The Parousia

Discussion in 'Transformers Fan Fiction' started by Robot Pimp, Aug 23, 2013.

  1. Robot Pimp

    Robot Pimp Active Member

    Oct 18, 2006
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    The Awakening Part 1

    For eons an alien spacecraft had been venturing interstellar space moving from solar system to solar system in hopes of discovering what to it was the holy grail. Within this behemoth of a craft no signs of intelligent life had been exhibited for millennia as the ship traversed its way through the galaxy in what would by human standards be considered an autopilot mode but in reality was actually being self directed as the ship itself was a living organism. The massive space vessel was a remnant of a long lost civilization that had been able to stave off extinction by evolving from being a species of individuals to a single hive that had essentially become the all in all of what remained of their old selves and that collective hive mind was now not only within the spacecraft but it was the quickening force that was the very essence of the craft itself.

    Not all members of the all but extinct alien species became one with their traveling vessel. A contingent remnant of the asexual transorganic species boarded the ship and placed themselves in a hibernation chamber deep within its bowels. They were only to be awakened when the ship had reason to believe they had neared what they had long been seeking.

    “Light years of interstellar space exploration has finally yielded a potential reward Megatronus.” A pale and pasty skinned transorganic ‘clothed’ partially in slightly blue metallic body armor declared as it awakened and began initiating the release and awakening of a fellow traveler that had been in hibernation as well. “The well of sparks has discovered signs of intelligent organic life deep within a star system within the Alpha Quadrant that it has designated the Sol System.”

    “Excellent Soundwave”, Megatronus, a larger sized transorganic clothed in a purple metal armor replied as it approached the monitor just outside the hibernation chamber where Soundwave was standing.

    “It appears the Terran life forms of this world are fairly advanced and may in fact be able to detect our decent into their solar system should we make a direct path to them.” Soundwave explained.

    “Be that as it may the direct approach is one I would still likely favor.” Megatronus replied. “However, I am well aware that that approach does not always lead to favorable circumstances.”

    “So should we release the others from stasis to convene and discuss what our strategy should be?” Soundwave asked while preparing to initiate and expedite the release of their fellow contingent.

    “NO!” Megatronus scolded. “Prime and the others deliberations nearly led to our extinction before. Time is a precious commodity and need not be wasted in endless debate when action is the only means of getting things accomplished. Let them continue their slumber.”

    “Anything new to report Soundwave?” Megatronus inquired after returning from a walk through the belly of the ship.

    “Yes,” Soundwave replied. “It would appear that the primary inhabitants of the Terrain are a species or perhaps a series of species referred to as bacteria. They appear in various forms and are all but indestructible and parasitic in nature.”

    “So dealing with these parasites would appear to be an inevitability if we plan on repopulating on this world.” Megatronus surmised.

    “Indeed Megatronus,” Soundwave replied. “We will undoubtedly have to deal with and will likely be affected by these creatures, but they may not be the biggest and most immediate cause for concern we will be facing.”

    “What are you referring to then Soundwave?!” Megatronus barked.

    “What I speak in reference to is a species that at the moment appears to be the dominant species of the Terrian world.” Soundwave began. “There is lone species that appears to have developed a language, in fact many languages and has become keenly aware of themselves as well as the universe they inhabit, they call themselves humans.”

    “And these humans sound as if they are very much like we once were, do they not, Soundwave?” Megatronus inquired.

    “Indeed, Megatronus.” Soundwave affirmed. “Humanity would appear to possess all of the flaws that led us to our near undoing so long ago.”

    “Perhaps these humans are a parasitic virus even moreso that the bacterial threat the Terrian world presents.” Megatronus replied. “What are there numbers?”

    “They number in the billions.” Soundwave answered. “And they have set up some formidable defenses that could render an invasion attempt by us to be ultimately futile.”

    “An invasion attempt Soundwave, why would you think of such a thing?” Megatronus asked curiously.

    “I did not, you did. I have been able to gather from you telekinetically that you have already begun the process of planning your rule of this planet and how to insure that our species’ repopulation on this world will lead to a better outcome than that of our home world.” Soundwave explained.

    “Has your exploration into my neural net led you to pass an unfavorable judgment upon my intention Soundwave?” Megatronus inquired.

    “Quite the contrary my Liege.” Soundwave declared. “Your intentions are far front unwarranted. Free, autonomous, sentient organisms cannot live in peace and rule themselves. Ultimately if we are to start anew and persevere, there must be some governing principals in place that are virtually immutable.”

    “It seems we share similar convictions my friend,” Megatronus stated while stretching an appendage in the direction of Soundwave in a gesture of respect. “Together Soundwave, we will insure that our society is reborn never again to be reduced to being nomadic space pirates forced to live this mockery of an existence as half breed transorganics just to stay alive. We will populate and rule this galaxy in peace through the type of loving tyranny that is the only means that can prove to be effective!”

    “You are and have always been a visionary Megatronus.” Soundwave declared.

    “My vision will be clearer once we discover a way to wrestle the control of the Terrian planet from the human species and survive the process.” Megatronus thought aloud. “We must find a weakness or fatal flaw that can be exploited to accomplish our goals.”

    “Shall I awaken the scouts?” Soundwave asked suggestively.

    “Excellent idea Soundwave!” Megatronus gleamed. “Awaken the bee and the bat and have them meet me on the bridge.”

    “As you wish my Liege.” Soundwave replied, “Operation assimilation shall soon commence.”