. What made someone say "I think we should use the old sound effects from the original series" Were there enough people saying "we need to include a lot of nods to the old show"? It seems like some of the nods are good ones, not obscures repeats of lines from the movie. The Spike and Carley nod was a good one because it wasn't just the team watching the movie and taking some elements from it. These guys knew about Carly and the attire the wore post movie. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall during some of those meetings, to see how much these guys wanted to try and get it right. And I hope when these come out on DVD that there are cool Making-of segments.
Hopefuly it hits DVD quickly, most Cartoon Network shows take forever to make it to DVD. I mean Energon and Cybertron still aren't out.
I'd love it if they did this too. I'm curious how all this came into fruition, from inception to execution. Yeah, I wish they would do this one similiar to how fast Avatar ends up on DVD. That would rock. It's like Nickelodeon has to compete to air it, as the first DVD hits nearly 3 months or less into the season starting. And it usually has about 6-8 eps or so plus mini SD comedy episodes. Energon and Cybertron aren't CN handled DVD wise. That's a mess in itself anyway. But I concur on how long it took them to release samurai jack and some of their other series. They are pretty slow on titans also, with only being on what is it now? Season 4 released? I'm only up to 3 in my collection.
I think that's the plan. Pretty sure it'll be bundled in that Deluxe/Voyager 2pack we've heard so much about.
Oh god, I hope so. I would love to have this on dvd with Prime and megatron cybby modes in the same package. Now if only they'd keep doing cybby modes for each dvd as a promotion. That would really be freaking awesome. I want a ratchet and BB one that bad.